Learning how to drive with a trailer..

   / Learning how to drive with a trailer.. #11  
Good for you wanting to LEARN before jumping in with a trailer. I would suggest getting with someone who owns a trailer similar in size to what you have in mind. Then go to a large parking lot or even large empty field and practice there where you will be under no pressure and have plenty of room to make mistakes and learn how to correct them. Practice and time is the only way to learn, NO amount of advise (well meaning) from a forum is going to teach you the skills needed.

The information about short trailers is good to know but until you experience it you won't know how bad some can be. Also the placement of your hand on the bottom of the steering wheel is one I have given to others, it helps develop understanding of steering vs trailer reaction. But the BEST advise is get someplace where you have no pressure or distractions and practice, practice, practice.
   / Learning how to drive with a trailer.. #12  
Good for you wanting to LEARN before jumping in with a trailer. I would suggest getting with someone who owns a trailer similar in size to what you have in mind. Then go to a large parking lot or even large empty field and practice there where you will be under no pressure and have plenty of room to make mistakes and learn how to correct them. Practice and time is the only way to learn, NO amount of advise (well meaning) from a forum is going to teach you the skills needed.

The information about short trailers is good to know but until you experience it you won't know how bad some can be. Also the placement of your hand on the bottom of the steering wheel is one I have given to others, it helps develop understanding of steering vs trailer reaction. But the BEST advise is get someplace where you have no pressure or distractions and practice, practice, practice.
Ya, you got that right. Practice and practice before going on the road. That and bring someone with you to help spot if you need to do a corner. Funny being a farm kid, it was so many years ago, I don't recall learning to back things up.
   / Learning how to drive with a trailer.. #13  
What kind of truck do you have? If it's a Ford try using that Pro Backup Assist. Then you can watch the steering actions until you get used to it.

I never use it because I have drove tractor trailer for over 37 years but I did try it once in my yard and it was hilarious.
   / Learning how to drive with a trailer.. #14  
And as others have said....if you can learn with a short trailer, when you get a longer one it will be even easier.
Try practicing with a tractor or atv with a little cart trailer. Once you get that mastered you will be able to reverse any trailer.
   / Learning how to drive with a trailer.. #15  
Ya, you got that right. Practice and practice before going on the road. That and bring someone with you to help spot if you need to do a corner. Funny being a farm kid, it was so many years ago, I don't recall learning to back things up.

Farm kids didn't learn how to back up, how to back was breed in at birth
   / Learning how to drive with a trailer.. #16  
If you have a hitch receiver mounted on the truck, getting the drop hitch (ball/tongue) is as easy as Lowes or TSC. Know your receiver width (1 1/4", 2", 2 1/2"). Know the drop for the trailer to keep it as level as possible (adjustable drop is better, but pricey.) Know which ball size(s) you'll need -- determined by trailer coupler. Most will be a 2" ball but light trailer could be 1 7/8" & heavy could be 2 5/16". Get the plugs/adapters for wiring. A 7 to 4 is useful, especially if you rent a trailer. Once you have all that, an easy way to practice (if no friends have trailers) is to rent a U-haul trailer from a location with pretty easy access to home. But take their damage Liability waiver in case you "bump" into things at home. Their trailers can be crap, but so was my first car. Start with the open trailers for visibility & work up to their largest enclosed trailer to mimic the camper set-up. (should be between 20 and 40 bucks a day). Practice with that. If you need to play around with more space, rent later in the day then try a school/community college/Walmart or mall parking lot after folks have gone home & it's not full of cars. Have fun. think of it like "drivers' ed for adults.
   / Learning how to drive with a trailer.. #17  
You have received great advice so far, its hard to add to anything that's been posted .

I had no one to teach me how to do it, but after 12 years I had delivered over 850 tractors in places that would make you shake your head.

Customers would tell story's of how easy it was to get into their place just to get their machines delivered.
I had to disconnect the trailer a few times and use their tractor to turn the trailer around their snake driveway or back it up at the end of their driveway.
Turning back around with the truck was not an option !

I had a 22' PJ hydraulic tilt trailer with remote tilt, plus the truck length so It was around 48' long

Once you pull your trailer a few times you will gain confidence and put the worry behind you. ;)
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   / Learning how to drive with a trailer.. #18  
Find someone that is experienced in backing a trailer and has one. A standard 16'x7' to start will be sufficient. Find a big empty parking lot that has good, long stripping. Think school or business. Pull forward and straight with the left tire beside a long line (100+ feet).Using the mirror(s), Practice backing, keeping the trailer tire next to the line. What this does is help you learn how much steering input is needed. Most people tend to over steer/correct when backing. As others have said, a short and/or narrow trailer is much harder to back than a long(er) one. Good luck and let us know your progress.
   / Learning how to drive with a trailer.. #19  
Find a large mostly deserted parking lot and practice backing up.

Sounds silly but don’t forget you have a trailer back there.

Anything that weighs a certain amount, roughly 2500 pounds, you need trailer brakes. State laws vary on the weight they are needed.

If you have a Ford with trailer backup assist it’s not so simple. You have to put reflective stickers on your trailer, take some measurements and then set it up in the truck. I’ve never bothered.
   / Learning how to drive with a trailer.. #20  
Find a large mostly deserted parking lot and practice backing up.

Sounds silly but don’t forget you have a trailer back there.

Anything that weighs a certain amount, roughly 2500 pounds, you need trailer brakes. State laws vary on the weight they are needed.

If you have a Ford with trailer backup assist it’s not so simple. You have to put reflective stickers on your trailer, take some measurements and then set it up in the truck. I’ve never bothered.
Everyone who starts into towing trailers, forgets about it and runs it into something...