YM2310D not charging

   / YM2310D not charging #1  


New member
Aug 13, 2018
Yanmar 2310D
Help! I have a yanmar 2310D that I think has quit charging. A couple of months ago we had cold weather that I think killed the battery. I needed to start the tractor and used jumper cables to start it. During the process the jumper cables got connected in reverse polarity. After getting it corrected I started it and let it run awhile. When I shut it down I noticed the gauges had quit working and when it was running the battery voltage was low, about 9.5 volts. I have replaced the battery and found a blown fuse that got the gauges back on but I'm still not putting out any voltage, I just read battery voltage of about 12.5 volts which is the same as when the engine isn't running. I am thinking the voltage regulator may be fried but am unsure of how to check it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
   / YM2310D not charging #2  
Unplug your dynamo and use a voltmeter turned to ac voltage and touch the leads to the two wires coming off your dynamo. Rpms will effect output, could be anywhere from 15 to 30 ac volts depending on rpm. That should tell you whether your dynamo is good or not. Dynamos give very little trouble, most times it will be your regulator/rectifier. Occasionally a wiring problem.
   / YM2310D not charging
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Thank you Winston, your advice has always been helpful for me. I will check it tomorrow!
   / YM2310D not charging #4  
I don't even do that. If the alternator is charging, it (body) will be warm. If it stays at ambient temp, it's not charging and needs replaced.
   / YM2310D not charging #5  
I don't even do that. If the alternator is charging, it (body) will be warm. If it stays at ambient temp, it's not charging and needs replaced.
It's not an alternator on this model, it's a dyno-generator. Really old school. :) It does the job.
   / YM2310D not charging
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Thanks again for the help, I checked the generator/Dyno output and I get 15-27 volts AC depending on engine rpm. Any suggestions on a replacement voltage regulator?
   / YM2310D not charging #7  
I'm not running a Dyno But VR-522 for the 2310 here is the new Solid State on the steering shaft. The Org. V reg ended up working so It's in the dash still. Fredricks uses the same Wiring clip so not much to replace it! The Org. is the Blk. box behind it! Super old Pic.. If it charging I'm thinking it maybe a battery or cable problem. 15-27 My Alt. only 14.25 running @ 2000rpm's


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   / YM2310D not charging #8  
Not really recommending. Just posting one to let you know there are lots out there. Amazon.com
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   / YM2310D not charging #9  
The problem is the Dyno is working. 15V. that's really good how he's getting 27V ? If that is true also?
   / YM2310D not charging #10  
The Dyno puts out ac voltage, the rectifier/regulator changes is to dc voltage. His 15 to 27 volts is ac before the rectifier/regulator.

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