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Results 1 to 48 of 48
  1. G

    Good Golly, I Actually Made IT!!

    Well, contrary to what many people thought 31 years ago (including myself), I actually made it to my retirement day! In about 3.5 hours, I'll be out of here! I have to "look" busy until 10:00 a.m., at which time a reception begins. I guess a number of people will get one last shot at me...
  2. G

    Spencer Surfaces

    Well, Spencer showed up in Janesville today to do a little work in a new Taco Bell. He gave me a call, and we were able to get together for dinner. He was just here for today, and headed for Kansas right after we ate. Here's a picture of the Taco Bell where he spent a good part of his day on...
  3. G

    Good Bye Buggy!

    Well, it was going to happen eventually, and the time came today. What with our "downsizing" in preparation for my upcoming retirement, we've been getting rid of many items that we don't want any longer, or don't have room for in our storage locker or motorhome. Unfortunately, we couldn't...
  4. G

    New Shingles For Roof

    I'm preparing to put my house up for sale. Last fall, I discovered that my 30 year shingles that were in the house specifications when we built it are in fact only 15 year shingles. And we are in the 16th year of living in the house. The builder has long been out of business, but ironically...
  5. G

    Cost of Shipping Furniture

    Sometime this summer, I'm going to need to get some furniture moved from my home here in Wisconsin out to my son's place in Fallon, Nevada. Originally I just figured that I'd rent a U-haul trailer and haul it out there myself. After all, I'll be retired and should have the time to do it...
  6. G

    WI-FI While Traveling

    We're in the process of getting ready to begin traveling once I retire. In order to stay in touch with TBN and friends and family via e-mail, we're planning on trading in our PC and getting a laptop. I realize that virtually all laptops now come with a WI-FI card/chip already installed. I'm...
  7. G

    Chicagoland Sport Show

    Anybody going to this show? It's at the Rosemont Convention Center January 12 - 16, 2005. My wife and I are coming down on Saturday, the 15th. We're mainly coming down to check out the RV's. I haven't found any tractor related exhibits, but they will have RTV's, ATV's, etc. I figure since...
  8. G

    Tractor Related Christmas Gifts

    Well, it's that time when everybody is trying to figure out what to get each other for Christmas. I think everybody has one or two people that can be hard to buy for. Well, maybe I can solve your problem. While visiting a different discussion forum, I came across the Cheesy Light website...
  9. G

    New Graphics

    Hey, I just noticed the neat little graphic at the top left of the page by the TBN banner. Geesh, I hope that hasn't been there for a couple of days. Of course, if it has been, I haven't noticed it before now because of how busy I've been reviewing posts. That's my story and I'm sticking to...
  10. G

    RV Discussion Forums??

    Most of you guys know that I'll be retiring next year. Actually, in 268 days, but who's counting, right? The wife and I are still debating on whether we want to stick around in this neck of the woods, or consider relocating. As we continue to do more and more research, that relocation thing...
  11. G

    Is There a Branson, MO. TBN Chapter Yet?

    meetings-ML-474936-ML- New forum for meetings/get-togethers.
  12. G

    Time For Another "Where Are They Now?"

    Time For Another \"Where Are They Now?\" A comment by another TBN'er in a different thread made think that it's time to go looking for some regular contributors that have become less than regular. Every so often, someone asks about whether anyone knows if so-and-so is around, or what are they...
  13. G

    New Computer Has Me Screwed Up!

    HELPPPPP!!!!!! We just got a new computer, and I can't get the screen to look normal. It only covers half of the monitor. Here's a link to it if this will help you understand what's going on Half Screen I know I need to adjust some settings, but I can't figure out which ones. I'll bet...
  14. G

    Had A TRULY Sick Feeling Today

    I had one of those experiences today that nobody wants to have. I was heading out to pick up a consultant that we had hired to assist with a recruitment for a new Police Chief. I was driving one of our City cars, and as I came around a curve going about 25 mph (it was a 30 mph zone), a big...
  15. G

    Never Ending Loops????

    When I go to read a thread that shows a new reply (the yellow diamond sign), and it doesn't seem to matter which forum it is in, and I leave the thread after reading it, I've noticed that the thread still shows the new reply. At first I figured that someone had posted a reply while I was...
  16. G

    Compare Your Age

    Here's an interesting link that compares your birthday with famous people and events. Click on the link and when the window opens, type in your date of birth. It's kind of neat! Who Else is Your Age?
  17. G

    Used PT2425 - Need Info.

