Chipmunks - Good or Bad?

   / Chipmunks - Good or Bad? #1  


Elite Member
Feb 21, 2002
Janesville, Wisconsin
None -yet. Until then FunBuggy (EZ-Go) will have to do!

Sorry for stealing your title, but I've kind of got the same problem that you do, only a little smaller. And hey, why re-invent the wheel, right? /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

What can a guy do about chipmunks?

We've discovered we've got them running around in our yard a lot. The other day, I had planted some new flowers in a bed in front of the house. The next day I went out to give 'em a drink, and there was a big hole right next to them so that the flowers had actually slid down into the hole! /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

We've seen the little bugger(s) running around, but this was the first sign we've had that they're burrowing close to the house. I called my exterminator to see if he could do something on his next visit, but apparently it's against the law for exterminators to poison the things. He suggested using a live trap to catch them. I asked about applying poison myself, but he didn't recommend that because of our dog. He said that chipmunks don't always eat the poison where they find it. They will carry it to some other location before eating, which could be in our yard where our dog plays.

Does anyone have any other ideas other than using these traps? I've heard that moth balls down in the holes will drive them away. Is this true? If I have to use traps, what's a good bait, and how effective are they?

Any suggestions would be appreciated! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
   / Chipmunks - Good or Bad? #2  
I have a problem with the little buggers. They are every where. At first I thought they were cute but 2 years ago the population exploded.
Last summer I started hunting them with a B-B gun. Must have pulled the trigger 500 times and not a single confirmed kill! Those are fast little buggers. This spring I am still shooting at them. I have nailed 12 of them and the two dogs have each snagged one. If you stay still they only run away a little and then freeze so you can get them.

But I think I am still losing the overall war. They are in the flower beds and in the veggy garden and even in the plants in pots. They keep trying to dig out my foundation for me as well. Every other day I push dog poop into the holes next to the foundation. That seems to help somewhat.

For now whenever we are on the porch or the deck I have the airgun handy. In fact I have been thinking of getting a Beeman or RWS or something else with a single stroke action. I haqve to pump my Crossman 8X to get enough velocity and accuracy to do the job. And the Chippies are figuring this out. After the first shot when I start pumping the gun they all start making that chipping noise to warn each other. I am sure if I could translate it would be "Hey lookout everyone, that guy is out with his gun again."

   / Chipmunks - Good or Bad?
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</font><font color="blue" class="small">( I am sure if I could translate it would be "Hey lookout everyone, that A**hole is out with his gun again."

/forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

That's funny! It reminds me of that TV commercial for Progressive Insurance (?) where the squirrel runs out in front of a car and make the car swerve and then crash. Then the squirrels are doing the high five in the middle of the road! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I don't think shooting the little buggers is going to be a viable option for me. Our local law enforcement types frown on shooting anything inside City limits! /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif

I do have a friend who will occassionally take a pot shot at rabbits, but he only has 2 neighbors to worry about, and they won't complain because the rabbits eat their veggies too. Unfortunately, I have one neighbor who believes it's his place in the neighborhood to "oversee" everything that goes on in everybody elses yards - except his, of course!

Seems like just another reason for us to move out into the country!! /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
   / Chipmunks - Good or Bad? #4  
Garry, tossing a bunch of moth balls down their burrows will probably get them to abandon at least that part of the burrow. Chipmunk burrows are like mazes, and they have many entrances. Throw a handfull of mothballs down each burrow hole you find, and hope you got all of them. It might work, or they might just dig new burrows. It's not usual for them to be such a problem, though.
   / Chipmunks - Good or Bad? #5  
<font color="blue"> "...Any suggestions would be appreciated!..." </font>


I've had problems with chipmunks coming through small holes in my fieldstone foundation in the winter. We don't store much down in the basement for them to damage, but they create a racket and will make a mess of everything when they rummage around to pull materials together for nesting.

I've found the following to be effective if you don't mind going the extermination route. Buy some rat traps and dab a small amount of cheese or peanut butter on the spring. If this is outside, place it in a small box or other container to prevent your dogs from investigating too closely. But, leave an opening large enough for the chipmunks to enter. These critters love peanut butter and I've caught a few this way. I've also caught a number of mice this way and unfortunately I have to clean up a bit too many body parts with these smaller guys. /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif These rat traps should do the trick. /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

   / Chipmunks - Good or Bad?
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</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Throw a handfull of mothballs down each burrow hole you find, and hope you got all of them. )</font>


Thanks for the tip. At this point, I've only found this one hole, but I know there have to be others. I was thinking that before I throw in the moth balls, I could run water into the burrows to see if I could locate the other holes by seeing where the water comes out. Does that sound reasonable?

</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Buy some rat traps and dab a small amount of cheese or peanut butter on the spring. )</font>


Are rat traps larger than mouse traps? Never had to buy any before.

I'd heard that peanut butter was a good bait. My father-in-law says I should use Beeman's gum! /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif Heck, the last time I even HEARD about Beeman's gum was in the movie, The Right Stuff, let alone find any! /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

I think we're (notice I said we're - as in the wife says!!) going to try to drive them away with the moth balls first. I mean come on guys, the chipmunks are like little Bambi's - They're Soooo Cute! We can't just kill them! /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
   / Chipmunks - Good or Bad? #7  
Have you considered obtaining a litter of Manx kittens?????? These critters are hunting machines. They hunt in packs and work with each other to trap game. I have 2 and these little power packs catch rabbits, squirrels and are very protective of each other. I almost never see one without the other. Not sure if you know what a Manx cat looks like, but they have bob tails and resemble a small bobcat in stature. The other option is a Weirauch Pellet rifle with a scope. These puppies can push pellet down a rifled barrel at almost 1200 fps. some models a little more. I have one in .177 cal. that can go through both sides of a 5 gal. steel can at 25 yards. Good luck with the little critters! /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
   / Chipmunks - Good or Bad? #8  
Garry, you could try the water, and it might even chase a few away, but I doubt that you'll find water coming out of the other holes. Chipmunk burrows are huge, with living chambers in some locations, and tunnels running all over the place. I doubt that you could get the water to come out the other holes, but I guess it's possible. It's certainly worth a try.

And, I'm with you, Garry!! They're so cute, how could you kill them? They're actually in the squirrel family, they're ground squirrels.
   / Chipmunks - Good or Bad? #9  
<font color="blue"> </font> Cats are the best medicine. If you don't get rid of them soon, you'll start drawing snakes! My dad has the same problem with chips and now has lots of snakes! They keep cats busy, too. <font color="blue"> </font> /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif
   / Chipmunks - Good or Bad? #10  
I do one of two things. Either find the burrow and dump poison down it or light off one of the gas bombs in there. It does a great job on most any rodents. I had them in my new barn and haven't seen a hole for awhile now. Those things, esp. groundhogs, were digging holes right in the middle of my riding arena. Not a good thing to have at all. The poison worked for most of them. I had one that wouldn't eat the poison though. The gas bomb got him though. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif