Price Check price of 2710

   / price of 2710 #21  
DEALER, You haven't regestered, and haven't told us the name of your dealership. All your ranting about Carver sounds like a case of "sour grapes" to me. If he is hurting your business, maybe you need to change your business practices and realize that the internet is here to stay. Those who decide to change will do well like Mr. Carver, and those who don't will struggle and whither away. Its your choice, choose wisely.

   / price of 2710 #22  
Well dealer the last to paragraphs of you last post are finally starting to make sense. Any business would take care of their own customers first and others second.

At the r/v dealership that I work at that is the way we treat our schedule as well. A customer who has a warranty problem is put in the schedule before a customer pay who has bought somewhere else. But we welcome all no matter where they have bought because if we get them in the door and show how good our service is they might just buy a unit from us or give us some customer pay work. I guess it's all in how you look at things. But if you don't look for a win-win situation then all is lost.

There are r/v superstores that are huge and carry tons of different lines of product. Do we try to compete with them--no--. They have their market share and we have ours and we have also won over alot of their customers--how you ask--price? NO. We gave them good service and fixed their problems correctly and they bought a unit from us.

You will learn in business that you wont close every customer sad but those are facts of life. The salesmen loose alot of deals over a few thousand dollars, but how low do you want to go? Do you want to be a high volume superstore or a smaller dealership that has a solid customer base? Both ways are good business it's how you the dealer want to approach it!!!!!!!!!!

As far as you and what another dealer is charging SO WHAT. We hear stories how cheap that they got there r/v and I think that is great that they saved a bunch of money now they still have some to spend when they reach our dealership!! So don't be short sighted as to what another dealer is charging---take care of your own home base and everything else will fall into place. If you continue to worry about what the other dealer is charging you will run your dealer ship into the ground. There is plenty of marketshare for everyone!!!!
   / price of 2710 #23  

Under "Use of Message Boards, Chat Rooms, and other Communications Forums" in our Terms of Use at you will find parts 3 and 4 fairly clearly stating...

" agree that when using a Forum, you shall not do any of the following..."

+ Publish, post, distribute, or disseminate any material or information that is untrue.

+ Post under multiple identities and/or names.

Later on, you will also find...

" has the right to delete, edit, or decline to publish information provided by those accessing the site that in its sole discretion deems to be unacceptable."

We felt that the information posted by 'W-K IN NC' was unacceptable and also violated parts 3 and 4 mentioned above.

Carver Equipment Company's posts containing advertisements are allowed, because in part 9 we also cover this...

"Advertise or offer to sell any goods or services, or conduct or forward surveys, contests, or chain letters, without the permission of"

Carver Equipment Company does in fact have permission to advertise goods and services on this forum.

I hope this explains it a little better for you...

   / price of 2710 #24  
You say that your shop is backed up 3-4 weeks. I have yet to see a Kubota dealer's shop backed up (at least not with Kubota tractors). Now, what brand did you say you sell?
   / price of 2710 #26  
Got me interested in what was posted/deleted. As I have recent experience with unwarranted censorship by a website (Gardenweb, controlled by JD dealers imo), this caught my eye. Would appreciate a private e-mail as to what was posted if anyone has it. Personally feel it has to be pretty bad, if not libelous, to get the boot......
   / price of 2710 #27  

We don't delete much at all, as many members will confirm. About one message per month on average.

While I can't repost exactly what was posted, I can say that it was a message that we had reason to believe contained information that was not factual. Once in a long while a message will just not 'make sense' ---at that point we look into it. What we discovered warranted deletion at a minimum. We don't approve or monitor all posts here, and as I mentioned above, we rarely delete messages and always have a good, reasonable explanation for why it was deleted. So, there is no unwarranted censorship here, and there has never been.

   / price of 2710 #28  
DEALER, I would not want to see any message deleted, if it contained any useful information (and I don't think that one did), but if it were my time and money invested in developing and maintaining a web site, I'll guarantee you that I'd have some control over the content. Wouldn't you?

   / price of 2710 #29  
Muhammad, I don't know if you can trace the origin of a post from an unregistered posting but I have noticed that most of the slanderous remarks are submitted by them . To that I would say (for myself anyway) if you don't have the GUTS!!! to register keep your comments to yourself !!!

Every person reading this forum can easily see Carver is easily accessable. He's not in the tall weeds taking potshots at other dealers!!!!