    This thread is for IrTxRx who has asked for some assistance.... Does anyone know about the PT2425 listed in the used section on the PT website. What is a 2425 (HP, lift capacity, etc...) and any idea if @24K is a reasonable price? Well, even though you're getting at least response for...
  18. G

    U.S. Navy Terrorist Catch and Release Program

    The US Navy today announced that it has released ****** Hussein after questioning him extensively while he was held prisoner aboard a US aircraft carrier in the Arabian Sea. In a humanitarian gesture, $750,000 was returned to ****** and he was given a white Ford Fairlane automobile upon being...
  19. G

    Is THIS A Good Deal??

    I was doing a little surfing of various dealers in the area, and I ran across this "used" 6420 for $23,900. Is this a deal that I should consider pursuing? I mean, it's not every day that you come across this size tractor in this condition for $23,900! The ad says there is apparently no...
  20. G

    Now I Get To Brag!!

    Just wanted all my TBN friends to know that my first grandchild was born today! Teagan was born in Allentown, PA. at 6:11 a.m. (est). She weighed in at 7 lbs. 11 oz. and was 22" long. Mother, father and baby are all doing fine. My son mentioned that she was a beautiful little girl, and...
  21. G

    Spencer's On The Highways & Byways!

    Spencer\'s On The Highways & Byways! This morning, as I worked diligently for the citizens of my community, my phone rang. When I picked it up, I heard this voice say, "Hi Garry. This is Spencer from TBN!" Wow, what a surprise! He went on to say that he was going to be driving through my...
  22. G

    We're Going to Fallon, Nevada!?

    We\'re Going to Fallon, Nevada!? Sometime late this month, the wife and I will be accompanying our son, daughter-in-law and our new grandaughter (still waiting for her to join us! ) out to Fallon, Nevada. My son is in the Navy, and he's being stationed there at the Naval Air Station. We're...
  23. G

    Do I Need to "Get A Life"?????

    Do I Need to \"Get A Life\"????? I was off from work last week (practicing for retirement!! ), and the wife and I were running some errands. We needed to return a gift to our local Target store, and as I was parking in an empty stall, I observed a lady park her van in the handicapped stall...
  24. G

    Patriotism Alive and Well

    I have to tell you all that if for any reason you've had any concerns over the future of our country, I can tell you that you have absolutely nothing to worry about. We had the opportunity and great privledge to attend our son's graduation from U.S. Navy boot camp this past Friday. What a...
  25. G

    Labor Day Thresheree

    It's Labor Day again, and at least for those of us in the this part of the midwest, it means it's time for the Thresheree! Here's a newspaper article from the local paper Thresheree that describes a little bit about it. If you happen to be anywhere near here, you should make it a point to...
  26. G

    Amazing The Things You See When You Look!

    Well, the day just started out like any other Saturday. After the morning cup(s) of coffee, head outside and start doing the yard work. After 2 1/2 hours, have most everything finished that I wanted to get done, so inside for a quick glass of iced tea. Chatting with the wife while sipping...
  27. G

    GREAT Golf Club Bargain!

    If any of you folks have been thinking about getting into the game of golf, or maybe your "significant other" has been hinting that they need a new set of clubs, or maybe you wanted to start your teenage son or daughter out in golf, well there's a really good deal on clubs that you might want...
  28. G

    What Names Do Grandparents Like?

    My wife and I just found that our first grandchild will arrive sometime in February! I always wondered how I'd react to learning that I was going to be Grandfather. Well, it's really COOL ! Do Grandfathers say COOL ?? Anyway, the wife and I were discussing what our grandchild might...
  29. G

    Profile Searching

    We use to be able to do searches of TBNer's profiles based on location, tractor type, etc. This was especially useful if you wanted to find someone but you couldn't remember their user name but you might recall what state they lived in. A quick search by state revealed all the users that lived...
  30. G

    Is 40 acres Enough for a Golf Course?

    Most of you know that my wife and I have been planning on purchasing property in the country that we can we build our "compound" on once I retire. Well, the retirement is just 2 years away, so we've started actively searching for suitable property within a reasonable driving distance of our...
  31. G

    Are Air Boats Considered Farm Implements?

    Well, after mowing the lawn today, I decided that I didn't want to sweat anymore. The only really safe way to do that is to vacate the premises! So I decided to jump into the truck and go visit a Century/Branson dealer I'd heard about in Pecatonica, Il. Did a quick check on the computer to...
  32. G

    Chipmunks - Good or Bad?

