How would you handle this neighbor issue?

   / How would you handle this neighbor issue?
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Brandishing a weapon on your own land or business?

Basically impossible in Arkansas..... just don't point it at anybody.

Yeah, up here if someone accuses you of anything related to a weapon your basically guilty instantly :(
   / How would you handle this neighbor issue? #62  
Remember this is NY and the Northeast not the south or west. Yankees tend to keep to themselves rather than being "neighborly" and it doesn't always mean that they mean to cause trouble. "Good fences make good neighbors" was written about this part of the world.

Add to that the fact that the neighbors in question are older and therefore prone to be a bit fearful of change as well as more grouchy and inflexible than in their youth. You already know they had a bad experience earlier with flooding related to something on your property so it is understandable that they are anxious. If they are not well off as you implied, they could be doubly anxious that something you do might cause them to incur legal bills.

I'm thinking that the survey makes perfect sense as does marking the boundary but I'd just stop at that point. No sense in courting trouble or wasting money on lawyers.

And keep the gun out of sight or leave it at home. It may be OK in the south or west but most folks in the northeast are highly suspicious of anyone carrying a sidearm. We don't have grizzly bears or mountain lions and except for a moose in mating season there isn't much threat from wild life. Coyotes do not attack grown men. The neighbor widow presumably doesn't pack a weapon so why should you?
   / How would you handle this neighbor issue?
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The coyote comment is my own issue. If I see them around our deer or chickens or anywhere near the main farm their dispatched. I'm not scared for my own safety, just take out coyotes and woodchucks whenever they present themselves.

And as I said earlier, I seldom carry. Maybe10-15 times a year and the majority of the time its a result of the deer acting suspicious of something.
   / How would you handle this neighbor issue? #64  
Remember this is NY and the Northeast not the south or west. Yankees tend to keep to themselves rather than being "neighborly" and it doesn't always mean that they mean to cause trouble. "Good fences make good neighbors" was written about this part of the world.

Add to that the fact that the neighbors in question are older and therefore prone to be a bit fearful of change as well as more grouchy and inflexible than in their youth. You already know they had a bad experience earlier with flooding related to something on your property so it is understandable that they are anxious. If they are not well off as you implied, they could be doubly anxious that something you do might cause them to incur legal bills.

I'm thinking that the survey makes perfect sense as does marking the boundary but I'd just stop at that point. No sense in courting trouble or wasting money on lawyers.

And keep the gun out of sight or leave it at home. It may be OK in the south or west but most folks in the northeast are highly suspicious of anyone carrying a sidearm. We don't have grizzly bears or mountain lions and except for a moose in mating season there isn't much threat from wild life. Coyotes do not attack grown men. The neighbor widow presumably doesn't pack a weapon so why should you?

Don't think much of a state/area where a free man can't go armed on his own land..........
   / How would you handle this neighbor issue?
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IronHog said:
Don't think much of a state/area where a free man can't go armed on his own land..........

We can go armed, just hope you don't have any altercations with another human while your armed and your fine :-/
   / How would you handle this neighbor issue? #66  
When neighbors are friendly, all parties benifit. I would be mad about the grass too but try to forget it. It seems that these people want you to give them a reason not to like you, so dont give them any. The idea of you being there is still new to them, so I would give them some time to adjust and then try to talk with them again. I dont believe in the "good fences make good neighbors" motto. Fences are for livestock not neighbors.
   / How would you handle this neighbor issue? #67  
Don't think much of a state/area where a free man can't go armed on his own land..........

Don't think much of a state/area where a free man feels the need to carry a sidearm on his own land. What does that tell you about your neighborhood?

Compared to the south and west, the northeast has very low rates of death by firearm, especially in rural areas where it is almost unheard of except in hunting accidents.

MA, RI and NY are #2, 3 and 4 nationally for lowest death rate by firearm per 100,000 with rates that are 1/3 to 1/2 the national average. Arkansas is #42 with a death rate 150% higher than the national average. How is that guns are protecting you again?
   / How would you handle this neighbor issue? #68  
Avoid these troublemakers and get a proper survey, if they want to see Willowfest better, tell em to buy a ticket! As far as helping their view I'd hit the area with 5-10-5 to thicken it before I'd cut it to improve their view.
   / How would you handle this neighbor issue? #69  
I don't know if this would work, or even if I would try this, but here is an idea.

Many years ago I had a girl friend that spent a couple of years in Japan teaching English. She had a party one night in her place and the lady next door was pounding on the wall to get them to quiet down. Which they did not.

The next morning there was a knock on the door. It was the lady next door whom the girl friend's party had disturbed. The lady had a big basket of fresh fruit. Fresh fruit is very expensive in Japan. The lady gave the basket of fruit to my girl friend and the LADY apologized for banging on the wall disturbing my girl friends party. :laughing:

The lady SHAMED my girl friend with the gift. :thumbsup::D:D:D

The girl friend never threw a loud party again. :laughing:

I have never been in a position to try The Gift Of Shame but someday it might be useful. :D


We, in my old country, call it "Terror of kindness." It works with most people but not all.
   / How would you handle this neighbor issue? #70  
I have been dealing with neighbor that pulled a corner pin and hammered it back (could see the marks on the cap) for 10 years. The 100' markers posts have been removed by them etc. Stick with your survery plan and make the posts as permanent as possible.

In New Hampshire it's a crime to remove boundary markers (momuments).

It is here also, but proving it would be difficult. The surveyor that originally marked it came out and replaced the pin cheaper than 1 hour with a lawyer.