Inflatable Paint Booth?

   / Inflatable Paint Booth? #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 4, 2015
Greene, Iowa
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   / Inflatable Paint Booth? #2  
I've never used one or heard of it.
But 10 feet would not be enough for me to walk around a car with a spray gun comfortably.
   / Inflatable Paint Booth?
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I've never used one or heard of it.
But 10 feet would not be enough for me to walk around a car with a spray gun comfortably.
Yes, that size would be small for me too. I just linked what came up first. They have much bigger sizes...
   / Inflatable Paint Booth? #4  
I saw the title and immediately thought of that episode. When you don't have enough need for a dedicated facility and can batch you projects it seems like a pretty good solution.
   / Inflatable Paint Booth? #5  
On the Vevor website. What I wonder about is how the solvents used to cut the spray paint would impact the plastic.
   / Inflatable Paint Booth? #6  
Years ago I spayed a car outside. I picked the "perfect" day, no wind, 70-75°F, car was of course primed day before & wet sanded 600 then 1200, tack ragged. Everything was perfect & it turned out great, very early spring, no bugs.
It seems that booth would be nice for the money and apparently impervious to chemicals, thinners, etc.
   / Inflatable Paint Booth? #7  
Being of Chinese manufacture, compatibility with various solvents is suspect and looking at it on the Vevor website, I see nothing in the blurb about compatibility with anything at all. Be a real shame to spray a vehicle inside and have it 'melt down' on the vehicle. Sounds to me like a sticky

Cheap alternatives often aren't the best solutions.
   / Inflatable Paint Booth? #8  
My 2 cents is check out youtube. Here's one on several videos:
Also I see where reviews are pretty high from people who have used one, 4.5☆ or so.
   / Inflatable Paint Booth? #9  
I hold little candle in reviews actually because with AI, you have no idea if the reviews are legit or not. Not something I need anyway, have zero use for one.
   / Inflatable Paint Booth? #10  
I have no use for one either, but anything I buy especially over $100 or so I look at reviews and YouTube videos people may post about it.
That isn't gospel to me but helps me make a decision.
I agree with the guy's opinion: for professional use spraying many cars, buy a $10K+++ spray booth. For a few cars it's a good deal.
It's like Harbor Freight vs Snap On.

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