County says no camping on your own land !!

   / County says no camping on your own land !! #81  
I try to stay out of politics on this forum but had to respond. If I understand you correctly you believe that the majority's will should be upheld and if you are in the minority you should accept the outcome. I agree with that philosophy. But I distinctly remember a law being passed in 2010, Obamacare, that was not supported by the majority of Americans but was passed by zealot politicians. In addition, the latest polls show that 41% somewhat support it and 54% oppose it as of July 2013 and it still is the law of the land.

Hi Woody,

I know what you mean about politics, I am guilty of getting wrapped up in these issues. I hadn't made any comments on political topics for some time now and I think I was happier for it.

Regarding the ACA, or a number of other "hot" issues, our strength is that excesses or missteps will usually be righted, these things aren't etched in stone. Progress can be messy with steps in various directions until the best path is found. That is more often the rule than the exception I think.

If some of these solutions were easy, we wouldn't be talking about them. It's actually a healthy sign that we are discussing them. It's also aggravating. :laughing:

   / County says no camping on your own land !! #82  
People do need to grow up, and part of being a grown-up is picking up after yourself. I have no pity for folks who are too lazy to take care of their land and let it turn into an trash heap. Hiding pure lazy shiftlessness behind property rights is a hoot, like something a teenager would dream up when told to pickup after themselves. People do need to grow up.

Exactly. The drunken druggies who dump their junk and trash in the yard and expect their mommies to come pick it up are a blight on society. They are scum. The best thing that could happen is if they were run off their land. Let them live under a bridge with the rest of their kind.
   / County says no camping on your own land !!
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I don't know how this got hijacked to a discussion about unsightly junk piled in some drunk or addict's mother's yard, but that has very little to do with a tax-paying citizen being denied the right to use his own property to camp out if he chooses, occasionally. I believe once I can show no one is "living there," that should be the end of the government interest. Anything after that would be cause for harrassment charge. Again, I prove that by next-to-zero electricity consumption, no beaten-path in the grass around the trailer or at the trailer door, no trash cans, no mailbox, no nothing to indicate to a common sense inspektor that anything amiss is happening there. It's not that complicated.
   / County says no camping on your own land !! #84  
I don't know how this got hijacked to a discussion about unsightly junk piled in some drunk or addict's mother's yard, but that has very little to do with a tax-paying citizen being denied the right to use his own property to camp out if he chooses, occasionally. I believe once I can show no one is "living there," that should be the end of the government interest. Anything after that would be cause for harrassment charge. Again, I prove that by next-to-zero electricity consumption, no beaten-path in the grass around the trailer or at the trailer door, no trash cans, no mailbox, no nothing to indicate to a common sense inspektor that anything amiss is happening there. It's not that complicated.
   / County says no camping on your own land !! #85  
Plant more trees so that you have a nice privacy screen? You can't see my house from the road. My driveway is 35 degrees sloped, easy to block off cars, and nobody wants to walk up.
   / County says no camping on your own land !! #86  
Exactly. The drunken druggies who dump their junk and trash in the yard and expect their mommies to come pick it up are a blight on society. They are scum. The best thing that could happen is if they were run off their land. Let them live under a bridge with the rest of their kind.

Um... dont know about that, now... :ashamed:
   / County says no camping on your own land !! #87  
I had no idea there were places like that here. That is crazy and I'd be moving down south ASAP. I'm afraid I'm not going to be told where I can and cannot sleep by a zoning board. As far as I'm concerned, the camper is also a mobile home and single wide so what's the rub? From the little reading I've done about this the campground industry lobby's for this.

   / County says no camping on your own land !! #88  
We don't have zoning laws in Texas. We believe in private property rights here. There are neighborhood covenants in most areas but rural areas not much. You might find some deed restrictions too. But some elected body having control of what happens on private property like camping. Never.

   / County says no camping on your own land !! #89  
We don't have zoning laws in Texas. We believe in private property rights here. There are neighborhood covenants in most areas but rural areas not much. You might find some deed restrictions too. But some elected body having control of what happens on private property like camping. Never.


North Carolina was that way as well 40 years ago, but the growth of the Research Triangle and others has brought in a group of college indoctrinated liberals that once they have theirs wish to block others, as well as change the basic parameters. They build a development next to hog farm that's been there for 80 years, then petition to stop him from raising hogs. It absolutely amazes me.
   / County says no camping on your own land !! #90  
North Carolina was that way as well 40 years ago, but the growth of the Research Triangle and others has brought in a group of college indoctrinated liberals that once they have theirs wish to block others, as well as change the basic parameters. They build a development next to hog farm that's been there for 80 years, then petition to stop him from raising hogs. It absolutely amazes me.

A few election cycles back, a leftest group calling themselves the Coalition managed to get a group of people elected on the BOE, county commissioners, town commissioners, and town mayor. What a cluster. It took a few elections to removed most of these people but it has been a mess. At one point, they were seriously considering a regulation that would have prevented development 1,500 feet on either side of a major highway from the county seat to the county line. They wanted to keep the rural view while letting someone else figure out how to pay the property tax and mortgage. This little regulation was proposed and caused a huge outcry before just disappearing. The regulation would have cost a fortune in legal fees... But these people no best....

What is a hoot, is that the group was elected because of opposition to a subdivision being built near that major road. That subdivision is large but an even bigger development is being discussed right now that will completely change the county. The development, when finished over 20-30 years, will increase the towns population by 20 times. Yes, 20 times. There has been not a peep out of the Coalition about this huge development. The major that was elected when the smaller subdivision was being planned has been strangely silent, if not supportive, of the new development that will turn the town into a city.


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