Tractors and wood! Show your pics

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,941  
My neighbor's independent suspension polaris does have more ground clearance than my solid axle Yamaha, that is until you put some weight on the polaris, and watch the rear go down!

Once he puts a trailer on the hitch and goes through woops and dips, all the extra ground clearance disappears, and he scraps before my Yamaha does.

I MUCH prefer a solid axle on a work ATV...

There's NO WAY I'd trade my Kubota S&S for any mini truck or toyota pu, my S&S just does what it does, so much better than a mini or pu.

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   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,942  
A wheeler is so narrow you can keep the tires on the high spots effectively increasing the clearance by a ton.

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,943  
Along with the recent ATV comments, has anybody added a track kit to theirs? They are getting popular here especially with ice fishermen, as it replaces their snowsled.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,944  
I don't know - A wheeler is an awful handy way to get around the woods w/o tearing things up. Good way to get you and your tools to the job spot or just go sight seeing.

I have a tractor and a woods truck, but there are times an ATV is the best thing for the job. The light weight let's you get out on trails when they are still too soft for other vehicles - if you are careful about how you do it.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,945  
I don't know - A wheeler is an awful handy way to get around the woods w/o tearing things up. Good way to get you and your tools to the job spot or just go sight seeing.

I agree. Easy to get unstuck too.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,946  
No snow here, no ice here, and pretty much no mud cause its all sand...
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,947  
It's sunny and nice here today, so I moved some boxes of firewood up to the house,


I haven't been burning wood full time this winter, so my half cord boxes last a while.

SR, That is an interesting grapple hook on your loader, did you build it or buy it? Can you tell me about it, please? Maybe more pictures of it as well if you wouldn't mind
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,948  
My neighbor's independent suspension polaris does have more ground clearance than my solid axle Yamaha, that is until you put some weight on the polaris, and watch the rear go down!

Once he puts a trailer on the hitch and goes through woops and dips, all the extra ground clearance disappears, and he scraps before my Yamaha does.

I MUCH prefer a solid axle on a work ATV...

There's NO WAY I'd trade my Kubota S&S for any mini truck or toyota pu, my S&S just does what it does, so much better than a mini or pu.

My indy rear does not do that at all, I towed a 1500 lb popup camper with mine and had very little sag, maybe an inch at most. Mine is also older and not the spongy ride of the newer machines.

And yes, if space between trees isn't an issue, a Kubota or similar SxS would be preferred. I know I can turn tighter and fit between trees that are 50" apart.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,949  
SR, That is an interesting grapple hook on your loader, did you build it or buy it? Can you tell me about it, please? Maybe more pictures of it as well if you wouldn't mind
The loader, pallet forks and grapple are all built by ALO. They are not cheep, but are top of the line products,


I've had them for a long time, and nothing is bent, broken or wore out,


IF, I was starting over tomorrow, I'd buy the exact same tools, because they do so much more than a dedicated grapple or pallet forks alone and are built so well...


   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,950  
I always thought if I really wanted a 4x4 or SxS for work only I would look at an old Toyota 4x4 pickup or something like that. Cheaper, better ground clearance, easy to get parts, and an enclosed cab with heat and air. Yeah its a little bigger but not that much really
Why I bought my Nissan Frontier 4x4, 6speed stick, 2008 w/145k miles and the rust is coming on good. Put it in 4 wheel and 1st gear and claw my way home. Steepest hill in town but only 1/3 mile long. Used to park my car at the bottom and walk home.
No more of that nonsense for me although my wife likes to walk so sometimes she will park her car, Subie Legacy AWD at the bottom just for the exercise:rolleyes:

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