    Rogue, Sorry for stealing your title, but I've kind of got the same problem that you do, only a little smaller. And hey, why re-invent the wheel, right? What can a guy do about chipmunks? We've discovered we've got them running around in our yard a lot. The other day, I had planted some...
  33. G

    Any Good Sightseeing Hints

    O.K. guys. I told the wife that the TBN brain trust wouldn't let me down, so here goes! We leave this coming Saturday on a 3 week vacation. We have to make up for the fiasco last June! Anyway, we're going to take our time and meander down to Florida the first week, then we spend a week at a...
  34. G

    Had Your Dose of Klez Today? I HOPE Not!

    WOW! We just got through fixing our computer after getting hit with the Klez(sp?)virus! All you computer Guru's out there probably know all about this thing, but this hacker (hey, that's a golf term too! ) didn't know a thing about it, and obviously didn't know that our computer wasn't...
  35. G

    Thresheree Photos - As Promised!

    Well, I got out to the Thresheree for a few hours on Sunday. My mission was to take some pics of Allis Chalmers "G's" for Kodiak and unusual implement seats for Rancar. Well, as they say, I've got some good news and some bad news . The good news is that I got some good shots of "G's". The...
  36. G

    Drove a DK35

    Well, I had a chance to drive my first Kioti. I FINALLY stumbled across a Kioti dealer about an hour away from me, and since I was going to that area on some other business, I decided to swing by and see what he was like. Well, there was a DK35 sitting on the lot, so I talked with the salesman...
  37. G

    Thresheree Wisconsin Style

    Every year there's a great Labor Day weekend event called the Thresheree just outside of Edgerton, Wisconsin. The main theme are all of the old steam engines and tractors that are not only on display, but also used in demonstrations. And everyday at 2:00 p.m., they have the "Parade" of all of...
  38. G

    Poor Man's Air Conditioning

    Poor Man\'s Air Conditioning For the last few years, my wife and I have been debating on what to do with our patio. It has a westerly exposure, so it is unbearably hot in the afternoon. Just about the time we'd want to use it, of course! We talked about building a screened in porch, or...
  39. G

    OH BOY! OH BOY! Vacation

    Oh Boy, Oh Boy - Vacation has arrived - My favorite! (Thanks BlurryBill!) We're packed up, got the clubs in the back of the van, the TBN hat is sittting on the dash, got the pooch an extra tick repellant treatment, wifey is somewhere around here, and tomorrow morning we're ready to go to the...
  40. G

    Power Trac Web Site Problems?

    I've been trying to get to Power Trac's web site to see if I could find the closest dealer, but the site is not accessible. Does anyone know if this is just a short term problem?
  41. G

    The Hats Have Arrived!!

    WHOPPEE!! My hat arrived about 3 minutes ago! I would've posted sooner, but I had to open the box first! What a great looking hat - and top quality, too! Of course, we did not expect anything less from Muhammad. And what a great signature! It looks like GOLD ink was used? My only...
  42. G

    Art Gallery Air Compressor

    My wife and I operate a small art gallery out of our home as a "division" of her interior design business. I do all the manual labor (wasn't he the president of Mexico once? ) of putting together the frames, cutting the glass, mounting the art work, etc. I have a small Craftsman air compressor...
  43. G

    TC30 History

    I was over in and I noticed that under the NH listing, there are no TC30's listed at all. The list goes from the TC29 to the TC33. Why is this? Is the TC30 model new this year? Was it called something else and then reborn? Just wondering what the history of the tractor...
  44. G

    Mechanic Killed?

    Did anyone hear that a mechanic at a John Deere dealer in Michigan was killed this morning? I happened to see a posting about it on another discussion forum, but there wasn't a lot of information. From what the posting said, the mechanic was working on the front end of a medium sized tractor...
  45. G

    Living In The Barn?

    No, I didn't get kicked out of the house . My wife and I are beginning the planning process for building our "compound", which will be on 10 - 20 acres and will include a house, a barn/workshop, and an art gallery/custom frame shop. As we discussed various options and styles, she wondered if...
  46. G

    Looking for David Brown Tractors

    Anybody got any info. and/or pictures of David Brown tractors? A good friend of mine, who happens to be named David Brown, would like to find out about what he was named after (that was my comment since I'm the tractor geek). Any information would be appreciated. Thanks
  47. G

    Clip Art

    Does anyone know of any internet sites that would have clipart of compact tractors? I'm putting together a brochure and would like to add clipart that illustrates various jobs that compacts can do.
  48. G

    NEW New Guy

    Hi guys! I started checking out TBN about a week ago, and am I IMPRESSED . I'm starting my search for my toy, and I think I've seen every question I've ever had about tractors answered through these threads. You guys really know your stuff. And it's great the way everybody shares info. I...