Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #181,191  
Good morning! 35˚F heading to 30˚ by sunrise then up to 55˚ this afternoon, with partly cloudy skies and a North breeze.

Another pick-up load of stuff to goodwill, that makes three, and two trailer loads of trash to the tractor shed out of the garage. Our goal is to have everything out of the garage and house and call the junk man to take all the trash out of the tractor shed before closing within two weeks, it will be close.

PT later.

We had snow 3 days last February that is enough to last us 5 years, keep that white stuff up North.

Drew I got the mice out of Mom's house by using snap traps and Reeces peanut buttercup as bait - suggested by a 40 year experienced exterminator. It worked.
   / Good morning!!!! #181,192  
Good Morning All,

my sleep schedule is messed up today

nothing for news here, still a waiting game. i just need some forward movement, this is really dragging on and now nothing will even start to get resolved until the new year is my guess.
i want to get things done in the yard etc, but my hands are tied, mostly because my estranged wife is remaining on the property (upstairs unit) through the Winter. i am avoiding anything that might get a reaction, at least until we have some direction from the lawyers. There are two many eyes, ears and vehicles here, so waiting with my hands tied is tough. oh well. it will look completely different in the future.

i hope that the GM gang is doing well
   / Good morning!!!! #181,194  
Drew, like Txdon I use snap traps. Old fashion Victors. Bought a jar of creamy peanut butter. Last year I trapped 14 after find mice were stealing Sassy’s food. This year I have caught 3 couple weeks ago.. No luck finding how they are getting into house.
   / Good morning!!!! #181,195  
sounds like sweet little Sassy needs to go all Alpha and kick
some mice's butt. Instead they tease her and steal her food.

Well, down comes that metal lever and the show is over.
Victors always work, setting them can be worrisome

my challenge is I don't want dead mice in this rv either...
never had a mouse in this house. Perhaps I picked one up on my travels. Sure am going to clean out all those cabinets very well.
   / Good morning!!!! #181,196  
oh dear shoveling snow
it has started
let's say it just once this year, no slips, no falls, no one getting hurt.

rained most of night but now clear and should be a nice day for driving home. 3 hours through some seriously congested Monday morning traffic. Which is why I'm waiting til after 9am to leave.

slowly waking up, have some house/rv cleaning to do this morning, have to pump and flush the tanks since I sure can't do that in my driveway. What I can do at home is dump the fresh water tank of whatever is left.
about five steps in winterizing and you don't want to forget any.
Including my new triple water filter under the sink that would burst if I forgot to take it out. Lot of stuff getting taken down to basement for the winter.

I learned I have to get all paper products out of this rv. First I had ants, so I am paranoid about vacuuming and making sure no food/crumbs are on the floor, etc. But I went to get the extra toilet paper out of the bathroom vanity, and one corner of the roll was eaten.
Hmmmm. then I looked under the kitchen sink and the extra paper towel was munched too. That means a mouse got in, which means a number of big holes. Not good. Had to come through plumbing openings. Well, get rid of the food, usually the critters don't stick around.
Peppermint/wintergreen/spearmint oil in all confined spaces. Take an empty vitamin bottle or tomato paste can, drill a bunch of holes in the sides, stuff with fiberglass insulation, saturate with peppermint oil, place/hang with wire strategically. Also works in engine compartments.
   / Good morning!!!! #181,197  
29 outside this AM, heading to maybe 50.

Spent all day outside yesterday running the chain saw and wood splitter. More of the same this AM. Need to get stump out of pasture and down to the burn pile.

A nice day with little to no mental gyrations on order.

Need to find another tile guy, one lined up pushed out schedule and price is not budging from estimate. Plus it was four times what we expected.

Hope all have a great start to the week. The last week of November....year is almost
   / Good morning!!!! #181,198  
I just had a long reply which was painful to type because of the lag using this site……and it wiped it all out due to a page reload……frustrating….
In google chrome, there is a small icon that looks like an old floppy drive in the top right corner, you can click to save draft.

tucked into a very strange campground in Milton DE, chosen only because it's so close to my friend's home. Last stop, friends coming over to pick me up and take me back to their place for dinner.
maybe I can close my eyes before they come...

4 hours of driving in rain. Good to be stopped.
47 and light rain in Milton DE
Drew, I'm happy for you venturing out for these last weeks and sharing photos. I wish your weather hadn't been so rough. Just think back to when you were in dire straights health wise, and look what the good Lord has helped you back to a good situation. Prayers.

Interesting Drew. Sophie’s Dad’ parents hailed from area in Ukraine in the Polish Empire pre WWII.
I just saw on a WW2 documentary, where there was a Ukrainian force (after the Russians had pushed the Germans past Kiev) that killed over 50,000 Polish citizens in an ethnic purge. I don't know how many Polish took flight after Germany and Russia invaded their country in 1939.

My mom is at home, thanks for the prayers. She says she felt the prayers healing her. Went to visit, got a few things done around her home, helped with junk mail.

There's a new SCAM. If you're expecting a delivery, scammers will email you with a bogus email and try to get you to use their tracking link which can divert your shipment.
I wish they had an Alcatraz for scammers....with no electronic screens available. Put them to work.

We burned a decent sized fire Saturday night. Neighbor kids came over and helped drag dead logs over to the burn pile.

Back to work this morning. A week off flew by.
   / Good morning!!!! #181,199  
Good Morning!

God has given us another chance to get it right (or at least not screw up too badly).

37.4 F going to low 40s, day supposed to dry out as it progresses .

We got up to the woodlot and filled the pickup bed with split wood, Mrs ran the splitter while I stacked. I also dropped a dead standing pine that was starting to lean towards the shed, 8” dia at base but who needs the aggravation? Left the wood under the bed cover on the truck, will unload and stack today or tomorrow.

Did not go to town Christmas Parade, as it started drizzling and the wind picked up about an hour before start time. It isn’t bad sitting out in the cold if it is dry and not really windy (like last year) but cold wet and 15-25mph is not fun. So I fired up the sauna instead.

today’s primary objectives are annual checkups, lunch, and trip to PO Box for a package.

i hope everyone has a happy healthy safe blessed day!
   / Good morning!!!! #181,200  
Peppermint/wintergreen/spearmint oil in all confined spaces. Take an empty vitamin bottle or tomato paste can, drill a bunch of holes in the sides, stuff with fiberglass insulation, saturate with peppermint oil, place/hang with wire strategically. Also works in engine compartments.
excellent, thanks, I have a gallon of peppermint oil I used to get rid of ants
it also gets rid of cats near my birdfeeders
apparently it gets rid of lots of stuff
yet we think it smells so nice
apparently to other critters, nope

sun is coming up, finally. These short days are, well, too short...