4500P vs 4500Z, any experience to help choose which one?

   / 4500P vs 4500Z, any experience to help choose which one?
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Hi Scott,

This is my first post on the forum. I didn’t want to create a separate thread on the exact same topic as yours. I’m in the same situation as you were: trying to decide between 4500P and Z.

How are you liking your machine after these months? At any point in time for any reason have you wished that you had opted for the Z instead of the P?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

- Dew
Sorry Dew, not sure why I wasn't notified, but 9 months later I can tell you that I am still pleased with my 4500P. A couple years now of use. Have used it mowing with the 72" deck, no issues or felt like I needed more power. Though, if I'm mowing 12" tall grass I can't go full speed without the RPMs bogging down a bit, but that's any of the engines and really shouldn't be doing that with a finish deck. I've used my v-blade on a 400 ft drive and it worked great in the winter, easily was plowing 6-12" deep snow, kept my speed up and the snow rolls off the edges great. Bucket and grapple to move several large rocks and never needed anymore power. I had one rock I couldn't lift, but it was nearly the same size as the bucket... though with grapple I was able to drag it. I even tried with the weight transfer on 4. Odd, because a similar sized rock I lifted without issue. Maybe one was more dense and the one I couldn't move wouldn't fit inside so it was extending out more... less leverage for sure.

So... ditto what others have said about the P and P vs Z. Both are great. If I had to do it again, the only reason to pick the Z or air cooled one would be because I've already had a P. I still can't understand why many 4500 users wouldn't even consider anything but the Z and some how it's unequivocally better. Kawasaki's are in nearly every zero turn as the tried and true engine. Air cooled version is a good option. I just don't think it matters that much... but I don't see or service these on a daily basis, so I have a limited view. Just happy I have one and it's the P model.

The value of the 4500 is NOT the engine you choose it's the attachments you have!!! For VERY hilly properties the P is the best because of it's continuous slope rating... but otherwise, I'll take a 4500 with ANY engine with more attachments than a 4500 and engine of my choice and less attachments.

Now, if I rant, it's the availability and price of attachments. Pre-purchase I thought, I'll just watch the local ads for used ones... silly me. They are harder to find than a one legged unicorn. It is NOT your typical sub compact tractor attachment/accessory market. And when they do go up for sale (like 1 every 5 months) they are asking nearly retail price and usually sold quickly. I think that says a lot about their quality, people buy them, use them for a loooong time. Either don't get rid of them because they cost so much and or because they are workhorses for their business. I'm just a residential owner/user. I got lucky once, found the old, old model for the terra landscape rake, bought it for $600, the new version is $2400 but I'll die before I get another deal like that.

I'm even near 3 great dealers, 2 within 15 minute drive and mast lepely in apple creek about an hour away. Mast lepely rents, but I called once and they were booked 3 months out. I would spend $4K for a power rake to use at my moments need.. but $7K is steep for something that will sit way more than it's used.

I digress... it's awesome machine, truly does a lot of things very well, not an easy task... maybe I just need deeper pockets.