deere 110 tlb overheating

   / deere 110 tlb overheating #1  


Apr 6, 2020
toolcat 5600
need help troubleshooting yanmar 4ntv88 in a 2006 deere 110 tlb. so far new head gasket, radiator, waterpump, thermistat, cap,hoses, injectors, flushed a couple of times. engine stars and runs smoothly very little smoke. test shows no exhaust gas in coolant and there is no coolant in the oil. engine slowly heats up and under load starts to overheat. coolant overflows expansion tank and is bubbling yet radiator not hot. any ideas appreaciated.
   / deere 110 tlb overheating #2  
Have you checked your air filter? I know sounds kinda weird. My JD commercial mower started overheating come to find out the air filter was clogged. Cleaned that and all issues went away.
   / deere 110 tlb overheating #3  
need help troubleshooting yanmar 4ntv88 in a 2006 deere 110 tlb. so far new head gasket, radiator, waterpump, thermistat, cap,hoses, injectors, flushed a couple of times. engine stars and runs smoothly very little smoke. test shows no exhaust gas in coolant and there is no coolant in the oil. engine slowly heats up and under load starts to overheat. coolant overflows expansion tank and is bubbling yet radiator not hot. any ideas appreaciated.
I wonder how long the head gasket issue went unrepaired? It’s possible that a lot of oil escaped into the cooling system passages and went unresolved-leaving them clogged, even though the head gasket was replaced.
Was the head checked for cracks, warping, or did they only replace head gasket?
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   / deere 110 tlb overheating #5  
Radiator not very hot. Strange.
If you know someone with a FLIR or similar camera that should tell a lot. Otherwise an IR thermometer, they're inexpensive.
So many parts replaced...was this specifically for overheating issue?
I'm thinking I'd run until it just starts to overheat...shut down...then s l o w l y, carefully remove radiator cap (rag, gloves, eye protection) sure as slowly removed you hear pressure. Then cap off...coolant level correct? Idle engine cap off, seeing coolant flow?
   / deere 110 tlb overheating #6  
need help troubleshooting yanmar 4ntv88 in a 2006 deere 110 tlb. so far new head gasket, radiator, waterpump, thermistat, cap,hoses, injectors, flushed a couple of times. engine stars and runs smoothly very little smoke. test shows no exhaust gas in coolant and there is no coolant in the oil. engine slowly heats up and under load starts to overheat. coolant overflows expansion tank and is bubbling yet radiator not hot. any ideas appreaciated.
Just to make sure.... the thermostat was definitely
installed with the pellet side towards the engine?

I have had two bad thermostats sold to me in a row and then bought a totally different brand on one car. Couldn't believe it till we boiled them in a pan of water and neither opened up. The original cause of the overheat was the lower half of the crossflow radiator was mostly plugged, but you have already eliminated that .
   / deere 110 tlb overheating #7  
Just to make sure.... the thermostat was definitely
installed with the pellet side towards the engine?

I have had two bad thermostats sold to me in a row and then bought a totally different brand on one car. Couldn't believe it till we boiled them in a pan of water and neither opened up. The original cause of the overheat was the lower half of the crossflow radiator was mostly plugged, but you have already eliminated that .
I think the last bad thermostat I tested was about 40 years ago. But I still do the test when looking for the cause of overheating. Most thermostats have the opening degrees stamped on the body. I use a regular kitchen candy thermometer - not an electronic - and a deep saucepan.
   / deere 110 tlb overheating
  • Thread Starter
Thanks for the replies. the head went to a machine shop and our mechanic checked the block and put a straight edge on it.the overflow tank is a bit of an odd factory set up there is a tee right after the thermostat housing with a line to the overflow/fill tank and then to upper radiator hose. not easy to see flow. tested the thermostat and cap. my pressure tester is pretty cheap but the system held 14lbs for 20 seconds which is what the tech manual says. I have an ir thermometer and its confusing. when overheating temp gauge goes into red and overflow tank is bubbling hot but most of the block reads less than 180.except by the freeze plugs and I get 220 and higher but that's also just below the exhaust manifold.from this point it will keep pushing coolant out. Radiator and hoses are warm but not hot hot. Just shut it down and thermistat housing is 200 upper hose reads about 160 but can hold it by hand.lower hose pretty cool. I did use a exhaust gas in coolant test and it is negative. any ideas Im willing to try. thanks again richard
   / deere 110 tlb overheating #9  
How’s the water pump? Can you feel coolant flowing through hoses.
   / deere 110 tlb overheating #10  
When we had a couple drag cars each had a restrictor instead of a thermostat. All that is is like a thin washer. People think removing a thermostat makes a motor run cool but isn't true because coolant goes through radiator so fast it can't dissipate heat.
One car the new water pump impeller was installed backwards so it wasn't pumping just churning coolant.
The 455 Pontiac one, (468) ran hot anyway, thin wall block, so pump was modified and we ran Wetter Water by Red Line. Both had electric water pumps and auxiliary radiator fans.

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