kubota bx25d

  1. D

    BX25D won't go

    2019 BX25D. Suddenly, yesterday, it stopped going. Would not go forward or backwards. The foot pedals move as they should. The front and rear buckets work normally. Checked fluid, it was a little low, so topped it off. Still no go. Looked underneath to check linkages, and from what I can...
  2. S

    BX25D belly mower

    have read and tried to find if a RC60B - no following numbers or letters - will fit my BX25D. Thanks for any insights...
  3. F

    BX25D shuts off randomly

    My BX25D has been shutting off with no apparent reason. The engine simply stops. When I turn the key it starts right up again. It happens when I'm running the backhoe, or when I get up off the seat. I have checked the safety switches under the seat. The buttons operate smoothly. The fuel filters...
  4. I

    Kubota bx25d dlb-r-1 service manual needed

    Hi, i'm looking for a copy of the service manual for the kubota bx25d. If someone could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  5. I

    2017 kubota bx25d - tachometer inoperable

    Hi, I just purchased a bx25d and noticed the tach doesn't work. When I start the tractor the digital tachometer needle sweeps to high rpm then rests at 0 rpm and stays there. I have checked the fuses and they are good. From reading other posts apparently the tachometer operates from pulse from...
  6. N

    BX25D front axel dust boot replacement

    The dust boots on the front axel of my 2013 tractor are cracking and likely need replacement. Wondering if this is a DIY project or if I am better taking the machine to a dealer to have them replaced. Thanks.
  7. B

    Kubota BX25D - pricing resources

    Hi all, I am looking to sell my 2018 Kubota BX25D. I have been perusing equipmenttrader.com, craigslist, ritchie bros, tractorhouse.com and so forth. the prices seem to be all over the place. Do you have any suggestions for other pricing sources ? I also plan on calling a few local dealers...
  8. B

    Kubota Bx25d hydraulic fluid foaming

    Hello I have a kubota Bx25d and they hydraulic fluid is foaming. Was told it’s sucking air into the system somewhere. Changed the hst cooler cover gaskets and all new fluid and filter and still doing it. Has anyone has the same issue or know how to test where it’s sucking air?
  9. H

    Pads for BX25D backhoe & a Box Blade question

    I have a couple acres that are typically pretty wet, but with the dry conditions we've had this year, I think I'll be able to remove some stumps from small trees I've take down over the last 3 or 4 years, with my backhoe on the BX25D. One concern I have is, even though the area has dried out...
  10. H

    Tires for 2016 Kubota BX25D

    I bought a used 2016 BX25D last year that had 200 hrs on it. I have put on just over 100 hrs on it since I've owned it, for a total of slightly over 300 on the meter. It has the R4 Industrial Tires, all the way around. For no other reason than appearance, I was thinking of going to Turf Tires...
  11. M

    Bx25d stalls

    Kubota bx25d 200 hours. I had a small hydo leak, drove it to the garage and replaced line. While I was there I changed the oil and filter and the fuel filters and fuel pump. Now it starts but when I push the forward or reverse HST the engine stalls. I bypassed the seat safety switches but...
  12. Kmac

    Used BX25D price?

    Hello everyone, I haven't been on here for awhile, good to be back. I have an opertunity to buy a used BX25D and was wondering what a fair price would be. I don't have pics of it yet, good condition and less than a 1000 hours. Everything is operational as it should be. Any info would be...
  13. A

    Kubota BX25D - Backhoe return line/quick connect getting hot

    Today I needed to swap out the backhoe for a tiller and when I was done and needed to reconnect the backhoe, I noticed the quick connect that goes back to the tractor from itself was hot to the touch, so much so that I had to very quickly undo it so I could get the backhoe line back on. Once...
  14. W

    Brakes on kubota Bx25d

    Hi all. As a newbie to tractors I have a question regarding brakes on my kubota Bx25d tlb. I know the brakes are in the rear axle and they are wet brakes. I read somewhere that if the tractor is in 4 wheel drive there will be braking ability in the front. I asked a kubota dealer and they said it...
  15. Mowbizz

    BX25D with BX5455HD snow blower?

    Who has one and what is needed for installing on my BX25d? Dealer in NH is all over the place on what mods are needed to tractor for this installation. From what I can see in the manuals, the parts that go on the tractor (bx2751 subframe) and (bx2753 mid PTO KIT) just hang on the frame with...
  16. H

    3 point hitch rototiller for BX25D

    I'm thinking of buying a rototiller for my BX25D, and I thought I'd ask here for some advice. They seem to be pretty scarce, so all of my looking has been on line, only. I'm thinking I'd want the slip clutch protection rather than shear bolt, yes? And I'm thinking the width of the tiller...
  17. H

    Rubber Pedal Covers on BX25D

    I'm sure this has been discussed before (?) , but I have a BX25 that I bought used back in March. I'm having a problem keeping the rubber pedal covers on the treadle pedal "REVERSE" side, and the little circular parking brake pedal cover. I just had to re-order the parking brake cover because it...
  18. Megawisdumb

    PD80 on BX25D

    I am looking to acquire a Kencove PD80 or similar post driver for my BX25D. Seeking advice on how to connect the fluid return to the reservoir as I understand the quick connects will not plug-n-play as designed. Looking forward to the feedback.
  19. B

    2006 Kubota BX25D Hydraulic control won't lift?

    I love my BX25D there is nothing this little gem won't eventually do! I have multiple 3 point attachments but my last switch back to my backhoe I found a 3" ish about 10mm hex head bolt on the ground when I loaded my tractor on the trailer, Next switch back to use my Hydraulic lift the lift has...
  20. N

    SCUT Front Tires: BKT Skid Power HD on BX25D-1

    My front tires were shot. They lasted five and a half years and 370.3 hours. The outer edges were getting worn, but that wasn’t the problem. I could have just switched sides, if I were to keep running them. The issue was the thin sidewalks. The right front developed a large hole and a tiny hole...
  21. killingitcountry

    Pulling Down a Poplar Tree With Kubota BX25D, Electric Winch & Chainsaw - Video

    Hey all, here's my latest video (yes - we need chaps/chainsaw pants). It's getting warmer so its starting to be a lot more fun to be outside obviously ... for those rainy days ... I just took possession of a 2021 Kubota KX-040-4GTA with cab & 6-way blade. I'll post something up again in a few...
  22. killingitcountry

    Kubota BX23S or BX25D Towing With Backhoe Installed - Video

    Hey everyone, here is my latest Kubota specific content. I feel I have solved an issue that has been bugging me for a while. Yes, it's set pretty far back and low to the ground, there may be clearance issues occasionally on uneven terrain. Some have mentioned in the YouTube comments section that...
  23. killingitcountry

    2016 BX25D TLB / 5 Year / 500 Hour / Owners Review - Video

    Well I've finally surpassed the 500 hour mark and here's what I think. Hopefully this will help someone. - James
  24. killingitcountry

    Rear Remotes Installed on Kubota BX25D - Video

    Hi all, Well, I pulled the trigger and did the install ... not so bad. Check it out. - James
  25. F

