Tree / Post Puller Type & Manufacturer?

   / Tree / Post Puller Type & Manufacturer? #31  
Even on the CTL the shield ( which is 100% necessary) on the puller blocks a lot of my sight. I haven't ever used one on on a tractor ( and don't plan on it ) but I think it would be doable. I think you could use the shield to fairly accurately gauge your position.
   / Tree / Post Puller Type & Manufacturer? #32  
I think before you worry about being able to see, you should try it out first.

There are certainly times when I wish I could see exactly where I am, but as coolnature says, I have developed a feel for it and rarely, at this point, do I really wish I had a better view. Sure, I'd like the visibility of a CTL. It would make it more fun. But you do get the feel for where you are and where the tips are in relation to the trees or whatever. And, when you bump up against the inside portion of the claws, you know it. I think, I would have knocked a camera off my FEL 10x by now, had I installed one. Perhaps welding a pipe onto the FEL arm and placing the camera inside would protect it enough.

But, I've used this thing to clear a ton of fence, brush, and trees. At the very beginning, it would have added utility, but at this point, I don't know if it would really add much to my ability to use it. Personally, I wouldn't worry about it, until you tried it out, and found that it was necessary.

All this does not mean I am not jealous of 4570man's CTL usage.
I was thinking of the pipe idea. I've done that for trailer lights etc. I'm hoping the visibility is good enough that I won't need the cam. My credit card was charged this morning, so that is supposed to mean it is being shipped today.
Curiosity has got me, I'll show my ignorance and ask(I already googled it), what does CTL stand for? :) Gary
   / Tree / Post Puller Type & Manufacturer? #33  
Compact track loader.
   / Tree / Post Puller Type & Manufacturer? #34  
Compact track loader.
   / Tree / Post Puller Type & Manufacturer? #35  
Thanks guys. I was pretty sure it was a "skid steer" of some kind, but couldn't think of anything that fit. Seems like that happens more often as time goes by :rolleyes: Gary
   / Tree / Post Puller Type & Manufacturer? #36  
I just made one for the loader and it works good. Mine is in the center of the loader and I have seen them off to the side, don't think that is a good ideal. What I found not so good, I wanted to be able to see the base when I hooked on to the tree. The cross tube on the loader is right in the way. The only other thing I didn't like was I would cut off some of them. I only have a 2" cyl. I think I might put a pressure regulator on it. It sure pulls them out good and you have control over the tree, beats the ---- out of a chain and only one person can do it all.

Update on mine: Used the 2nd time on flat ground and was able to pull 3 and 4" stuff easy. Then thought I would give it a good try, hooked onto a hickory tree about 4 to 4 1/2". Forget that and when I got back to the shop I bent the bottom cross frame. How I bent it was by moving fwd and back, it did not bent it going fwd only when I moved back.
Tried to pull it without heat with the loader, but couldn't. After braking a chain I put some heat to it and got it back where it was. As you can see in the pictures, I but 1/2" X 3" on the bottom cross and a 3/8" X 2" across the top. Went back out and hooked on the hickory again and could not bent it, just didn't have enough tractor and the hickory is still there.

The pictures the lighting isn't real good the sun was in the wrong place.


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   / Tree / Post Puller Type & Manufacturer? #37  
This is a bit of what I've been doing this week. I have about 20 - 400yo blue ash that have been farmed around for 20+ years, without any upkeep. We are clearing everything. Being in KY, we have a huge amount of honeysuckle. Left alone, it can grow into several trunks from a common root. This is an example of why I believe the Intimidator style of puller is excellent.

Size 12 Muckboots



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   / Tree / Post Puller Type & Manufacturer? #38  
Chain and a few good pulls has worked for generations, Big tree, longer chaim. Old chainsaw blade and root cutting.

just sayin, it works and is cheap.
   / Tree / Post Puller Type & Manufacturer? #39  
I pulled every tree 6" and smaller on a 1/2 acre lot in about 3 hours with a puller. A chain is nowhere near the performance of a puller.
   / Tree / Post Puller Type & Manufacturer? #40  
Chain and a few good pulls has worked for generations, Big tree, longer chaim. Old chainsaw blade and root cutting.

just sayin, it works and is cheap.

Should we also use oxen?