Tractors and wood! Show your pics

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,921  
Tim Ard would probably be the one to call in your area. If you are seriously interested, give a call or shoot an email and see what's involved in hosting.

In my area, the host/sponsoring organization pays a flat rate for the trainer and is responsible for filling the class (though the training organization will put it up on their web site to help advertise). If you have some state forest landowners association, they are usually happy to publicize it to their members.
Not looking for all that work, just volunteering some property to hold a class is all.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,922  
Not looking for all that work, just volunteering some property to hold a class is all.
In my area, land to hold it on is not what is in short supply. Someone willing to make it happen generally the bottleneck. (That's the bottleneck for far too many otherwise interesting projects.)

If you are seriously interested, ask Tim. His process may be different than the one used here.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,923  
I wish I had taken a proper course on chainsaw use. I am not comfortable using my saws. Likely a good thing as I am not good with them. It has been costly. Anything "iffy" I hire the work out. But cheaper than having an accident.

When I was a boy, we had to take down a lot of trees for a couple of ponds we were building. My dad had an old Remington saw that weighed a ton but he did not use it much. IIRC most of the trees where downed with our little JD 40 bulldozer. That little gasser was impressive.
I took a basic course in college 40+ years ago... none of what we were taught applies now. My father had an XL12, I remember seeing him cut his leg while drop starting it. Not badly enough to stop working but I learned that wasn't how to start a saw. I've cut a lot of small trees (<12 inches) and some bigger, yet at this point of my life I don't own many good sized trees and don't care to learn to cut them. I don't have the equipment to handle them, anyways.

This b”””” is coming down this spring though. I should have cut it before I started building 20 years ago. My power line is on two sides, a building on a third. There will be cables in two directions plus wedges to put it to bed.


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   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,924  
It's a really nice day here today, so here's a little tractors and wood I got to this morning,



I had the same idea today SR. Looks like you are starting to dry up where you are. I started blocking up the wood I pulled out last winter. Got murky pretty quick. It was frozen when I started. This area is open the the NW wind and it sweeps away the snow during a storm. The sun warms it up fast. Any place sheltered still has a foot of snow.



   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,925  
This b”””” is coming down this spring though. I should have cut it before I started building 20 years ago. My power line is on two sides, a building on a third. There will be cables in two directions plus wedges to put it to bed.

That's a big full topped pine. Not fun being hemmed in by two lines and a building.

   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,926  
I took a basic course in college 40+ years ago... none of what we were taught applies now. My father had an XL12, I remember seeing him cut his leg while drop starting it. Not badly enough to stop working but I learned that wasn't how to start a saw. I've cut a lot of small trees (
This b”””” is coming down this spring though. I should have cut it before I started building 20 years ago. My power line is on two sides, a building on a third. There will be cables in two directions plus wedges to put it to bed.
That'll sure look fine laying on that new mill!
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,927  
Start of mud season here. My wife took this yesterday afternoon. It is the main Town Road going into town. It will get worse before it gets better.


   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,928  
Husqvarna has a video series which closely parallels what is taught in the Game of Logging (or at least in the level 1 class). They don't call it Game of Logging, but they were sponsors of the program in the USA for many years (I dont think they are currently involved, but I'm not sure.)

The first video in the series is a demonstration. It's 45 minutes long, and he does a lot of talking, but it does give a good idea of the basic technique (they do not get in to the "tongue & groove" technique in this series). Subsequent videos on the series go into more detail on some of the how-to and the "why" they do the things they do.

I don't recommend that someone without significant background try to teach themselves to use a chainsaw by watching videos, but I don't get the impression that a lack of background or experience is a problem in your case, Hunt4570.

So I went back and watched that video, Good video and for sure the one that "taught " me that bore cut. Also got that tip on the stick to the eye to determine where the top of the tree will land, works perfect.
That tree he cut first is like 95% of the trees I cut here, thats a good size for my sawmill.
Excellent video, Thanks.
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,929  
Start of mud season here. My wife took this yesterday afternoon. It is the main Town Road going into town. It will get worse before it gets better.

View attachment 737691

YUCK!! Fun to keep your vehicles clean I bet. The driveway I had in colorado was like that except at a 30 degree angle up hill. NOT good for my motorcycle! So glad I'm on a paved road again!
   / Tractors and wood! Show your pics #19,930  
I was able to make it home from Germany for a few weeks and cleared the old road and some of the pines that are amongst the Hard woods.


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