front weights

   / front weights #1  


Oct 19, 2024
Aynor, South Carolina
1825E Massey Ferguson
Good morning everybody. It's been a couple of months.
So I was wondering if MF makes front ballast weights for my 1825E MF? I noticed that when I apply some weight on the 3 point hitch...the front of the tractor comes off the ground (a little bit) if I need more traction with the 4X4 engaged....I got none.
Thank you.
   / front weights #2  
Any front suitcase weight, 35lb size for compact Ford New Holland should work, such as the following:

You could check tractor salvage yards like Southern Global or Wengers
   / front weights #5  
I have a L3010 Kubota I wanted weights for. Kubota dealers near me ( 2 of them with in an Hr drive) were not interested in helping. The JD dealer had 3 sizes in stock - 110 lb, 70 lb, and 42 lb. I wanted about 200 lbs so I bought 3 - 70's. Had to modify slightly to go on the tractor weight rack. They cut like butter with a .040 disc. The local Home Depot also carries the 42's.



Just couldn't stand the green :)

   / front weights #7  
I have a L3010 Kubota I wanted weights for. Kubota dealers near me ( 2 of them with in an Hr drive) were not interested in helping. The JD dealer had 3 sizes in stock - 110 lb, 70 lb, and 42 lb. I wanted about 200 lbs so I bought 3 - 70's. Had to modify slightly to go on the tractor weight rack. They cut like butter with a .040 disc. The local Home Depot also carries the 42's.

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Just couldn't stand the green :)

View attachment 2220776

I put 150lbs worth of weights like that on my previous B8200 to keep the front end down when lifting a 3 point mower.
Keeping them JD green would have looked goofy!

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