I just got carded

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   / I just got carded #21  
I sure hope this doesn't get shut down, everything has to be politically correct these days. A fellow talks about being carded buying a spray can. To me it boils down to do you want more or less control in your life. I don't need or want someone telling me what to do. If kids are that suicidal, bored, etc., what good does "control" make. If it's not this it will be something else. Another poor guy has to buy carb cleaner for his son. I mean...does anyone think things are getting better? What happened to common sense?
   / I just got carded #22  
It's too bad that there isn't a way to read a thread, but filter out the political comments which pop up way too often. I really don't want to "block" anybody because even the worst perpetrators have some worthwhile comments; yet sometimes it's feels like we're at a WWF ring, and certain people just feel the need to keep piling onto each other.
   / I just got carded
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I sure hope this doesn't get shut down, everything has to be politically correct these days. A fellow talks about being carded buying a spray can. To me it boils down to do you want more or less control in your life. I don't need or want someone telling me what to do. If kids are that suicidal, bored, etc., what good does "control" make. If it's not this it will be something else. Another poor guy has to buy carb cleaner for his son. I mean...does anyone think things are getting better? What happened to common sense?

I can outline what happened to common sense...but that's a conversation for FP.
But in a nut shell, it comes down to the absence of personal responsibility, the lack of reprocussions for your actions and everything being someone else's fault.. All of this in one way or another, had something to do with my difficulty buying a can of paint today. Lol
   / I just got carded #24  
I had to google the restriction on carb cleaner. I had never heard about that one. For anyone else that didn't know, it can be used to make meth or maybe huffed.
   / I just got carded
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I had to google the restriction on carb cleaner. I had never heard about that one. For anyone else that didn't know, it can be used to make meth or maybe huffed.

....or to clean a carb......
   / I just got carded #26  
I bought some brake cleaner the other day and according to the back of the box it’s banned in these states. I figured it must be good stuff. IMG_7460.JPG
   / I just got carded #27  
I don't mind getting carded because a computer reminds the clerk. I think lot of people have trouble estimating age especially considering both the clerk and company can be on the hook.
I was more baffled the time I was at Walmart with my oldest son buying a bunch of things on a shopping list, including some beer. They wouldn't let me buy it with him there (he was under 20 at the time), but it was ok for me to buy it if I sent him to the car with the other items. What's the point of that rule ? If I was buying booze for someone underage, why would I want them in there with me making it obvious ?
   / I just got carded #28  
Your right about the ego and testosterone not being the central issue, but it clouds the dialog of issues.

".... it's really about the double standard and how issues are portrayed in the media...gullible people believe what they want to hear...not necessarily what is true..." Both sides can and do make that statement and similar talking points to their gullible constituents."

Truth as defined by all the media news sources is contaminated through the "spin" required by the economic, social, and political needs of the news sources' primary financial contributors and is questionable at best. Compounding the spin is that many passively accepting "news" viewers in the general public can not differentiate between what is spun news and "almost fact" or just plain expressed BS opinion spun by talking heads as required by the $ handlers of their respective network. It does not matter which party or "news" organization.

Increasing ratings and $ are the only news networks' goals.
   / I just got carded #29  
I bought some brake cleaner the other day and according to the back of the box it痴 banned in these states. I figured it must be good stuff. View attachment 622775

Eventually everything will be banned apparently.
We had been using aircraft paint remover to remove powder coat on parts we didnt want to sandblast to prep for recoating. But it was banned because people were using it without precautions and suffering the consequences.
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