Is Availability Coming Back?

   / Is Availability Coming Back? #32  
That wasn’t my point. My point was yes the US has environmental regulations, because we don’t want to be like China.
And that would be one of the reasons we'd not move to China,,, among others.
   / Is Availability Coming Back? #33  
This thread is starting to veer off course but I’ll comment by saying I’ve worked in high tech among the top 5 for 30 years and every last one will gladly hire anyone anywhere if it means they can save 7 cents a year. White, brown, male, female, American or foreign, they don’t care at all. All the talk about discrimination at places like Google, Tesla, and Apple? Its not a thing outside of a few one-off cases that any sufficiently large organization will always have. Who they hire and fire is just a matter of dollars and cents to them.

To get back a little more on topic, I traveled thru Texas last week and the Deere dealers were packed with machines. Whatever availability issues they had seem to be gone now. I’d wager the chip shortages in general will essentially be over within 12 months as well. We effed up royal when we locked down for covid but we’ll fix it, if for no other reason than all that stuff is standing in the way of corporate profits and that will not be tolerated.
   / Is Availability Coming Back? #34  
You don’t think that wages and health insurance benefits are a significant factor? Especially health insurance. Yes, environmental policies are a factor, but I wouldn’t want to live in an industrial area in China. The reports are pretty gruesome.
ho definitely !! but there is a moral aspect in keeping your business in North America and there is a final drop that make the glass over flows. They are all contributing factor … inflation, raise of the minimum wage, tax increase, disposal tariffs, increase in utilities ect ect the list goes on … in china they get cheep labour, free wait disposal, cheep electricity from coal power plant purchase from the USA… lmao … nice how things work ehn …
   / Is Availability Coming Back? #35  
I work close enough to a Deere dealer that I can see the back of the building through the trees, but I rarely turn down the road that goes past the entrance. When I did last week, I noticed probably 2 dozen new compacts - probably 1 to 3 series in two neat rows, plus a few more scattered around the yard. Back before snow I swear they had less than half a dozen on the lot.
I went to the nearby John Deere dealer and they had a lot of the 4 series and 5 series and up tractors, but still very few of the smaller tractors. Will have to check on the dealers across the board when I go traveling this month...
   / Is Availability Coming Back? #36  
I went to the nearby John Deere dealer and they had a lot of the 4 series and 5 series and up tractors, but still very few of the smaller tractors. Will have to check on the dealers across the board when I go traveling this month...
I have been trying to get two john deere dealers to order me up a 4066r for 2 months now. John deere just isn't taking new orders it seems. I need it to be open station and it seems open stations 4066r's can only be ordered, they won't be sitting on a lot
   / Is Availability Coming Back? #37  
I have been trying to get two john deere dealers to order me up a 4066r for 2 months now. John deere just isn't taking new orders it seems. I need it to be open station and it seems open stations 4066r's can only be ordered, they won't be sitting on a lot
If the open station is like the cab version of the 4066, the tractor may be on a lot but there are no hydraulics available at least for the cab versions. I know of one 4066 cab that has been sitting at the dealership since 28 April waiting for hydraulic parts. All of them show as backorder with no ETA.
   / Is Availability Coming Back? #38  
I work in the semiconductor industry. Most of the time the problem is not chips, it is the smaller analog devices that you find on boards. Because they are cheap little components no one is going to build a new factory to make more. There is no money in it and when they get it finished the demand will be gone.

As for setting up plants overseas I don't think people realize those countries want the business so they will give money to a company to build a plant, they will wave all taxes for 20 years and so on. It costs between 35 to 45 percent more to build a semiconductor plant in the US over other countries.

The bottleneck should ease up at the first of the year to next summer, barring any other major event that wrecks everything up. I would hold off buying a tractor for a year if you can wait.