What do you let your dog chew on?

   / What do you let your dog chew on? #61  
Our dog chews on what ever she want's cause we are not home to keep her from chewing on the wrong thing, but as luck would have it so far so good not so several year's ago my wife went and bought $600 worth of furniture for our front porch and 2 days later came home to find all the cushions laying in the yard chewed up by my lab.
   / What do you let your dog chew on? #62  
We adopted a pup in late October. A few weeks later I was installing a poly edge on our Gator's snowplow and there were two 3 feet pieces about 3/4 x 3/4" left from when I cut the bevel. The pup grabbed one off the floor and ran for the open door. When I went to see what he was up to, he had already figured out that he could move his head up and down to keep the two ends bouncing. He spent about 5 minutes doing that, which at that age was about the longest he spent doing anything besides sleeping. I gave it back to him a few days later thinking I'd get a little video.
He chewed on it a little and then lost interest, so I don't know why he thought it was so great that one time.

This is Jasper back around that time:

Edit: Why does the thumbnail post sideways??
   / What do you let your dog chew on? #63  
My wife and I have been foster parents for an animal rescue since 2011 and have had over 500 dogs thru our house. She found a product named "Benebone". Cost around $10 but will last a very long time and comes in a few different flavors. She swears by them. Just make sure they don't leave in the yard. They don't mix well with finish mowers.

Thanks for fostering all those dogs!
   / What do you let your dog chew on? #64  
Way back in the dark ages, when I was a kid, and had to help weed our family garden - my mother had a black poodle. Everything about this dog was normal except he would sneak out in the garden and eat my dads green peppers. He would eat nothing else out of the garden - it would make my dad so darn mad.

I don't know what was lacking in the dogs diet but apparently the ripe green peppers satisfied that need.
   / What do you let your dog chew on? #65  
Way back in the dark ages, when I was a kid, and had to help weed our family garden - my mother had a black poodle. Everything about this dog was normal except he would sneak out in the garden and eat my dads green peppers. He would eat nothing else out of the garden - it would make my dad so darn mad.

I don't know what was lacking in the dogs diet but apparently the ripe green peppers satisfied that need.

Next time we cut up a green pepper I'll slip a piece to both dogs and see if they like it. I know they like carrots, but not all veggies. I read about some coyotes in Texas that had learned to open watermelons on commercial farms. That's a good trick.
   / What do you let your dog chew on? #66  
Next time we cut up a green pepper I'll slip a piece to both dogs and see if they like it. I know they like carrots, but not all veggies. I read about some coyotes in Texas that had learned to open watermelons on commercial farms. That's a good trick.

We have watched coyotes leap and stretch to get to figs on a wild fig tree. And our Lab-mix eats our persimmons, while a former dog ate nectarines.
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   / What do you let your dog chew on? #67  
Our dogs are outside 100% within their invisible fence. GSD is about 75 lbs. and mix is about 70 lbs. They chew whatever they want to. The mix isaround 6 yrs. old and stopped chewing on most things around 2 yrs. old. The GSD is around 3 and still chewing on the weirdest things I've ever seen a dog chew on. I've seen him chewing on aluminum beer cans, pieces of pottery, all kinds of crap out of the burn pile, and the strangest thing, glass bottles out of the junk pile in the woods. A few months age he had a 1 gallon glass bottle that was broken in half. Obviously I took it away from him and put it in a barrel out of reach. Somehow he manages to not cut himself. Our front yard becomes littered with all kinds of sticks, rocks, and the above mentioned items. I clean it up and it stays that way for a couple of weeks before I have to repeat the process. It hasn't mattered what I try to substitute for the GSD, he just likes a variety at this age I guess.

   / What do you let your dog chew on? #68  
Way back in the dark ages, when I was a kid, and had to help weed our family garden - my mother had a black poodle. Everything about this dog was normal except he would sneak out in the garden and eat my dads green peppers. He would eat nothing else out of the garden - it would make my dad so darn mad.

I don't know what was lacking in the dogs diet but apparently the ripe green peppers satisfied that need.

I had a pet rooster that used to walk the raspberry patch all day long looking for fallen berries.