    BX25D / backhoe BT602 steps keep getting brokeb

    I wonder if anyone else has had this problem: The steps on mt backhoe seem really vulnerable. I have broken both sides about three times, by backing into things. I'm getting tired of welding them back together or back on. Am I just clumsy? At least my welds are getting better. ? Or should I...
  26. X

    BX25D Land Pride Third Function Kit install Pump port vs Power Beyond port

    I have a BX25D and have been working hard on installing a Land Pride 380-137A third function kit with no success installing as Land Pride intends. They specify the P port on the valve block be installed on the P (pump) port line. The trouble is that I've tried everything to undo the line under...
  27. B

    Kubota BX25D Dash

    I'm new to the forum and tractor ownership here so thanks ahead for the help and I'll go ahead and apologize for being long winded here. I bought a 2014 kubota BX25D a few weeks ago and was hoping you guys could help me out with an issue with the dash. I was digging up some stumps with the...
  28. M

    WRLong 3rd function for Kubota BX25D-1, LA240

    Can someone point me to a thread, or more detailed instructions(if they exist) for the task of installing this kit. I bought an everything attachments wicked root grapple, and need to install the 3rd function I also purchased from them. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  29. K

    Front-End Loader  Bx25d

    Hi all, new here but have been sifting through the forums for a while now and love all the help and tips on here! Second, couldn't find any information on here through the search (unless my naming is wrong) but been trying to find some bx25d FEL bucket mounting plates for the bucket... has...
  30. P

    2014 Review: Kubota BX25D vs. Massey GC1710 TLB's

    I was in the market back then but never made a purchase. This review material I created is 4.5 years old but may still be of use for someone today, I was unable to attach this PDF file back then. It may also create some discussion for what has changed on these models since 2014. I'm...
  31. M

    Just purchased 2013 Bx25D

    Hello. Just purchased at auction 2013 Bx25D with 550 hrs. Got the operators manual and WSM. Tractor was a Home Depot rental. I have the following issue. With the key off (rotated far left)and I hook up the battery the dash lights up as if switch is moved to the on position. If I turn the key to...
  32. dragoneggs

    BX25D rear remotes?

    I am wanting to put a Top and Tilt system on my BX25D but my dealer says you can't plumb your rear hydraulics to operate it with rear remotes on the BX25D because of the backhoe configuration. I don't understand why this matters. Even on L series, he showed me in his catalogue, the OEM rear...
  33. K

    3-Point Hitch  Can a kubota Bx25d handle a pto post hole auger?

    I have a kubota Bx25d and was wondering if it is powerful enough to run a post hole auger? What size auger 9 or 12 inch? Has anyone have any experience with this? I don’t want to damage the tractor.
  34. Mowbizz

    Dang mid PTO for MMM BX25d

    There must be a better way to attach the shaft from the mower to the PTO. Each Spring when I service my deck and attach it to the tractor it is a painful ritual until I can get the dang thing to connect. For one, the the collar that slips back never stays in the back position...each time I pull...
  35. C

    Kabota Bx25d

    Thanks for the great site. I have a Kabota Bx24d and I am new to these type of tractors. It is for basic home use. I consider myself mechanically inclined somewhat. My machine has around 300 hrs on it. It seems to run fine but every once in a while it seems like it wants to cut out or even...
  36. F

    bx25d noise from front u-joint?

    When going in reverse, or sometimes when turning sharply in forward, and especially with a load in the loader bucket, I hear an intermittent clunking noise from somewhere up front. The only strange thing I find easily is that there is a shiny bare spot that has been scraped on the yoke holding...
  37. R

    kubota bx25d front wheel drive only

    Iv got a 2012 kubota bx25d,and was out plowing with it,pushed in the diff lock,hit reverse and now i have no rear wheel drive,checked the tires spinning in the rim,because thats happened before but both wheels are turning,just no power to the rear wheels,checked the fluids,levers and all...
  38. Johnkn

    Can you add shims to a BX25D Hydraulic System with the BH On?

    .???? Thanks
  39. Johnkn

    Considering moving up from BX25D to B2601

    Thinking of moving up from my BX25D to the next size tractor the B2601. Main issue is space in the shed. Anyone know the LOA of the BX when parked from the tip of the loader bucket on the ground to the rear most surface of the tucked BH vs the same measurement on the 2601? Trying to determine...
  40. Johnkn

    Anyone trade a BX25D for a new BX23S?

    Anyone make this move? Thoughts? My 2014 only has 75 hours, I have most of the BXpanded upgrades and wheel spacers, etc. that I would keep, my current tractor also has the dealer installed Land Pride grapple which makes the tractor in my opinion. Thinking of trading in on the new BX with new...
  41. Johnkn

    BX25D Wheel Weights

    I can't Find anything searching, suggestions on rear wheel weights for a BX25D? Thank you
  42. W

    BX25D Bucket Movement

    Is it normal to have no empty bucket movement unless the tractor is up to about 2000+ RPM? I understand you should run it at around 3200 RPM when in use, but I was surprised there is no apparent power at all below 2000 and was wondering if that is indicative of another issue.
  43. W

    Looking at Kubota BX25D

    Looking at a Kubota BX25D in what appears good condition with a leaky bucket tilt cylinder, everything else seems good. Hours are estimated at 300, instrument panel replaced so actual is unknown. Is $13,500 reasonable?
  44. M

    BX25D Tachometer Doesn稚 Work

    Just took delivery on Saturday of my almost new 2016 BX25D with 42 hours on it. Tach needle reads approx 500 RPM whether the engine is running or not. THE TACH DOES NOT WORK All of the other gauges and idiot lights seem to be working fine. I did notice that there was a little bit of condensation...
  45. W

    Backhoe  First rock by thumb - BX25D

    I tackled this rock for learning experience. Fairly easy to pluck out but right after the photo was taken, the rock fell down into its hole, protruding with round end up. I couldn't grab it again and instead had to dig a slot on the downside and drag it out. Ended up rolling it by hand off the...
  46. Rock Crawler

    BX25D custom enhanced HST fan shield and bucket D-Rings

    After having a stick go into the HST cooling fan on day 3 of owning the BX25, and going through the process of replacing it... I decided that I needed to modify the factory steel shield so that it continued forward and upward to more adequately close off access to that area. Since I do not...
  47. D

    Front snow blower for Kubota BX25D

    Hi. Are there any front mount alternative blowers that fit the BX25D Tractor? Thx
  48. A

    Pop in FEL Curl Cylinder in my BX25D - Bucket uncurls on own weight

    I was using my tractor's FEL today and I heard a loud pop up by the FEL while having the bucket about half way curled against the ground pulling backward. Immediately afterward, I can curl the bucket all the way but it starts uncurling without any weight in it, it will uncurl within probably 30...
  49. M

    BX25D - Cheap and easy ballast

    Since I have the 60" mower deck on, I have the BH stored so I needed some ballast while moving some dirt etc. Looked in the scrap pile and found a nice piece of "hanger steel", I'd been saving old brake rotors for some time thinking they might be useful at some point...here's the...
  50. M

    3-Point Hitch  3 point hitch lifting arms bx25d-1

    Apparently I am clueless. I picked up an auger from tractor supply and went to put it on. The A frame does not reach the lift arms. Is there a special 3 point hitch extension for lift arm attachments? Can someone tell me the best place to get one?
  51. M

