/ DO NOT BUY TC40/45 #21  
LoneCowboy said:
What a piece of junk...
You are complaining in this thread about how TC40/45 are junk

You are complaining in another thread, Click Here, about how Rhino mowers are junk.

Two different kinds of products, two different manufacturers, both of which have thousands of happy customers and your experience is they're junk.

You're having a heck of a string of bad luck....
   / DO NOT BUY TC40/45
  • Thread Starter
Robert_in_NY said:
Most of your problems sound like a typical compact tractor. The power issue is magnified when you jump from your TN into the TC (I know as I have a TN and a 1920 which was the TC's daddy). How does your TC handle the implements that your MF uses or do you use bigger implements?

I have mixed feelings with regards to compact tractors. They are great for small jobs that are just too small for the larger tractors but overall they are more of a homeowner tractor. And yes, I do know they can do more but not as well as a higher horse tractor designed for the job.

My MF 1433 is a compact tractor
It has NONE of these problems (and no, it's not a hydro, it's a shuttle shift), it rides better (despite being smaller) and honestly I think puts more power to the ground than the TC, which is very disappointing.
Both tractors have loaded tires, the MF has never been to the shop except for maintenance (which I thought would repeat when I bought more, newer, more expensive equipment). Guess not. :mad:
   / DO NOT BUY TC40/45
  • Thread Starter
MikePA said:
You are complaining in this thread about how TC40/45 are junk

You are complaining in another thread, Click Here, about how Rhino mowers are junk.

Two different kinds of products, two different manufacturers, both of which have thousands of happy customers and your experience is they're junk.

You're having a heck of a string of bad luck....

I am
For a month now I've been quiet, never named names, never bad mouthed. But after the 3rd $200 wheel in a month (rhino) and now the 5th trip and over 20 days in the shop in the first 30 days of ownership, well I've had it. My limit has been reached.
This stuff is junk (it's much worse, but Bird will come and smack me if I really say what it is on this site) and I'm more than disappointed I spent this kind of money on it. I'm tired of working for free. I might as well take no jobs and sit home, I'd make the same money.
This TC is junk.
   / DO NOT BUY TC40/45 #24  
The technique of driving a hydrostatic is very different than a shuttle. If your experiencing a lack of power its probably because your burring the pedal and pushing the transmission into relief. Its pretty uncommon to hear anyone complaining about lack of power with this series machine.
   / DO NOT BUY TC40/45 #25  
When i bought my 40 i thought the same thing about the hydro till i got used to it .Then i used it day after day and figured out its power bands . If your rabbit and turtle switch is not working and it is stuck in rabbit i could see where you would have a problem . I think i would call NH for a fix or ask them to make it right . I am sorry to see you having trouble . I had a few small issues with my tractor also but the dealer i had worked them out . I can say after the tractor was fixed it was a good tractor.
   / DO NOT BUY TC40/45
  • Thread Starter
MessickFarmEqu said:
The technique of driving a hydrostatic is very different than a shuttle. If your experiencing a lack of power its probably because your burring the pedal and pushing the transmission into relief. Its pretty uncommon to hear anyone complaining about lack of power with this series machine.

So, let's get this right
I go up a hill
I push the pedal
it stops
I let off the pedal as it slows
it stops
What good is that?
it's the same result, and a gear tractor would go right up it.

BTW, the loaner TC45 (no cab, but hydro) i had for a while, went up most slopes without much issue.
This one???
   / DO NOT BUY TC40/45 #27  
I am sorry to read about all your "misfortunes". I can only try to imagine the frustration you must have had, having never had to deal with any myself.

I do agree with Jim though. Not all tc45da(cab) are "junk". I've had mine for about 5 months now, put 80 hrs on it, and not one single problem. Maybe I don't have to navigate hills near as steep as you here, but the unit operated fine on the hills I have been on. I mow ditches regularly, and while it seems like she could easily tip over, I keep on chuggin'. Maybe being in a closed cab makes it seem more likely?

The amount you spoke of for the 50hr service seemed high to me. Parts and labor for my 50hr service was only $160.00. It really does sound like your dealer is awful.

I have a 5 year old 6' rhino finishing mower that is great also. My rotary mower is a 10 year old 5' Field General. I've had no problems using both of these with this tractor. Plenty of power even with the a/c running wide open, cutting pastures 3' thick, and going up a hill.

I would have to tell people, in my opinon, that this model is great. I couldn't, from the experiance I've had, swear off the whole line and encourage others to stay away.

I do hope that you get it all resolved and sleep easy knowing you can wake up tomorrow and have a productive day.

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   / DO NOT BUY TC40/45 #28  
I really can't give you a suggestion on how to rectify this situation, however, many years back on TBN, there was a guy somewhere in California who had a compact or maybe it was a sub compact NH tractor, He had so many problems with it, that NH finally took it back and gave him a brand new tractor. IF memory serves me right, he paid a few hundred more and upped the tractor to 26 hp? At the end of his thread,. he designed and built an awesome fire fighting trailer, good for small brush fire fighting,,, I don't believe he is still here unless he did like me and changed his name on TBN and started over under another name.
   / DO NOT BUY TC40/45 #29  
LoneCowboy said:
I go up a hill
I push the pedal
it stops
I let off the pedal as it slows
it stops
What good is that?
A really effective anti-rollover protection system??? :confused:

LarryRB said:
I don't believe he is still here unless he did like me and changed his name on TBN and started over under another name.
Not unless he too was a member of the witness protection program! :D

Forgive me Larry, I couldn't resist! ;)

   / DO NOT BUY TC40/45 #30  

I'm sorry you are having so many problems. I really believe your dealer is the root cause. Let me recommend a 3 step program.

1. Take a deep breath
2. Find your happy place
3. Find a dealer who can support/service your business
They should offer demo's of new equipment to make sure you get the right machine
Loaners if your machine is in for service
Competent service department who will fix it right the first time​

Best of luck.

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