Blue book.

   / Blue book. #1  


Epic Contributor
Apr 6, 2000
Kubota B2650HSD w/Frontloader & CC LTX1046 & Craftman T2200 lawn mower.
Where can one purchase a blue book on tractors?
The years I'm seeking are from the present day back far as dates.
Maybe I yet to find a website,and any information would be helpful.
Thank you.
   / Blue book. #2  
It'll be interesting to see whether you find such a thing. I've seen "blue books" on cars, trucks, mobile homes, RVs, and goodness knows what else, but I've never seen one on tractors.

   / Blue book. #3  

Try - that's one... I think you can get an online subscription. I can't say it is completely accurate, though. But that is not to say that is is inaccurate.

<font color=blue>>></font color=blue>Muhammad
<font color=blue>Forum Master</font color=blue>
   / Blue book. #4  
Diamond Farm has them. Their number is 800-481-1353. They also have a web site:, but you'd best call them, because the site isn't updated too regularly. What you're looking for is the "Used Tractor Price Guide". I know there's a 1999 edition, and I think there's a 2000 edition, too, but I'm not sure. There's also an "Blue Book of Farm Machinery", but I haven't got that, so I don't know what's in it. If you buy it, please let us know what you think of it.

   / Blue book. #5  
Bird, I just went to the page Mark suggested and they have listed a yr 2k used tractor price guide(from 1939to 1999)for 30 manufacturers.Looks usefull will call soonest and place order....Says it cover engine,pto,draw bar,sierial #s to help with dating....It says it give retail pricing though...Wonder if it has whole sale like the off the book shelf auto giuds? Still would be usefull reference source if nothing else for some one like me looking to buy there 1st tractor.....(Thanks for the reference Mark..and Thomas for the Q..I've been looking my self..) If it's like the auto books of this nature it will at least be in the ballpark if not as accurate as a "Blue Book"... Will check it out and let ya'll know..../w3tcompact/icons/cool.gif P.S. Price is $12.95 us + sh

Lil' Paul
   / Blue book. #6  
I thought someone would surely be publishing such information, but I hadn't seen or heard of such a book.

   / Blue book.
  • Thread Starter
Re: Blue book. (Bird)

The two gentleman,MChalkey & Muhammad have given me some information on where to look also a website.

I call Diamond Farm from work...(oops dis reguard that) and they have the 2000 book with 30 plus tractor listing for $38.95 plus S&H $4.50

I call my dealer and ask for a listing book and he said, " I have a spare one just let me look around and when I find it I call you "
I rather wait and see if my dealer comes thru for me like he always has....and I'm sure he will make me pay dearly but not for the book. :eek:)

Take care and I hope you get some rain.
   / Blue book. #8  
Re: Blue book. (Bird)

Good luck, happy trails, etc, let us know if your dealer gets some 'special' book for you (and where we might get it!) - and oh yeah, we've already got the rain here! /w3tcompact/icons/crazy.gif

<font color=blue>>></font color=blue>Muhammad
<font color=blue>Forum Master</font color=blue>
   / Blue book. #9  
Re: Blue book. (Bird)

Thanks for the good wishes for rain; we're sure hoping we get some soon. I spent most of the afternoon watering the vegetable garden.

And thanks for the other information, too. I'd like to have access to a "blue book" on tractors, just for curiosity's sake, but since I don't plan on selling mine, or buying another one in the foreseeable future, I don't think I'll spend the money to buy a book.

   / Blue book. #10  
Re: Blue book. (Bird)

I've found the book by Diamond at the local county library in the reference section. I was using it before I decided to buy a new tractor. I found it very handy for sifting through the tractor ads in the newspaper.