    CountyLine Post Hole Digger- BX25D-1

    Is the this tractor supply post hole digger compatible with the BX25D-1? Trying to determine if it will fit on my new tractor. Thanks for your help!
  52. I

    Loader  Bx25d loader won't hold weight of tractor

    Hi, I'm new to the forum and have recently purchased a 2013 bx25d with 260 hours, that I'm getting to know. I am bulging a house and plan to put it to work shortly but for now it's in storage while I complete maintenance. Question, I was trying to lift the front wheels off the ground to put...
  53. J

    kubota bx25d fuel system problems

    I have a kubota bx25d that was sputtering. I changed both fuel filters, no change. Now, it will turn over but not even try to push any fuel. I drained the fuel system, just prior to the rear filter and added new fuel with an additive. Hooked everything up and tried turing it over but the fuel...
  54. M

    Buying Advice  BX25D used ($16000) vs GC1710 new ($20750 plus tax)

    Either machine could do for what I am looking for, but I am not really that impressed with the BX25. I mean I was ok with the BX until I tried the GC. Then I also compared the specs and wow. I have nothing against Kubota, but I'm surprised that others prefer the BX. Loader Lift to pin...
  55. J

    BX25D: What is this? And should I drill it or weld it?

    I'm trying to finish a chainsaw mount. I tried to use click bond fasteners to avoid welding/drilling, but can't get the epoxy to hold on one of them so I'm moving on. So can anyone identify this? It appears to just be a support for the plastic "floorboard." But I'm not 100% sure. Should I drill...
  56. dragoneggs

    BX25D bucket attach dimensions?

    Anyone have the dimensions and geometry for the pins/lugs for the bucket on the backhoe? I want to fabricate a trencher that mounts on the same attach points.
  57. J

    Anyone installed WR Long 3rd Function on BX25D-1?

    Who has done it? I would appreciate pictures showing the valve location, hose routing and connections. I thought I had decent routing, then realized my connections are short.... (the P and T connections on the valve for the PB are set up north/south, with hoses entering from the North--which is...
  58. M

    BX25D Work Lights - DIY project

    Just finished up a project I've been working on off and on this winter. I have the factory LED work lights on the ROPS but I wanted to keep them aimed forward and add some additional ones pointed to the rear. I picked up some LED "Off Road" lights at wally world and made some brackets out of...
  59. G

    Comparison  Narrowed Down to MF CG1710 vs Kubota BX25D

    Getting to the nitty gritty. Like the slightly bigger overall size of the Massey for the majority of my jobs. (5 acres, no mowing, lots of use with the FEL dirt and wood chips and some digging with the backhoe) 3 acres in woods where the smaller BX could move around maybe a little better. PS - I...
  60. carbonacreage

    Tree Planting with the BX25d

  61. L

    BX25D fuse box question

    It almost appears as if there is or could be an additional fuse block installed under the factory installed block. Is this the case or? And even if not could I not just buy another fuse box remove the top half and install it on the bottom half of my current one? Also anyone know if optima...
  62. L

    Help with BX25D Hydraulic issue

    Got a 2015 BX25D that started sucking air intermittently couple months ago. Strange to me it's not all the time (at least that I've noticed) and that it doesn't always, until recently, cause power loss in backhoe or FEL. -FEL quick connects appear fine -Backhoe quick connects appear fine...
  63. N

    Loader  bx25d

    i am shopping for a compact tractor, i was looking at a bx25d and noticed on the loader lever 2 red buttons. what are those buttons for? thanks for your time !
  64. L

    Oil & Fuel  BX25D Hydraulic Issue..

    Hello everyone! Hopefully someone out there can help me out. I've been searching around on here finding some very useful info so decided to join the forum so maybe my story will assist someone out there. Anyways... 2014 BX25D. Noticed significant backhoe power loss, found loose and leaking...
  65. J

    Loader  BX25D Loader Leaks down when running..

    Have a BX25D with about 400 hours.. Just recently the loader started leaking down when the engine is running.. Kill the engine and everything holds as well as can be expected.. Any ideas on where to start looking?
  66. D

    Trade a BX2660 for a BX25D?

    I've had the 2660 for about 5 years, mowing mostly (54"MMM), but also building and maintain gravel driveways (FEL & box blade), general FEL work, and a little brush hog work with 48" LandPride on the PTO. So, I will be building a new home next year, I run HAM radio antenna lines and have...
  67. T

    Max bucket size on a Bx25D?

    Yeah, I just got it and I'm already trying to break it. :D I have the 12" bucket on it, but I'm working on a drainage project and I need to dig an 18" trench 18" deep. Is there an 18" bucket available for the BX25? And will it handle it without beating the backhoe to death, digging in mostly...
  68. N

    Good price for a BX25D? Also what about extended warranty

    Today I negotiated a Kubota BX25 with backhoe, 60 inch mower deck, front loader with quick change, and a canopy top. It was a opening day special and I got it all for $19,400 and 0% financing for 5 years. Think this is a good price???? For $1300 more I can buy an extended warranty that adds 2...
  69. carbonacreage

    Kubota BX25D

    Finally got myself a 'baby kub' Already putting it to work around the acreage
  70. T

    JD 1025R vs BX25D

    I know there are several posts on here about this comparison. I thought I had made my decision on the 1025R however over the weekend I obtained a price quote for the Kubota BX25D that caused me pause. The BX25D with the 60" deck, the 3pt hitch and the thumb for the BH came in at out the door at...
  71. S

    Checking BX25D Hydraulic Fluid Level.....

    I just got my almost brand new BX25 back from the dealership.....the lower seal blew on the lower backhoe boom and they repaired it under warranty.....I checked the hydraulic fluid level before I loaded the tractor up...looks like the fluid was about a 1/4" above the full mark.....this was with...
  72. R

    Mowing  BX25D with Land Pride rotary cutter RCR1248

    I have a new BX25D and a new Land Pride rotary cutter. As a newbie on tractors and attachments, I was trying to hook up the cutter to the BX25 but I think the driveline may be too long. As I bought both of these units a couple of weeks ago, I'm surprised the dealer didn't advise if this was the...
  73. carbonacreage

    Buying Advice  Kubota BX25d warranty transfer

    Hi Recently purchased a 2015 a Kubota BX25d It's about 11months old How can I transfer the warranty into my name Thanks
  74. N

    Get a BX25D through a 47" gate?

    According to the manual and my tape measure, the outriggers measure 51", in their up position. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get it through a 47" gate? Let's pretend making the gate wider isn't an option, nor is taking out any of the fence. My initial thought is to try to lift the unit...
  75. S

    Kubota BX25D backhoe cylinder lower seal blew out and

    I'm a little annoyed.....I just bought this BX new in November of 2015....it only has 20.8 hrs on the tractor and this was my first real time using the backhoe on this tractor....I had pulled a small shrub out the first week I had it......today I was digging around a stump of a recently cut down...
  76. S

    Using my Kubota BX25D and grapple claw

    I cut down some trees where I will be storing my equipment so that I can have a circular drive....I love the grapple claw...only one small problem...an o-ring on the hose connection to the 3rd function valve failed and it started squirting hydraulic fluid on the hood of the tractor....my o-ring...
  77. N

    First real job with BX25D-1; Dug out sump pump line.

