What did you break today?

   / What did you break today? #53  
My taxes jumped over $400 this year.

   / What did you break today? #55  
   / What did you break today? #57  
You know its been a long, long time since I've broken anything. Its because I'm all alone out here - NEVER have the cell phone with me when out working on the property( seldom get a signal of any strength ) - I'm just pretty darn careful. Nearest neighbor is well over two and a half miles away. Last thing I broke was my ring finger on my left hand - two years ago. Trimming up fallen trees - tripped on a darn limb - fell hard on my hand. Otherwise about eleven years ago I broke a socket using it with a breaker bar and had to replace the socket.
Walked into Sears, went to tools, handed gentleman 1" drive socket wrench that was missing the large end mostly. Bolt was stubborn so I added 6' long 2" diameter thick wall steel pipe. Ok, that didn't work. Fired up JD 300 Industrial loader/scraper and used loader front cutting edge to apply pressure. The bolt held and wrench outer shell on drive end shattered. No questions and new 30" socket wrench 1" drive handed me with a smile. We're in the same brackets oosik. Starting 7th decade in August, nearest neighbors are/were H and P of HP about 5 miles N and very few places on ranch that cell phone works properly. NW corner of living room built over the years starting in 19 teens years as a cabin kit. 20's the living room and hearth were built. Late 20s through early 40s more building on the house I live in and 2 more parcels acquired. Picnic grounds with dance floor, changing rooms, river rock terraces BBQ pits and other infrastructure adjacent to San Felipe Creek built over time. Concrete pylons(?) with 20' section now 1/4" steel rectangles 4' tall that rest on steel L affixed to concrete backs up a swimming area 1000' upstream a foot to 4 feet deep. It must be dismantled before huge oak root balls with trunks float past and using steel instead of double wall dimensional lumber takes a couple of hours to install and 20 minutes using a tractor loader to lift and move away from stream. I never met great uncle Tony who died same year as my birth. He and his friends did some gorgeous stone, brick and mortar work out here.


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   / What did you break today? #58  
Tore a seal on the right rear axle brake rod (Ford 550 TLB).
Cheap part but sure makes for a leaky mess
until the old seal is replaced. Lost about 2 gallons of Hydraulic fluid since I last checked the rear axle. Ooops
   / What did you break today? #59  
About a dozen eggs. Had them on the fender of my trailer and forgot to get it off before taking tractor and trailer over to my big barn for the night. Got there and noticed eggs on my trailer, most broken, and remembered I set the can there after collecting them.
   / What did you break today? #60  
I didn't break my fingernail, but I did manage to tear it half off today, while digging a stray rock out of the lawn with my bare fingers. Blood 'n dirt... great.