Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #183,901  
Just finished another 3 hour plowing session. Fuel gauge was dead on 1/2 tank when I filled it. The total hours on this 1/2 tank of fuel was 10, working hours. My tractor doesn't sit around and idle, it works.
10 hours of work on 3.5 gallons of fuel I think is pretty good.
I got around to plowing my driveway late yesterday afternoon as well. About 8 inches of snow, but the ATV with 60 inch plow was up to it. Much bigger job today over at the other property, where the driveway is 500 feet long. Plus, there’s another 2 inches or so of snow that came last night. Will be using the blower for the first time this year!
   / Good morning!!!! #183,902  
5 minutes ago the sky was blue and the sun was out. Now the sky is full of big white flakes. Interesting weather.
Sorry, sending Michigan weather your way. If you do not like the weather here. Wait 10 minutes. It will change. Sometimes it takes less time. 🙃🥴🤠
   / Good morning!!!! #183,903  
32F on/off snow showers until midnight.

Headed to work all was calm,wife call tree across the driveway,wife calls again power out,wife calls again another tree across the driveway,after my 4 hour shift 20min ride home was not to be hour 20mins later finally made it home number trees and power lines down.
Between chainsaw and Kubota clean up went well,quick look around spring clean up going to long and hard :cry: 9 1/2 hours later power online :)
Scott "the winds here are like a freight train !" they sure were. :eek:
Talk with power crew they said 3 mile up road least 4 miles lines poles down nothing they can do until highway arrives to open roads maybe Sunday afternoon before power restore. :oops: guess it was our turn to taste fury of mother nature.

No plans this evening...feet up watch some football.

Enjoy your evening all.
Gheez, Thomas, I hope you have a generator!
   / Good morning!!!! #183,904  
Morning all, 40 going up to 41 and down to 20.
High winds again today, more fallen trees, finally. Easier to clean em up on the ground and not get hit by falling branches.

Got some panel bits up, not sure how I like the way one looks, so might redo later.
Time to put in some more pieces and pick up more furring strips.

Out to dinner last night, nice to get out or here and pills certainly helping,

Jim Gaffigan did a great skit on hot pockets-they certainly didn't help my mother on her downward spiral.

Kitchen looks great Check!

Thomas - hope they can get through faster for you to get power up.

Feel better Mostly - hard to get energy up during the winter winds/rain. So I just work in the garage and try to make progress. Find a small goal and work it.

Ron - you're picture are such a great way to start the day. So many really great ones.

Our driveway is in bad shape while waiting for our neighbor to green light a 50/50 for us to get it redone. I think he just doesn't have the money and most of the time I get out and do patching. I need to order more, but it's getting past that point with all the rain.

On another note, the driveway and lawns all have a covering of small branches.
Maybe we will have an all wood driveway soon :cool:

Well, back to the dungeon to do more sheetrock.

Hope everyone feels better and the power is back.
   / Good morning!!!! #183,905  
unfortunately with elections this year, and all the craziness involved, it will be harder for all of us
to simply stick with what brings us all together, not what pushes us apart.
but for all these years it has been worth the effort, and this thread has done well
self policing.

does anyone in our group have a greenhouse?
The tiny one I had in NC gave me an enormous amount of satisfaction.
At this time four years ago I'd be watching beans sprout up, growing so fast you could almost see them move.
Am thinking this might be a fun thing to do in the future when done my rv'ing.

what I did learn with the greenhouse is temp control was critical and I burned up a lot of plants when it got too hot in there
on a sunny day. Plus I'd need to configure some kind of propane heater.
But to sit in a warm humid greenhouse where everything smells green on a very cold day outside,
watering and fussing with little plants, it's great fun. Would mean a bigger garden in the back yard also.
You remember..... our greenhouse is still going with all the plants for spring! Wifey has the same affection for watching sprouts pop up!
   / Good morning!!!! #183,906  
Good morning! Low of 35°---- yes, didn't drop below freezing. High expected to hit 45°. Heavy broken clouds, windy again. The forecasted snow is no longer predicted.

Another bad nights sleep. Fell asleep for an hour, then proceeded to toss / turn for the next 2 hours. Finally about 03:00 fell back to sleep. Slept in until 07:30.

Going to attempt getting out to the shop today. Might not do too much, but have to try. At least I want to get some holes drilled in the shelf brackets.

Drew, we use a small electric heater in the greenhouse, it will keep the temp around 40-45° when it's 20 outside. We just want to keep it above 35°. Granted, there are perennials, shrubs, and tree seedlings in there over the winter, not veggies.

The new 10 day has our temps getting up into the 40's this week. I think we will enjoy that. Hopefully all the snow will get melted before another storm..... it's inevitable this time of year....

Everyone have a peaceful Sunday!
   / Good morning!!!! #183,907  
Going to attempt getting out to the shop today. Might not do too much, but have to try.
I'm hoping you are successful. It's when we quit trying that we fail. Keep on trying.
   / Good morning!!!! #183,908  
60°F and 0 rain. Another morning on the cool side but forecast says we should see mid 70s

Finished mowing the Hilo end of property yesterday. Had a decent start on the interior until a cloud burst had me hotfooting to the shed. Likely get a bit more today. Also watch some football.

Prayers for all
Be safe
Have a great day
   / Good morning!!!! #183,909  
Good Morning!!!! 47F @ 8:15AM. Considerable cloudiness. High 57F. Winds light and variable.
About an inch of rain accumulation in the last 24 hours, but the real story was the wind. It blew at 20-30 MPH most of the day and night, but gusts up to 50. When I went out front to use the BBQ last night for dinner I almost couldn't get it to light it was so windy. And I've never seen the big Ponderosa pines being shaken like that. Also heard a sound like rippling sheet metal, and will have to give the new steel roof the once over, too. After it stops raining I'll have to take a walk and see what else is down.

Seems to me it's a vicious circle. They create a park, put in parking lots and sanitary facilities, and that creates a maintenance burden. It also attracts more people, so more wear and tear. Then they put up welcome centers and camp grounds, requiring more maintenance and more money. In the big parks, there are also miles and miles of roads to be maintained. They spend millions building all that infrastructure, but forget about all the millions necessary to protect and maintain it. And we end up with something more like a circus attraction than a place to go and enjoy nature. All with entry fees so high young families need not apply.

Finally found time to dig into the documentation for the hot tub and put together a hand full of how to paragraphs I can follow to get it going again. It will be interesting to see how much power it takes to maintain vs how much it takes to get it up to a comfortable temperature.

I also went over the water bills from down south for the past few months. There are so many administrative fees applied to those bills that the less water I use, the higher the cost per gallon. So the rewards for conserving water are greatly reduced. It will also be interesting to compare the water use as determined by the water company vs what the new flow meter says. I had one bill for a little over 11,000 gallons, which seems like a whole lot of water for a place I'm living in less than half time. That dropped in half when I shut the lawn sprinklers off last month, but even that level seems high.

Then I started packing up the desk in the office, throwing out a lot of stuff I haven't touched since the last move, and filling more boxes, mostly with books and magazines. Looks like I'll run out of boxes before I run out of space in the trailer and van, so might have to switch over to moving more equipment instead.

Hope the weather hasn't been to hard on all of you, and that you can enjoy the rest of the weekend.