    I did my first real backhoe job, today. In the past, I had pulled a small stump and removed some small bushes, neither of which took more than a few minutes or required much actual digging. Yesterday, I got proper insurance, including coverage if I hit something while I dig. I got this in...
  78. S

    Kubota BX25D spreading mulch

    Spreading mulch in my own backyard...... Kubota BX25 spreading mulch - YouTube
  79. S

    Mowing  Can you leave on the Backhoe while operating the belly mower on Kubota BX25D

    I am going to be a new owner of a new BX25D. I've been reading online manuals from Kubota that say that you can't operate the belly mower while the backhoe is attached. Yet, I see youtube videos where operators are using the mower with the backhoe attached. Can anyone help me with...
  80. A

    CK2610 HST over BX25D

    I have a BX25D which has been very good to me over the past two years, but my wife just now told me that she is tired of the hydro rocker. She is very small, and when she moves the seat to the most forward position, it is very awkward for her to step on the reverse pedal. Since I like having a...
  81. W

    Bx25D-1 deck hight changes while mowing.

    While mowing, cycling deck up and down, when the deck comes to rest on the deck hight cam, sometimes it lowers a notch. If I don't pay attention, by the time I'm done mowing, it will be 2 or 3 notches lower than what I started with. I haven't had the time to pull the deck and look at it yet. Has...
  82. S

    Spreading Mulch with my Kubota BX25D.....

    I took some time to mulch my backyard.....the Wife won't let me cut any trees down, so I decided to just mulch it instead of establishing a shade tolerant grass... Kubota BX25 spreading mulch - YouTube
  83. P

    Oil & Fuel  Hydraulic foam on bx25d

    Hello all, I have a new bx25d with < 10 hrs. Yesterday, I ran it around the yard for about 20 minutes to check the adjustment of the mmm prior to the first mow of the year. After finishing, I pulled the transmission dipstick and noticed air bubbles in the hydraulic fluid. These bubbles...
  84. T

    Kubota BX25D Block Heater

    Hi folks, sorry for the stupid question but I purchased a 2104 BX25D and the Kubota Dealer indicated that it comes with a block heater. I cannot for the life of me find the pigtail. Where would I look to see that it indeed is installed and can plug it in. I've sent them emails and left msgs...
  85. T

    2014 BX25D - Loader Performance

    Hi folks I recently bought a BX25D loader/backhoe. I went to use the tractor for first time. Has about 110 hours on it. I noticed the loader hydraulics really slow even with the RPMs up. My point of reference is the Kioti CS2410 I traded in for it. The hydraulics on that were much faster...
  86. K

    NEW BX25D and 3PL options

    Hello from Sydney, AUS. I've had my new BX25D for a week and I've scratched the paint on both buckets :thumbsup: Yes I need to take some photos. My first job is to make it a home so the wife's car can go back in the garage. It needs to be big enough for the ROPS plus a margin for safety. I have...
  87. MonRiver

    My BX25D is here!

    They delivered my first "real tractor" yesterday. And by real I mean with a 3-point hitch and rear PTO. Now, I'm eyeing up a few add ons. Like work lights, cutting bar for loader bucket, ROPs tool box, 3 point receiver, etc. Of course those will all come in time when needed. But, I...
  88. F

    BX25D-1 vs XJ2025 vs MAX 24 vs eMAX 25 vs CS2410 vs GC1710

    Hello there. My wife and I are looking to buy a little tractor-loader-backhoe that can do a lot of work, a little bit at a time. We bought a short sale on 5 wooded acres that has been neglected. We have big plans landscaping and cleaning the place up. Also we want to keep up a .15mi driveway and...
  89. U

    Suggestions on 48" or 54" box blade for Bx25d

    Hello everybody, First post on here and first tractor I ever owned. Was just wanting to see if you guys could help me out on a decision I am making. I am about to place a order with Compact Tractor Box Scraper by Everything Attachments for a Box blade and a auger. I was going to originally buy...
  90. C

    Kubota BX25D-1 Factory Accessories?

    Does anyone know where to see pictures of the factory accessories available for a BX25D? I have torn up Kubota's website looking for a brochure of some sort that would show this and found nothing. I found one on the BX that shows a couple implements (loader, snow blade, etc) but that's about it...
  91. MonRiver

    Brand New Kubota BX25D

    Hello, I just purchased a BX25D that should be delivered later this week. After living in our house with 2.6 acres since 2007, I'm finally getting a 60" mower. I bought a used Cub Cadet when we bought the house. Although it's a big garden tractor, our property is a little steep and rough in...
  92. N

    First snow with the BX25D-1

    We finally got some snow, not much, just over two inches. It was enough I didn't feel like a fool out playing on the tractor, for the first time, in snow. Took it from 5.6 hours to 11.8 hours, with a Land Pride RB0560 rear blade and the FEL. Did some of my neighbor driveways and WOW, this...
  93. N

    Stuff Learned Thus Far: BX25D-1

    I'm up to just over 5 hours on my machine. Not much, I know...real job and inclement weather (rain and low temperatures, not tractor weather) have kept it in the garage. I put it in the garage, the day i got it, at 1.5 hours. Two days later, I took it to over 3 hours, playing around and...
  94. Madz

    BX25D Hydraulic Leaks!

    Hey Guys Just a after a bit of advice before I have to call the dealer (who I have next to no confidence in) I have 2 leaks on my relatively new (30 hours) BX25D - this (red) fitting on the return (?) line from the loader ram has just started leaking: I'm not quite sure how that fitting...
  95. N

    New BX25D-1, in the Garage!! They fixed the rolling issue, too!!!!!!

    I got one! I got one! Got the TLB with a 12" bucket and the 3 PT kit. I added the Land Pride RB0560 rear blade. I got a little more off than originally offered because they didn't have the RB1560 I wanted-still pretty happy with the purchase. There were Document Fees of $65. Five years of...
  96. J

    BX25D Work Shop Manual

    Anyone know the part number for the BX25DLB Work Shop Manual? Also, suggestions on where to get it? Thanks
  97. N

    Any reason not to buy a BX25D-1, tomorrow?

    After the deal falling through in April, I am thinking I'll try again, tomorrow. The price has actually gone down, from April and there is only $65 difference from cash to finance price. Originally, I was going to get the BX25D, 12" bucket, 3 PT kit, 60" MMM, 4 LED kit, and the RB1560 rear...
  98. J

    BX25D / B2601 Time to switch between MMM to BH w/ subframe

    So, I'm talking to my dealer about buying either a BX25D or B2601. From what I gather, you cannot raise or lower the MMM if the BH subframe is in place. They recommend having either the MMM or BH+subframe, but not both at the same time. Now, switching this subframe in and out sounds like a...
  99. plowhog

    Kubota BX25D, a seeming market and price leader, but not for me

    I have never owned any tractor. But I need a SCUT for 2.5 recently purchased mostly level acres of pasture, plus some digging and landscape projects. I looked at the John Deere 1025, Kubota BX25D, Kioti, and Massey Ferguson 1710/1720. I researched the Mahindra Max25 but never saw one. After...
  100. S

    Backhoe Bucket ear dimensions BX25D

    Could someone point me in the right direction ? I'm looking for the dimensions of the backhoe bucket on the BX25D. Space between pins, pin size, and how wide stick on the boom is? I want to order a Bxanded ripper tooth for a GC1710. Hopefully the Kubota is dimensionally bigger. Thanks
  101. Johnkn

    Ballpark Price For 50 Hour Service on a BX25D?

    What's a ballpark price on this service? Thanks
  102. 7

    Bx25d Snow plow for the quick attach FEL

    I just finished up designing a snow plow for my new quick attach FEL on my kubota bx25d. Again, I will attach all of the Solidworks files and dxf files if you want to make one. I don't really like converting files for others, but let me know and I can see what I can do. I just cut out all of...
  103. W

    New to trailring BX25D --Not liking the seat bouncing while trailring.

    I think I'm going to keep the seat secured while towing. The constant vibration and bouncing is distracting to me while trailring. Do you think securing it will harm the seat micro switches that are installed in the seat mount? Thanks
  104. Johnkn

    BX25D BackHoe Control Adjustment?

    On my BX25D the left-to-right control seems very touchy compared to the other controls. Is there any way to slow it down or is it just its nature?
  105. S

    Parking Brake problem on my new BX25D

    I've not had a chance to use my new backhoe very much since I bought it a month ago......I was fitting my new trailer to my "new" dump truck today and was pulling the tractor up on the trailer both forwards and backwards to check tongue weight and trailer levelness.....when I tried to disengage...
  106. J

    Questions about the BX25D

    Took a BX25D for a short test spin last week and had some questions. 1. Is 1500 rpm really the idle speed and if so, why so high? 2. How difficult is it to attach the 3 point arms after removing the backhoe? 3. Does Kubota have a drive over mower deck for this tractor? ... I'd heard rumors of...
  107. T

    BX25D and UnderArmor

    I am going to purchase the under armor shield for my 25D in order to protect the "guts" of the tractor from damage when clearing brush. I watched a couple of videos on how to install this, and I see that it attaches to the mower deck hydraulic lift arms in the front. I can see that the armor...
  108. S

    My 2015 BX25D was delivered today......

    I took delivery of my BX25D today.....I got a package deal which included a Quick Detach bucket and a LP Grapple claw with 3rd function valve, skid plates to protect the belly(figured I'd take y'alls advice to save on breaking stuff under there)....and an orange LP 4' box blade and 16' 7Klb...
  109. carbonacreage

    Buying Advice  Kubota BX25D

    Hi Wanted to for some general advice regards purchasing used v new Thinking off buying a Kubota BX25D for using around our acreage and doing a few jobs i have planned. Was going to hire one for as and when required but figured this could easily work out more expensive in the long run as i have...
  110. S

    I have a Conundrum.....on whether to buy a BX25D-1 or a B2601.......

    I like the idea of having a backhoe, but to do so, I'd have to settle for a slightly smaller tractor in the BX25D......adding a new BH to a B2601 would take another ~$7K....yikes......here are the two quotes I have received for what I'm looking at...... 1. The Kubota BX25D with loader...
  111. Mowbizz

    Picked up my BX25D this morning...

    Had it at the dealer for tubes in the front tires and decided to do the whole hog service. Had the fluids and fuel filters changed and they went through it and serviced everything including cleaning up the radiator screen and replaced the air filter, torqued all bolts, lubed controls, washed and...
  112. Johnkn

    What Gauge Steel is BX25D Bucket?

    Greetings, what gauge steel is the BX25D bucket? Thank you...
  113. R

    Questions on a new Kubota Bx25d

    This weekend, I went to visit my friend that just bought a new BX25D. Me I have since 1977 a B6000 with a back hoe and a front end loader. My friend made me try is new tractor. I was very surprised and disappointed to find that the front loader lift very slowly, and to have a good hydraulic...
  114. F

    What's a Used BX25D Worth?

    I have a 2015 BX25D that I am interested in Selling. Add ons: land pride grapples w/ 3rd function valve, 3pt hitch backhoe thumb bucket hooks. Tractor has about 40 hours on it. grapples are naturally scratched up from use, and tractor has some light brush scuffs. Looking for opinion on a...
  115. J

    BX2750 Snowblower on BX25D

    Hi folks, I'm looking into purchasing a new BX25D. I have access to a used BX2750 snowblower with mechanical chute, any ideas if it can be adapted to the BX25d? It came off a BX2200.
  116. Madz

    A few questions from new BX25D owner

    Hi Guys Got delivery of my new BX25D today - looks so good and so shiny I'm not going to want to get it dirty!! Just want to say this forum has been fantastic in my pre-purchase research, thanks everyone. My tractor relationship has got off to a rocky start though - it's taken over 2 months to...
  117. A

    Tractor Sizing  BX25D ... Is it the machine I need?

    I recently sold my L3540 with LA740 FEL, Pallet Forks, and rear blade. The main reason was it was too big and heavy for the tasks I had planned except when it came to moving snow. I couldn't mow with it due to the weight of the machine so much so that just driving on the turf would leave...
  118. A

    Speeco PHD Model 65 for BX25D?

    I have a new BX25D and want to get a post hole digger for it. One came up on craigslist w/a 9" auger bit, a Model 65 SpeeCo. They make a sub compact unit as well, but I'm wondering if the 65 will fit on the 25D's 3 point? Anyone know? It's a fair priced deal and will save me at least a...
  119. millsan1

    Aftermarket Cat 1 3PT for BX25D

    I am a newbie. When I bought my tractor, I didn't think I would ever take the BH off, so I decided to not get the 3 PT hitch kit. Well, now I know better and I need a kit. I know I can go to the dealer, and get the Kubota kit. I found one on Ebay for $250. But in my searches on eBay I found...
  120. K

    Bx25D want start its not the battery.

    hello, I need help on finding and checking the glow plug control on my tractor. Any help would be appreciated!
  121. millsan1

    BX25D engine brakign vid

    In another thread there was a discussion re: whether or not the new BX series has engine or trans braking. I am far from an expert and I can only speak to my BX, but the transmission or engine braking works just fine on mine. This video show me driving my BX25D. I am running at 3,000 RPM, in...
  122. M

    2015 BX25D - plans for "upgrades"

    Well we finally pulled the trigger and Barlow's should be delivering my new SCUT the week of the May 25, 2015. :thumbsup: Went to Barlow after reading all the good stuff here and comparing prices locally. Brady just couldn't be beat even with a delivery all the way to Maine! 1 - What I...
  123. T

    Backhoe  Kubota BX25D messed up trying to re attach backhoe

    Well, hopefully I'm not the only person who has ever done this, but when I was re attaching the backhoe I messed up pretty good. Lucky no one was hurt. When I backed the tractor up, I guess the backhoe had settled into the ground a little because the backhoe wasn't high enough to clear the...
  124. W

    Used trailer find for my BX25D

    Retired Hurst 7000 gvw trailer, built in 2005, but only used twice. New load range C tires..I'll do a new paint job and treat the wood deck. . A little overkill maybe.. but for less than 1600 bucks I think I did well. I was curious on the mods I should do for strapping down the tractor myself.
  125. L

    Price Check  New BX25D-1

    Just got a quote... New BX25D-1 with standard loader/backhoe, 12" BH bucket, thumb, 3 pt hitch, 60" MMM, R4 tires Out the door cash price (after $1000 instant rebate) $18900 delivered thoughts?
  126. R

    considering BX25D vs B2601 w/BH or...

    hi All, getting within a few months of making my tractor purchase. I am struggling a bit with my decision and here is why: 1. I have hilly property and I want to be able to use the tractor on hilly part someday. I know the BX25D has a lower center of gravity and with spacers can make it even...
  127. Johnkn

    Where's the hydraulic fluild fill on a new BX25D?

