Will UAW Strike?

   / Will UAW Strike? #571  
And meanwhile, non-u

The unions destroyed International Harvester. They were some of the most technologically advanced designs of their day. Their large farm tractors were the first ever with on board computers. The Scouts were awesome SUV’s. The final versions set the bar for the full size SUV. The Travelalls were the precursor for the Suburban. :)

It’s like trying to reason with a 4 yr old over why you can’t eat candy all day, lilranch2001. :ROFLMAO:
Been there, done that. Some people will support unions until they destroy the company, then cry and wonder why there’s no more companies to work for.
‘Nuff said.
Dad bought a Travelall in 1973 when he retired from USAF. We had a Scout II (owned by the dealership) from about 1974 to 1982. One of the vehicles in which I learned to drive. Of course, ours was red and white. Uncle drove an identical one except his roof was white, ours was red.

You are spot on. Of the UAW doesn't kill the golden goose, IH was poised to dominate a niche. The competition were all car manufacturers who made trucks. IH was an equipment/truck manufacturer who made smaller trucks. The SUV suited their target demographic perfectly.
   / Will UAW Strike? #572  
How to recognize an article written by someone who knows nothing about which they write.

"One of the first things McCardell did was strip 11,000 middle managers from the workforce, most of whom were experienced labor negotiators."

So, most of 11 THOUSAND middle managers were experienced labor negotiators? By definition, that means at least 5,501 of them. If 5500+ employees are busy negotiating with labor rather than running a business, you have a problem. What was the problem? Labor.

The UAW was the greed you are looking for. I know, they paid the guys with unique skills more money because they managed the business successfully to that point. Jealousy is a cruel mistress. Kill the golden goose rather than improve yourself to earn more. Excellent life lesson.
   / Will UAW Strike? #573  
And meanwhile, non-u

The Travelalls were the precursor for the Suburban. :)
Wrong. :ROFLMAO: The Suburban came out in 1935 while the Travelall came out in 1953....18 years LATER. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
   / Will UAW Strike? #575  
"Archie McCardell, a notoriously anti-union boss, who took over as CEO in 1978....."

Look how quickly Archie destroyed the company by attacking the very work force that made the products. He felt the workers should be made to work long hours without overtime pay, one of the biggest sticking points. He had no respect for the working man. In the end...he was FIRED.
   / Will UAW Strike? #576  
"Archie McCardell, a notoriously anti-union boss, who took over as CEO in 1978....."

Look how quickly Archie destroyed the company by attacking the very work force that made the products. He felt the workers should be made to work long hours without overtime pay, one of the biggest sticking points. He had no respect for the working man. In the end...he was FIRED.
The FSLA of 1938 required employers to pay hourly workers time and a half for hours worked in excess of 40 per week.

He wanted to require OT, but could not legally not pay "overtime pay". That's what mandatory OT is you have to work extra, but you still get paid time and a half.. unless your in management. Managers typically work 60+ a week and don't get OT pay.

No respect? The union bosses were just butt hurt because they were used to people cowtowing to their demands and petty BS like worrying about what someone wore to negotiations. Was he a great boss, heck no, but the strike was about the UAW, not him.
   / Will UAW Strike? #577  
"McCardell was appointed president and chief operating officer of International Harvester on August 3, 1977.[17] He received a then-exorbitant salary of $460,000 (making him one of the highest-paid CEOs in the country),[2] a $1.5 million signing bonus and a $1.8 million loan at 6 percent interest.[18][19] He was named chief executive officer in January 1978."

"Discussing his remuneration, he said he thought, in retrospect, that he was "underpaid"

   / Will UAW Strike? #578  
Welp, the strike continues and the S&!t has started to roll downhill. Mandatory one-week furloughs at my employer (tier 1/2 supplier) due to our lost revenue so far.

UAW needs to climb down off the high horse and get closer to a deal. ASAP.
   / Will UAW Strike? #580  
I think the UAW may find that this sammich may leave chitty taste in their mouth after this strike season