Silver Member
Okay I will have to secure it from now on, Thanks!
Okay I will have to secure it from now on, Thanks!
It is not just the fine, I happen to have a friend, that thought it would be "OK" to transport a Case 580K just about a mile on the trailer behind the dump truck to the next site.. So, no tie downs at all, just drove it up there, and lowered the bucket and BH on to the wooden deck.. Then took off down the road. Went around a fairly gentle(he thought) curve, and the 580 rolled off of the trailer sideways and came to rest in the ditch on its side.
Well we have a utility trailer with side walls and a locking rear ramp so we never thought that anything would happen.
Just think if you were towing your unsecured BX at 50 MPH and someone pulled in front of you. You and your truck / trailer come to a dead stop. Do you think the BX would stay on the trailer or do a flip over onto the top of your truck.
I saw 4 accidents this past summer of landscape guys that haul their zero turns on trailers without securing them. People in a hurry pulled out in front of them, they couldn't stop and hit the offender stopping their truck / trailer. At one of these accidents a zero turn did fly off the trailer and into the pick up bed crushing the cab. Fortunately the driver wasn't hurt. I saw that accident happen, called 911 and stopped to assist. That accident happened on a 40 MPH road. The others I came upon after the fact. I cring and keep my distance everytime I see an unsecured load on a trailer. Be safe and secure that BX.