    Where's the hydraulic fluid fill on a new BX25D? thanks...
  128. B

    CS2410 vs Bx25d

    I'm still pondering on a scut, recently priced the bx25d 24000! and asked the kioti dearler about a ck2410 with hoe that he had on the lot, his price was more which surprised me, he went on to explain that the kioti cs2410 was the unit I should be comparing to the bx.They are 160 miles away and...
  129. Y

    Backhoe  Billing rate for BX25D work?

    Being the proud owner of a BX25D and it helping me get things done around the homestead quicker and some of those planned projects are getting completed, I am thinking about picking up some small jobs. Interested in some billing rates for such jobs? FEL work? Backhoe work? Box blade work...
  130. Z

    Comparison  1025R vs. BX25D-1 vs. Max 24 vs. GC1705

    1025R vs. BX25D-1 vs. Max 24 vs. GC1705 First post. I've been trolling the forums a lot lately. I also have been search around everywhere and I know this forum has a very similar thread. With that said, I'm a half acre home owner non in a rural area @ 30Y.O. I do projects around the yard...
  131. millsan1

    BX25D runs rough when left side uphill?

    I have very hilly property. If I have to operate on a side slope, I have noticed that the machine seems to run rough when the left side is uphill vs no change if the right side is uphill. I haven't dug into the guts yet, as I am a new owner, but this seems odd ot me. Is the fuel pickup on the...
  132. millsan1

    New guy, New BX25D and first weekend work

    I have been on the forums for a few months now, but not much activity beyond my "what should I buy?" thread. Ended up not buying anything presented there anyway. I have a lot of earth moving to do, and any tractor would have been a compromise, so instead, a neighbor, who owns a construction...
  133. C

    Bought a bx2370 last year and now i want a bx25d....options

    Hey guys, I bought my Bx2370-1 last year and I just did the 50 hour service. I JUST LOVE THIS MACHINE. Well I always planned on adding a loader but it looks like my financials are going the way I want them too this coming year and I always wanted a backhoe for some odds and end stuff and to...
  134. randee

    BX25D owners, care to share pricing with me?

    I got a lot of cleanup and landscaping to do with my 3 acres, and I would like a tractor with MMM, FEL and BH. So I have talked with the local (1.5hr) mahindra dealer and the local (45mins) kubota dealer. I was fully expecting the kubota dealer to be more expensive. With the eMax w/BH & FEL...
  135. N

    New BX25D-1 Tires

    What model tires come on a new BX25D-1? I was leaning toward R4's, but am now going back to thinking R3's. Most of my work will be on the lawn: mowing and landscaping the edges with the BH and FEL. I have recently learned that not all R3's are created equal. Who makes the turf tires Kubota...
  136. F

    slow stabilizer on bx25d backhoe

    I have a 2014 Kubota bx25d with the standard Kubota backhoe. I have put about 150 hrs on the tractor, and the backhoe gets a lot of use. Since it was new, the right stabilizer has gone up and down much more slowly than the left one. Sometimes I can motivate it to move somewhat faster by...
  137. T

    New bx25d-1 being delivered Sat. a.m. .....

    I go for "orientation" tomorrow at the dealer and then delivery next a.m.. I'm surprisingly giddy. Options are the 5450 blower and the "thumb". Turf tires -- hope I don't regret that choice. Won't be able to do much with the machine unless it snows some more. April will be too soggy to do...
  138. grnmtnboys

    Dealer  New BX25D-1 from Barlow

    Howdy, Have been a lurker here for a while, and finally decided to pull the trigger on a new BX25D-1, and went with Barlow's due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback I saw on here. It was easy, almost too easy really. Hoping to have it on a trailer and on the way up here to Vermont within...
  139. T

    Looking at a BX25D that was a rental...would you

    It's a 2014 rental with 156 hours. Both buckets are well worn but that doesn't matter. What should I be looking at for problem areas? Would you stay away? Price is $15,900. Thanks.
  140. Y

    Buying a new Kabota BX25D

    Which is the better bucket, standard bucket or the 4 in 1 bucket?
  141. Mowbizz

    BX25D Block heater question

    Recently had a factory, block heater installed while the BX was in for warranty work and it functioned great until yesterday when I had left it plugged in for a longer than usual time. Tractor started like the block heater never came on (typical cold start with the roughness and shuddering) My...
  142. Johnkn

    Have Pics of Kubota Factory Tool Box for BX25D?

    Anyone have a few pics inside and out of the factory Kubota toolbox that mounts next to the seat arm rest that you can share? Can it be mounted on either side? thanks
  143. N

    BX25D-1 Pic Requests

    Hello, After almost buying a used BX25, I have decided I am better off buying new. (Only a $1,500 difference) Can someone take some pictures of their BX25D-1, for me? I have several good pictures of the 2012 model BX25D, but not very many of the BX25D-1. I am specifically interested in a...
  144. X

    Mowing  BX25D and a 5' rotary cutter?

    Does anyone out there have any experience using a BX25D or similar with a 5' rotary cutter? I'm primarily interested in mowing tall grass along fence lines. The 5' width appeals to me so I can be farther away from the fence and so I know for sure I'd be done in two passes. Looking at the...
  145. Johnkn

    Need Dust Caps for LandPride Grapple on a BX25D

    Greetings, Have a new LandPride SGC05 grapple on a new BX25D. I need (2) male and (2) female dust caps to protect the Quick Connect hose ends when not using the grapple. I called LandPride, they weren't sure what size caps to use, but stated that the hose itself of 9/16" (presumably ID)...
  146. J

    Loader  Kubota bx25d 4in1b bucket.

    Seen that Kubota makes a 4in1 for the bx tractors. This was from a YouTube video.
  147. W

    My New BX25D

    I traded in my BX2350 that I bought new in 2009 on a new BX25D-1. I used it for the first time today. I dug a 20" trench 90' long for my propane line. I also buried what was left of a brush pile I had burned and a few other small things.
  148. W

    BX25D Pricing

    I was quoted $18,800 for a new BX25D-1 at my local dealer here in Oklahoma. I called another dealer 30 miles away and they wanted $19,500 for the same setup. Basically a 25D with three point arms and mower lift arms ready to go. I am waiting on them to give me a trade in quote on my BX2350...
  149. Johnkn

    Problem with Bro-Tek Wheel Spacers on new BX25D

    I went to install wheel spacers on my new BX25D yesterday and ran into an issue. The rear spacers went on fine. When installing the first front spacer, as I tightened the spacer to the hub using the stock bolts something didn't feel right, almost felt like the bolt heads were stripping in...

    BX25D rolls some after letting off? No ....to brake on left

    Will came down yesterday to pick up plow. Used the BX25D to get it out of my storage building the plow was behind a 4' high stack of 3'x3' carpet squares. I lifted it with a tie down strap and got it out. Let it hang in front so Will would be sure he was at the right location. He did OK for a...
  151. Johnkn

    BX25d FEL Float?

    Greetings, does the new BX25 have a float function? If so, how does it work? I saw mention of it in the manual, but could not find mention of how to put the bucket in float. Thank you...
  152. Johnkn

    New BX25d Tire Inflation Pressure

    My manual on my new BX25d states 17psi for the rear tires and 22 for the fronts, but I thought I recall seeing a max pressure on the front tire of 100+. What's the recommended pressure? Thank you...
  153. Johnkn

    New BX25D

    Good day today. I picked up a new Sure Trac 14' 14k lb dump trailer. It's very well made, great fit and finish. I opted for the scissor lift, wireless remote, spare tire and best tarp kit. The only thing I might do is have a set of ramps made just like the originals, but in aluminum...
  154. C

    Kubota BX25D - Repair of HST Oil Filter Housing and Mid-PTO

    On removing the belly-mower the mid-PTO coupling and shaft was left coupled to the mid-PTO. On starting the tractor, the PTO coupling shaft proceeded to destroy the filter, which broke off the filter screw-on nipple. The skid pan was dented and the mid-PTO bearing might be damaged. Has anyone...
  155. Johnkn

    Bx25D Tie Down Attach Points For Trailering?

    Greetings, I'll be picking my my new BX25D in the next week or so and Trailering it 150 miles home. What are the best tie down points? I'd really like to install 4 dedicated tie down rings at some point. Any pics of one properly secured to a trailer? Thanks....
  156. Johnkn

    Which Thumb for a new BX25D?

    Which is the better thumb for a BX25D BH? The Kutota for $375 or the BXpanded for $319? Seems the BXpanded is very easily adjustable, how about the Kubota? thanks
  157. Johnkn

    Are These Trailer Ramps OK for a Kubota BX25D?

    Greetings, I'm getting ready to purchase a new Sure Trac low dump trailer for a new Kubota BX25D. The removable ramps look like this: The front tires on the Kubota are only 18x8.5-10, and I'm nervous that they will hang up on the ramps. Any cause for alarm? I could weld expanded...
  158. Johnkn

    Overall Length of BX25D

    Greetings, Getting ready to order a new BX25D (FEL and BH) along with a Sure Trac 7x12 dump trailer. I measured the overall length of a BX25D last week at the dealer, it was about 13.5' with the bucket flat on the ground (saleman held one end of the tape and not sure if it was accurate)...
  159. Johnkn

    Discount on new Kubota BX25D?

    Greetings, getting ready to purchase my first new tractor, a BX25D. When I build/price it online it's about $21.5k. When buying locally, what is a reasonable "deal"? Is ~10% off MSRP reasonable? I see kubota offers $0 down and 0 financing for 5 years. Assuming 4% interest rate, that's $2200 in...
  160. macguyver13

    BX25D 3PH Splitter Problem

    Hi all, I'm still relatively new to this tractor stuff (but am loving it so far). Recently I bought a 3PH log splitter and hooked it all up to the back of my BX25 using the hydraulic connections used by the 3PH itself when the backhoe is not attached. I run the short hydraulic hose to the...
  161. K

    Price Check  Just ordered new Kubota BX25D

    Hi, new here to forum and to tractors in general. Just ordered a new Kubota BX25D. Excited to be joining the tractor world. I bought about 7 acres of property 2 yrs ago (mostly wooded). Looking to do some light ground maintenance and cleaning. Also will use to plow my nearly 300 yd driveway...
  162. JimBinMI

    Dirt Moving  BX25D Backhoe and Loader work great!

    Attaching some pics of the work my BX25D did with a little help from me. Dug out south end of basement wall to footer, applied sealer and weeping tile along wall/footer, filled back in.
  163. dragoneggs

    BX25D Work Shop Manual?

    I have been searching on the web for the WSM for my BX25D. Can't find it. Visited Messick's, Kubota sites and a few others. Anyone know the part number and how to get ahold of it? Need parts (I think) for my parking brake.
  164. sdd1986

    My BX25/BX25D Experience

    Just thought i would post my bx 25 bx 25d story. i live in north east Oklahoma and recently i have been trying to reduce my monthly bills. so i have been refinancing all of my loans and paying them down some with the extra money from all of the overtime ive been working lately. the other day i...
  165. A

    Comparison  Kubota BX25D. Vs Mahindra 22max

    I am looking to buy one of these tractors Not sure which one to go with. Any advice?
  166. G

    Need Fire and Theft Insurance on Kubota BX25D model

    Hey Ontario, Canada My house insurance broker wont provide me fire theft insurance on my new Kubota, and neither will my car Insurance broker ...........AnY recommendations .. Gator
  167. Y

    Mowing  Can I put my mower deck from my ZG222 on my BX25D's mid PTO?

    I have a 2008 Kubota ZG222 with 48 inch mower deck. Can I put the deck on my 2014 BX25D's mid PTO? I have some areas that I need the 4wd to get to be able to mow. The ZG222 gets stuck way too easy. Thanks for any help I may get.
  168. Mowbizz

    Shelter for my BX25D

    Thought I'd share a pic of my new garage and my BX's new shelter...the BX can go into the garage if needed but for now, sheltered from the weather is adequate.
  169. ru499

    Buying Advice  Forks foe BX25d

    Am looking to buy a bx25. If I get the quick attach for the loader arms, will the kubota forks (k9184) go on the quick attach or do these forks need a sub-frame? Thanks.
  170. bearskinner

    Piranha BX25D to cut heavy weeds off at the ground

    Anyone have a Piranha tooth bar and used it for scraping weeds off at the ground? these little suckers around here are like your finger at the base and a few feet tall, and very prickly. I just ordered a Piranha to help with the problem. Any opinions?
  171. bearskinner

    Kubota BX25D for snow removal questions

    I just picked up a Kubota BX25D sub-compact. I also ordered the 60' snow blade for clearing my drive and access road. I have almost level ground here in N. Idaho, 300' winding drive and 2000' to main road. Roads to main are all good graded gravel. Here in N Idaho we get 5' of snow for the whole...
  172. bearskinner

    Traction  Kubota BX25D with snow plow traction question

    I am waiting for delivery on my BX25D. I ordered the 60" snow blade to plow a 300' gravel driveway, and approx 2000' gravel road to the street. Here in N. Idaho we probably wont get more than 12"s a day, and the driveway is just about flat level ground. How does this little tractor do traction...
  173. oldsmokey

    Yes!! desided on the BX25D

    I done some shopping around this past few weeks and finally decided on the BX25D compared to the Kioti and Yanmar in the same category I think the better deal was the Kubota! My 1st tractor was a B7200 and I really loved that one! Had it delivered yesterday and got 2 hours on it...
  174. M

    JD1025R vs Kubota BX25D, Thumb and Mower Deck

    I like the JD1025R, with its easy attached mower deck, but no thumb available on the back hoe. The Kubota BX25D has an adjustable thumb for its back hoe, but a more difficult attach job for the mower deck. Am I overestimating the difficulty of attaching and removing the mower deck on the...
  175. V

    new member new bx25d, Pins not lining up/stuck on backhoe

    They sure did make it look like the pins were easy to take off on the youtube videos lol. Actually they are except one backhoe pin, my dealer is a 2hour drive from me and its nearly impossible to take out and put in one of the pins without using a pry bar or a hammer. Its really a pain because...
  176. C

    Buying Advice  kubota bx25d or kubota l3200

    which would I get the most use out of a bx25d with backhoe or l3200 with fel?
  177. B

    Kubota BX25D Help

    2013 kubota bx25d with 50 hrs. has loss of power . idles fine as soon as a load is put on it it want's to quite. thought it had water in fuel so changed all filters added additive and fresh fuel problem has only gotten worse. when idleing and you give it throttle it surges up and down. any ideas?
  178. J

    Bagger for BX25D???

