Will UAW Strike?

   / Will UAW Strike? #623  
   / Will UAW Strike? #624  
   / Will UAW Strike? #625  
I don't think GM is playing around anymore. Good or bad, depends on your take on it but it's gonna start to get sporty between the 2
   / Will UAW Strike? #626  
I don't think GM is playing around anymore. Good or bad, depends on your take on it but it's gonna start to get sporty between the 2
Stellantis isn't either. Like I stated at the outset of this thread, the end game isn't something that the UAW will be happy about. Could get violent as the rank and file get closer to insolvency. They have all been living (and spending) on overtime wages. That is all coming to a crashing end I suspect. Maybe I need to get back in the repo business, probably be a big demand for it.

Fain just furloughed some more so that will deplete the strike fund even faster so maybe before the holidays they will be without any income at all.

Me, I'm just sitting back and watching and reading about their woes on Facebook.
   / Will UAW Strike? #627  
GM needn't worry........The guberment will bail them out...AGAIN.

   / Will UAW Strike? #628  
One Youtuber said he believed the Big 3 Automakers want the strike so they can have something to blame shortage of cars. As well as try to end the dealership mafia network.
   / Will UAW Strike? #629  
One Youtuber said he believed the Big 3 Automakers want the strike so they can have something to blame shortage of cars. As well as try to end the dealership mafia network.
That will require a state by state effort to amend or repeal state laws. The Automobile Dealers Association is one if the most powerful lobbying groups in the country. They made a cash cow and won't give it up easily. There are definitely pros and cons to buying direct. They will make it sound (to lawmakers) that changing to a direct buying model will end life as we know it. I'd rather that state keeps its nose out of that aspect. Most OEMs would probably go to a mixed model. Some direct sales and some dealers. We see it with other goods.
   / Will UAW Strike? #630  
That will require a state by state effort to amend or repeal state laws. The Automobile Dealers Association is one if the most powerful lobbying groups in the country. They made a cash cow and won't give it up easily. There are definitely pros and cons to buying direct. They will make it sound (to lawmakers) that changing to a direct buying model will end life as we know it. I'd rather that state keeps its nose out of that aspect. Most OEMs would probably go to a mixed model. Some direct sales and some dealers. We see it with other goods.

Having just bought a Tesla the dealership mafia network needs to go the way of the dinosaurs.