Big Cars are killing Americans

   / Big Cars are killing Americans #221  
I hope I leave them the same Freedoms I was born with...
Well said.

There are plenty of people who would trade our freedoms for the “greater good”. It is even easier when it is your freedoms they want to sacrifice and their bright ideas do not impact them.
   / Big Cars are killing Americans #222  
Much of it has always been going on. The difference now is that we know about it almost instantly, anywhere in the world. In the old days, only the most severe made the newspaper, maybe weeks or months later.

   / Big Cars are killing Americans #223  
Kids are growing up in a different environment, and will think and do differently than those of us who grew up in the post WWII era.
   / Big Cars are killing Americans #224  
Kids are growing up in a different environment, and will think and do differently than those of us who grew up in the post WWII era.
No doubt... But, America has a deep, long relationship with the automobile. The freedom to buy what we want, drive it where we want, and choose to pay for the fuel to do it... Even if that "fuel" is electric.
   / Big Cars are killing Americans #225  
No doubt... But, America has a deep, long relationship with the automobile. The freedom to buy what we want, drive it where we want, and choose to pay for the fuel to do it... Even if that "fuel" is electric.
And that freedom is going away in CA in less than 10 years.
Other states bound to follow.
Unaware of what freedoms youre losing right under your nose.
   / Big Cars are killing Americans #226  
They simply may not want the things which we did/do. That's what freedom of choice is all about.
   / Big Cars are killing Americans #227  
And that freedom is going away in CA in less than 10 years.
Other states bound to follow.
Unaware of what freedoms youre losing right under your nose.
Good Lord... When I get my Lightning I'm gonna call it "DUDE"...
   / Big Cars are killing Americans
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Kids are growing up in a different environment, and will think and do differently than those of us who grew up in the post WWII era.
true. but this is the world they are inheriting from us, whether we intended it that way or not, we can only wish the best for them
   / Big Cars are killing Americans #230  
Good Lord... When I get my Lightning I'm gonna call it "DUDE"...
So if you say “I hope I leave them the same Freedoms I was born with” and you‘re given concrete examples of those freedoms going away like ICEVs in CA in 10 years, , you call me a debbie downer, isnt that just talking in circles?
You do realize that having choices taken away negates the very things you wish for?
Theres other examples, but they cant be given in these forums.