    My son in law has a BX25D and wanted to know if there was a grass bagger attachment available for the 60" MMM?? Any and all help would be appreciated. His machine is a 2013 model year.
  179. TxDoc

    Has Anyone Added Air Conditioning To Their BX25D ?

    I've seen where people added, say to a Curtis Cab, a heater with a valve to shut off the hot water flow, which I would like to know more about the brand of heater....but, I have not seen where anyone has added air conditioning. If anyone has done this, please let me know where I may find some...
  180. W

    Quick Hitches  Bought Clamp-on hitch for my bx25d

    Hi All, Just wanted to share. I ordered the BucketSolutions, clamp on hitch. I really liked the design so I ordered it. I want to move my utility trailer,boat and camper around without pulling out my pickup. I chose this version mostly because of the sturdy T-handle, flat clamping foot, and...
  181. macguyver13

    Finally getting a BX25D

    After wanting a small tractor for about 2 years now I finally ordered a Kubota BX25D this morning. I should be able to have it delivered next week. The way my wife works is she never wants to spend money so I have to plant an idea in her head and let it sit there for a while. The more money the...
  182. C

    BX25D 50 hr Service Done

    Hit 50 hrs on the meter while mowing Monday. Planned to finish up mowing yesterday after work but had stormy weather, so I decided to do some of the 50 hr service instead. Wound up doing everything - it was much easier than the 50 hr service on my BX1500. In fact the hardest part was getting...
  183. scaredychicken

    can the BX25D handle a post hole auger / post-pounder ?

    just wanting to get some information about the BX25D that I hadn't considered earlier (when I was looking at the B3030). we need optional pallet fork operation on the front, and post / fencing operation on the rear. I like/ prefer the BX25D features, size etc, but had more or less given it a...
  184. swatter

    Help with BX25D Transmission Fan

    I removed the shaft but I can not figure out how to get the fan off. Any suggestions?
  185. Mowbizz

    Can you adjust the air pressure on filled rears (BX25D)

    Wondering if there's enough room to let a little air out for mowing? I have a bumpy lawn and the seat bottoms out under my hefty weight. Never had any experience with filled tires except knowing I have them...:D
  186. H

    The ability of the Kubota BX25D & Koiti CS2410 to perform!

    Never owned a tractor before! I have 4-5 acres of land mostly cleared. I am looking for a tractor to do general work like dig drenches, dig for pond, clear some stumps! I was looking at the above tractors BX25D & CS2410. Somebody here suggest LS2023 which is around $5000.00 more. I spoke to the...
  187. 4shorts

    2013 BX25D Upgrade.

    I think it is anyway :)
  188. C

    Power Steering Oil Leak BX25D

    Noticed a few drops of oil under the front axle today. Left side of power steering cylinder leaking oil at 38 hrs. Will be stopping at dealer Tuesday to arrange for repair, but just wondering if anyone else experienced this issue.
  189. H

    Kuboti BX25D vs Kioti CS2410

    Looking to purchase a new sub compact tractor! The above tractors are in my area! Any ideas?
  190. J

    Riding my bicycle and BX25D

    I was riding my bicycle about and sometimes I make a point to ride by the Kubota dealer to look at attachments. I was studying the design of the backhoe on a BX25D. Some fellow drives up and parks a relatively new (less than 10 year old) Dodge pickup. I mentioned something about the price of the...
  191. Code54

    Digging stumps with a BX25D

    Today I was working on cleaning up the property some more and figured I really only have one stump left so I may was well take it out. It is sort of on the edge of the woods but figured if I am cleaning up all the downed trees the stump may was well go also. It is maybe 14-15" across so I...
  192. D

    Comparison  Kubota BX25D v BX25D-1

    Hi, What is the difference between a Kubota BX25D and the newer BX25D-1? If there is already a thread covering this, sorry I couldn't find it! Thanks, Duncan
  193. P

    New BX25D Owner - Boom Cylinder Problem

    The dealer dropped off my new BX25D at my house Saturday morning. Saturday and Sunday I put about 6 hours on it digging out boulders and rotten stumps where the yard meets the edge of the woods. After taking a break Sunday afternoon, I went back out late Sunday afternoon to do some cleanup...
  194. Mowbizz

    BX25D Thumb installation...

    Turns out to be a major P.I.T.A. (if ya know what I mean... Zero instructions except an exploded diagram of the whole backhoe...have to search out the little bits and parts for the thumb and the parts needed are loose in a plastic bag. Altogether, too small of a diagram for these eyes to see...
  195. C

    You got me under pressure......Kubota BX25D Style.

    Well yesterday I mowed with the little thing for the first time, hope do to an update in the day in the life thread later today.....and took everything off the tractor for the first time, well I have had the deck off for a while, but the loader and backhoe came off for the first time....I will...
  196. C

    Tool Box for BX25D

    Trying to figure out a place to put a tool box on this little thing. I just can't seem to find a spot, or box for that matter that seems to work. I generally use old ammo cans for boxes on tractors, they are easy to get into, have a good seal on them and come in different sizes. Any...
  197. Code54

    Kubota BX25D and/or MX5100 - thoughts

    Nope, not looking at which one to buy but just some thoughts. We recently purchased a BX25D to help with small chores around the house and take care of things the MX5100 does not do as well... First off the MX is a heck of a good machine, we are very pleased with it. Has a ton of power, good...
  198. J

    What are differences between the BX2370 vs. the BX25D?

    ... in particular the "specially reinforced fame" ... what exactly is beefed up? What are the differences in the loaders? .... I might have missed something but the specs looked the same. I sat on BX2370 (didn't drive it), liked what I saw but have concerns about the pedal setup. I have hip and...
  199. J

    15hrs on new BX25D

    I've had my BX25D for a week now and I am pretty impressed with what this little power house can do. With15 hrs on it I used it to help my brother do some rough landscaping at his new house. We were able to move much bigger rocks than I thought, the back hoe capability was limited only by...
  200. Code54

    BX25D backhoe ripper question

    Has anyone looked at the DR ripper for their backhoe? I was looking on the web at DR stuff and noticed they have a ripper tooth. I started thinking I wonder if I could get that to fit the BX. When I looked that the reviews I noticed one person said they used it on their Kubota and it fit...