Battery Info

   / Battery Info #331  
Most of the old-fashioned big ones will just keep on trying to charge after the battery is full. As this can boil off electrolyte, they generally should not be left connected continuously.

The older big "dumb" chargers do have a couple of advantages: the high charge rates (such as 25-50 amps) can help start a vehicle with a dead battery quickly, and they will try to charge just about anything. I've not really followed whether the newer big rolling chargers have incorporated "smart" features in their design.

If you want to leave it connected long-term, it's best to make sure you have a good quality smart charger that regularly assesses battery condition and charges accordingly. It's also important to make sure they are maintaining the proper voltage when left connected. I've run across a couple of cheap, off-brand chargers that were significantly over or under the recommended voltage.
Most of the rolling ones are "smart" electronically controlled ones. I had to look hard for my dumb one. It has the knob for the couple 12v or single 6v range & another knob that is the mechanical timer. You have to calculate how long it will run before it starts boiling the battery. For that reason I use one of my 2 smart chargers or couple of trickle maintainers for most stuff. The big unit gets used for starting stuff right now (which my 70@ smart charger usually did fine after a minute or 3) or for electronics projects like testing a starter or running a 12v motor or something. I can't be bothered to calculate the timer stuff properly.

Most people should just get a modern smart charger, unless you plan on using it for other non battery charging things. No difference in price.
   / Battery Info #332  
Pretty good deal on 1200 amp booster;

Not sure how long it'll last!
   / Battery Info #333  
Battery holding up OK Eddie? I'm thinking of going to Ever start MAXX Platinum AGM over the NAPA for my next battery replacement in my car.
   / Battery Info
  • Thread Starter
The battery is working great. When I got my tractor in June of 2022, it started just fine, except when it was super cold out. Every winter, since getting it, I had to jump it to get it to start when temps where below freezing. I assumed it didn't have a cold starting system, or something like that since I'm in Texas.

Over the weekend, with temps in the 20's, it fired right up!!!! I wasn't sure what to expect, but with it starting up so quickly in the cold weather, I think the original factory battery was iffy from the beginning.

For me, being able to start my tractor in the cold was a big deal. I'm very impressed with the battery so far. I guess the next thing to do is to see how long it lasts.
   / Battery Info #335  
My Ram batteries just took a dump.
Both were date stamped “5/22”.

So I got 2 years & 7 months from them. Took them back to where I bought them and got a lot of “dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullschidt” mumbo jumbo that basically said, I get no pro rated money back.
These were DEKA batteries.

So I got 2 more, but he gave me mechanics pricing on them, about $160 each. That’s not bad for my area for 850CCA Dekas.
   / Battery Info #336  
Walmart H7's with 850cca are $180 and have a 4 yr replacement warranty! Put a set in the RAM 3500 a few months back.

The last set was Champions with a 3 yr warranty and lasted just over 5 yrs.

Use a smart 4 amp charger when the truck will sit more than a day or so. As you know, there's a lot of draw in these trucks when they are sitting let alone when you go to start them and it's in the teens/twenties in the am!

Dekas used to carry a good name. Seems it's all hit or miss these days!
   / Battery Info #337  
Walmart H7's with 850cca are $180 and have a 4 yr replacement warranty! Put a set in the RAM 3500 a few months back.

The last set was Champions with a 3 yr warranty and lasted just over 5 yrs.

Use a smart 4 amp charger when the truck will sit more than a day or so. As you know, there's a lot of draw in these trucks when they are sitting let alone when you go to start them and it's in the teens/twenties in the am!

Dekas used to carry a good name. Seems it's all hit or miss these days!
Pro-rated? Or full replacement?
   / Battery Info #338  
Full replacement!
   / Battery Info #339  
The battery is working great. When I got my tractor in June of 2022, it started just fine, except when it was super cold out. Every winter, since getting it, I had to jump it to get it to start when temps where below freezing. I assumed it didn't have a cold starting system, or something like that since I'm in Texas.

Over the weekend, with temps in the 20's, it fired right up!!!! I wasn't sure what to expect, but with it starting up so quickly in the cold weather, I think the original factory battery was iffy from the beginning.

For me, being able to start my tractor in the cold was a big deal. I'm very impressed with the battery so far. I guess the next thing to do is to see how long it lasts.
Always nice to be pleased when you get somewhat of a good deal. I think keep everything clean and add a little charge during off seasons and you will be surprised how long it works for you.

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