County says no camping on your own land !!

   / County says no camping on your own land !! #91  
I'm hearing NC is throwing out the liberalsin that State fast.

   / County says no camping on your own land !! #93  
I'm hearing NC is throwing out the liberalsin that State fast.


Maybe but the demographics are changing as people move to NC from the NE. They leave the NE because of all of the problems up there and then come down here to give us the same problems. Urbanization is very much increasing across the state which squeezes out the rural voter. This is happening in my county as people from the NE move into one corner of the county. The population increase in that one corner all but over rides voting in the rest of the county by weight of numbers. It is very messy and very ugly. Our county politics under the Coalition has been really mean spirited and bigoted. But they are reaping the seeds they sowed at this point.

   / County says no camping on your own land !!
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Wow. All I can say is Wow.

It's been close to 20 years, but the last time I got riled at our town Goverment, me and three friends ran for mayor and the three open alderman seats - all four of us got elected and then got to work making changes.

We ran as a team, and was elected in a landslide. Fired the city administrator, public works director, chief of police and city attorney. Cleaning house never felt so good!

Reading the BS that's going on in SE Virginia...I think I would be tempted to initiate change from within!!

Good luck with your battle!

You know, I thought my situation was going to be handled a bit like you described above. We had 3 out of 5 brand new county supervisors elected that year, running on correcting a bunch of nonsense that had been going on in our county in the recent years. Speaking with them individually, the new ones indicated to me a willingness to correct the foolishness that previous board members had put into law. BUT, when it came down to it, with the director of planning and zoning breathing down their necks, they each one withered and wilted under her domination, and not one had the guts to even make a motion to change this ignorant ordinance. So much for a "new broom sweepng clean." These board members are just led around by the nose by the paid staff (our servants) that run these county departments. The board members are only part time jobs, and they rely way too heavily on the staff to push the agenda in the way that justifies their staff employment, I see it all the time. The elected positions don't even set the meetintg agenda. Its like the staff puts food on a tray in front of the board each month, and the board has to decide to eat from that tray, or not at all, until the next meeting, they do it all over again. I'm saying there is something wrong with this system. Rarely, does a board member truly initiate any new ordinance, or seek to eliminate an existing breach of personal freedom. Staff should only speak when asked to speak. They should NOT be allowed to lobby against a tax payer, but that is what happens.
   / County says no camping on your own land !! #95  
Just feel fortunate you don't get ALL the government you pay for!
   / County says no camping on your own land !! #97  
Just got some new neighbors this past week. They've owned the land for 2 years but really haven't done anything with it. (wooded)....Now there they are - a small camping trailer and a water, elect, or septic....but they're living there......As much as I know this guy....betting this is not gonna turn out well. Some people are git after it and git er done kinda folks.....others like him -- not so much. Winter is coming - and that make shift shower that's hanging in the tree is gonna be mighty cold....How does one heat a teepee?....It has a wood floor made out of old pallets.....Really nice teepee for camping---maybe 14' high...and 20' diameter...but to live in? Guess I've grown soft in my old age...I want my creature comforts and a flush toilet.
   / County says no camping on your own land !! #98  
People do need to grow up, and part of being a grown-up is picking up after yourself. I have no pity for folks who are too lazy to take care of their land and let it turn into an trash heap. Hiding pure lazy shiftlessness behind property rights is a hoot, like something a teenager would dream up when told to pickup after themselves. People do need to grow up.
I have a theory that has proven itself out time and time again. I believe everyone "grows up" to a certain mental and emotional age and then stops. Their chronological age continues of course but they get no older in their head and actions. Some folks stop at 13 or 14....and we all know what that's like. Arrrrgh! Personally I think I stopped at 33 .... wish my body had stayed at that point!
   / County says no camping on your own land !! #99  
Just got some new neighbors this past week. They've owned the land for 2 years but really haven't done anything with it. (wooded)....Now there they are - a small camping trailer and a water, elect, or septic....but they're living there......As much as I know this guy....betting this is not gonna turn out well. Some people are git after it and git er done kinda folks.....others like him -- not so much. Winter is coming - and that make shift shower that's hanging in the tree is gonna be mighty cold....How does one heat a teepee?....It has a wood floor made out of old pallets.....Really nice teepee for camping---maybe 14' high...and 20' diameter...but to live in? Guess I've grown soft in my old age...I want my creature comforts and a flush toilet.

Well, that should be entertaining to observe this winter, so they aren't totally worthless neighbors. :)

It is entirely possible to do the same here, and folks do it once in a while, but mostly for hunting and outdoor recreation camps. Out houses are okay here if built according to an acceptable design, which isn't expensive or intricate. One-time $35 permit fee. I like the creature comforts too.
   / County says no camping on your own land !! #100  
Gentleman have you looked at the number of states and localities that all seem to have the same laws and ordinances. I think the original poster referred to it as copy and paste to get the same law. They, States, Counties and Local Governments do not have to copy and paste.

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) a 501 (c) (3) organization composed of state legislators, businesses and foundations which produces model policies for state legislatures and promotes free markets, limited government, and federalism at the state level. ALEC drafts the legislation, does legal research, lobbies for the new legislation and in some instances provides funding for implementation, all the state or county Political Hacks have to do is show up and vote.

From what the original poster posted, (They told the board that of all the 18 counties in SE Va. that they surveyed, ALL the other counties had the same law as we do. If you look into this in your own county and state, you will probably find that all these zoning officials have by now "cut and pasted" and emailed this kind of law verbiage to all their friends around America.) it sounds like ALEC has the majority of the counties in VA marching to the same drummer.

For some in-depth information on this fly behinds the scenes 501(c) (3) Tax Exempt organization review this Wikipedia article.
American Legislative Exchange Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First they came … is a famous statement and provocative poem attributed to pastor Martin Niemöller.

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

Some say he was not talking about political parties or religious groups in the poem, but instead was using them as a metaphor to highlight in understandable layman’s terms how politicians steal away rights through subterfuge and guile slowly and methodically one right at a time until all individual rights are gone.
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