KFI plow updates

   / KFI plow updates #1  


Super Star Member
Mar 18, 2016
Houghton MI (the Lake Superior snow belt) USA
Outlander max 1000 6x6, Ego lawn mower
We have one of these units on our 6x6. Does anyone else here use it? Looks like I'll have to be modifying ours since I've put it to use.

As stated on there retail we page.
Pro-Series (Straight) Blade:

  • Pushes snow straight ahead
  • Measures 16" tall
  • Heavy duty grade-8 steel wear bar bolts
  • Fully-adjustable blade skids with bolt-on brackets
  • Heavy duty 3"-diameter grade-50 steel skid plates
  • 3/16" steel ribbing for a strong bolt-up to the swivel tube
  • 7" high 2 ply Rubber Snow flap included on 66" and 72" blades
  • Includes a 3" wide x 3/16" thick 2-sided grade-50 steel wear bar
  • 2-year KFI warranty
   / KFI plow updates #2  
If it is anything like our old IHC and Wheel Horse plows you could pull
the center pin and adjust the angle of the plow left or right up to 45 degrees.
   / KFI plow updates #4  
I have a KFI 54" on my ATV that I started using this year. Well built for the price and works well. I have a 72" plow on my tractor which I use for the main plowing but this is very handy for getting into smaller places and tidying up. Since my ground is so erratic it helps to clean things up. With 4x4 and differential lock am surprised what the ATV with plow can do. Still figuring out optimum settings for vertical blade angles and shoe depth.
   / KFI plow updates
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I'll need to get the angle adjustment plate off and see if I can build a thicker one since this one is getting egged out from side impacts. I've already doubled the trip springs as seen in the bottom photo. Top is a photo of that plate with oval pin holes.
   / KFI plow updates
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We're predicted to hit 38 today and no snow in the forecast so I might try get some work done to this plow when i get home from work.. I'd going to see if I build a new angle plate from thicker material and change the hole spacing (plow angle) some. :unsure:
   / KFI plow updates #7  
I had a Polaris plow on my 850 Ranger and never thought it worked that well. I cannot imagine it being suitable for your area. The tractor does a much better job and for tight areas and to clear the garage pad and walkways I have an Ariens snowblower that works very well.

Light fluffy snow up to 3" on the garage pad and walkway gets attacked with a large Husqvarna backpack blower.
   / KFI plow updates
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I took off time from work and disaemblied the "pivot-n-lock" system on this plow. The holes that are egged out are punched in 1/4 plate and seems I can bump it up to 3/8 thickness. More to follow.
   / KFI plow updates
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I'll need to get the angle adjustment plate off and see if I can build a thicker one since this one is getting egged out from side impacts. I've already doubled the trip springs as seen in the bottom photo. Top is a photo of that plate with oval pin holes. View attachment 776147
I should have said in this photo, I added another pair of trip springs to it and it now trips less.
   / KFI plow updates
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I worked on this setup a bit yesterday. In this photo you can see the three angle adjustment holes are egged out. Its 1/4 plate so I will cut the rear section out with the holes in it and replace it with 3/8. I can then also move the holes slight to make it work better with our machine.

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