
   / Unbelievable #22  
Oh good the thread is turning political..... just the reason I come to a tractor forum.

/your president is a clown.
//no your candidate was a clown.
   / Unbelievable #24  
I retired after 38 years of being a electric lineman.Would not believe the foolish customers you cross paths with.I often wondered how some of them stayed alive as long as they have.
   / Unbelievable #26  
Was the guy claiming pole was on his property?
I have seen a large amount of money change hands when water line was installed in wrong place.
A farmer sold five foot easement in the front of his property
   / Unbelievable #27  
Hope it doesn't breed.
   / Unbelievable #28  
Better to worry about the next 4 with a clown as president.

Ah Ha !!!
You apparently have been smoking some of the (now legal in Wa.?) funny weed up there on the NW "left coast".
A sanctuary state?
   / Unbelievable #30  
I blame it all on the news media..... :)

They glamorize a story and only state the pertinent information that will cause us to all "rise up" and take notice. When that happens, they are successful. We all consume this crap multiple times daily. More times than we each will admit.....

Elections, laws, etc., won't change that. It can only be changed by you and I.