What is some of your Pet Peeve's

   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #691  

People who thank me for my service. x100 more if it is on Memorial Day.

Asking me specifics about my service, especially asking if I have been deployed or have killed someone.

Asking for war stories, or issues from service. I hate saying no, I don’t like to be rude. I seldom do say no, and I pay for it. You’re welcome.

Every conversation is somehow looped back to my service. Example: “You drink like a Marine.” Or “Don’t piss him off, he’s a Marine.” Etc.

When someone calls me Unamerican or not a patriot because I don’t vote.

Glory hounds. Those who want to compare military backgrounds, awards, medals, etc. I didn’t join to win awards or medals. Its great your branch gave you a medal for urinating straight into a bucket. I worked hard and didn’t expect anything, I am grateful for what I was awarded. It’s not mere costume jewelry to me, it’s much more important and you probably wouldn’t understand.

Nonservice members criticizing (seriously) or joking about one branch is better or worse than another. Or picking on a single branch, especially towards Marines. Things like offering me a crayon. You think it’s funny until I shove that crayon somewhere you will not appreciate.


Their messes.


Asking to play video games or extended tablet time, especially if its nice outside. “Nope. Go play outside!”

Not giving me a nighttime hug because you’re “over that.” Your 5 dude. You’re not over that!

Picky about food

Social Media (Including Forums, including this one):

Making a thread, asking a question with no context, and never responding back to it.

Not using the search function.

Feeling the need to use Facebook, Instagram, etc. all the time.

“Checking-in” and socializing on social media instead of enjoying the people you’re with.

Your phone buzzing, ringing, or beeping constantly.

Commenting on topics (or tractors) you do not know anything about.

Posted pictures that take up an entire page. You can drag the corner and size it down. If we need to see it magnified, we can click the photo.


I’m not a Christian (gasp!). Please save your prayers for me.

People who claim they hate the media, yet have the morning news on daily, then feel the need to discuss the topics with me. These people also claim they only watch the morning news for the weather.

I’m not a republican or a democrat. I do not believe in your argument and your side is seldom correct.

When people realize I don’t vote, they call me Unamerican/unpatriotic. See service Military/Veteran issues above.

Don’t try to get me into an argument over politics, government, or religion. Especially religion. I don’t care. I will likely walk away, and you probably won’t see me for a while. It’s not me, it’s you.

Every politician is a major pet peeve.

The US current foreign policy.


All mainstream media. It’s all garbage.

   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #692  
Canceling or changing services if a loved one passes away. For cripes sake is that a stressful seemingly impossible task. For me anyway in a perfect world probably would have better organization of a close ones passwords/ accounts etc. I will say moving forward we now put loved ones stuff on our accounts and ask for a yearly check to cover expenses of services on our account.
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #693  
Have not read all the pet peeves but a big one for me is people that do not call back. Here we are in a time when most everyone has a smart phone on them 24/7. With them there is voice mail and texting not to forget access to the net for other types of communication such as email. But do they respond once they are contacted about something? No. I am not sure that the young folks even do actual voice calls anymore. Talking is so last century Dude.

Heck many companies no longer even publish a phone number or contact method. And if they do it often is a bot that you deal with rather than a person. Somehow automated systems and bots are incapable of handling my question when made. Which gets the, "A representative will contact you in the next 48hours (weeks, months, years) to answer your problem. "

Communication went from hand delivered written messages, to Telegraph, wire phones, email, cell phones and now is smart phones and somehow getting ahold of people is no easier.
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #694  
having to try and change an account over to a grieving spouses name. Wanted my dad to hold up the death certificate, driver license ,take a picture of him holding it somehow convert it to his email he doesn't have, and send it to them all in a backwoods rural area. After much arguing with an actual person cancelled cell account and put him on our plan with a different phone number. Net fux was similar but not as bad. Imo easier to stick to mailed bills, paper checks and stamps. Or if your fortunate and willing put close elderly folks on your accounts. Rants over.
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   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #695  
You know what's funny, Fuddy. When you first posted that avatar, I thought you were just getting handy with Photoshop. Had no idea that was actually a living creature, and if so, that it was a house cat!! :oops:
Wife & I got him from local shelter as a kitten. I'd hold him and he made faces so I had her take pictures.
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #696  
I somehow missed this thread for months. I just found it. I read almost every post. One of my pet peeves is overly long posts. However, another pet peeve is several short posts in a row by the same author. Torn between two pet peeves, I decided to make one long post.
Actually, 2 long posts. Might have been quicker to list the things that don't peeve you. :LOL:
   / What is some of your Pet Peeve's #700  
And 2000 watt car stereos full volume passing by: "boom-boom-boom". Isn't it great waiting at a traffic light to change and some idiot pulls up beside you with that blasting.