For some of you you need to learn the Bill of Rights, (the first 10 amendments) particularly #4 in this case
4th Amendment reads next run on sentence.
So for them to come onto the OPs property they HAVE TO HAVE A WARRANT with SPECIFICS of what is to be searched or seized and what crimes they believe to have been broken are what is needed "need Probable Cause and Oath or Affirmations"
I would post a BIG SIGN with the 4th amendment on it and NO TRESPASSING probably some law says you can only have certain size sign placed out of specific materials etc... That is what you get when you ELECT mostly all LAWYERS into office.
In NC, there are search warrants served by LEO and then are administrative search warrants that can be served by government regulation enforcement officers. I would think that most, if not all states, have similar law. NC does have a quirk regarding LEO served search warrants in that it appears that NON LEOs can apply for the warrant even though a LEO still has to serve the search warrant. Kinda odd.
I was looking the NC statutes regarding administrative search warrants because of an ordinance the county is debating. The legal reality is that the county can come on my land to check for code violations including entering my house. They would have to be able show probable cause to a judicial official to get the administrative search warrant. In the ordinance that is being debated, PC might be difficult in some cases, but in others, the issue would be in plane view. On the other hand, the county does use aerial photography of all land in the county. If I build a structure outside of the regulations, the county almost certainly will see the structure at some point.
If I am supposed to pay property taxes on said structure, they will be after me. Our house is at the end of a private road that is gated by us. Our house cannot be seen from the road much less the gate. One day, I was working from home and the wifey had gone to run some errands and left the gate open. A strange car drove up the driveway and to the BACK of my house. This happens more often than it should.
Turns out it was the Tax Man and Tax Woman. Now, I could have had fit over them trespassing but they could already see what they wanted to see. I am sure they saw what we call the barn on the aerial photos and that is what they came to see. Instead of having a fit, we had a nice little chat. They were interested in the barn, and from the aerial photo, it might look like a taxable structure, but it is not, as they could plainly see. The barn is two shed "structures" sitting next to the cube off a moving truck. The cube is 24'x8' and makes good water tight, and sorta, secure storage. Looks like scat but it was supposed to be a short term solution that has latest far longer than I would like. I could have told them to scat off my land and they just would have gone and gotten a search warrant. They certainly had PC. They would have come back pissed off and they would have gone looking for whatever they could find. In stead, they looked at my Fred Sanford look alike barn and left. :thumbsup:
I can think of some scenarios where animal control could get a search warrant for one's land and even one's house. Accessing the house would be difficult under our current regulations thank fully.
While government needs a search warrant, in some cases, it is not hard to get PC.