Tool Stuff, That I Was NEVER Taught, EVEN After 70 YEARS!!

   / Tool Stuff, That I Was NEVER Taught, EVEN After 70 YEARS!! #1  


Elite Member
May 27, 2016
near Roanoke VA
584 IH 4WD
OK, I thought I had a pretty good understanding of simple tools.

So much so, that the school teacher that married my niece in 1969,
I have ALWAYS teased him that he did not know which end of a screwdriver fit in his hand!!

WELL, Now, I come to find out, that I fit in that EXACT category,,

China stuff is relatively new, compared to what I have fixed since the 1950's,,

In between USA made, and China made,, there was Japan made stuff,, motorcycles, machining tools, drill presses, anything,,

Well I have always owned some sort of Phillips head screwdriver,
and, I have used basically the same Craftsman set of screwdrivers since the 1950's, replacing some when they were lost, with the identical tool.

NOW, I come to find out that Japan made stuff has a screw that LOOKS like a Phillips head, but, the typical Phillips head screwdriver will destroy the Japan made screw.

There is a special tool called a JIC driver, just for Japan made stuff,, it is not a Phillips head,

This video has poor audio, but it is only one minute, so it does not take much of your time,,
(You would think a company as big as Chapman would know better audio is needed in this day and age,,)

"Does your Phillips driver feel like it doesn't quite fit that screw? Chances are that's because it's not a Phillips screw, it's a JIS screw.

JIS, or Japanese Industry Standard screws are just different enough in shape that Phillips drivers will not fit well and slip/strip them. The difference is in the leading angle of the point of the driver. Phillips bits have a larger angle and therefore don't bottom out in the JIS screws, causing slippage. "

So, have you ever found out that you knew less about a tool, than you THOUGHT that you did?? :eek::unsure:
   / Tool Stuff, That I Was NEVER Taught, EVEN After 70 YEARS!! #2  
Almost daily.......
   / Tool Stuff, That I Was NEVER Taught, EVEN After 70 YEARS!! #3  
I've learned some of the most useful things in my life AFTER I was 30..........
   / Tool Stuff, That I Was NEVER Taught, EVEN After 70 YEARS!! #4  
This is not a Chinese or Japanese phenomenon. What you are calling a Phillips head screwdriver is one of a type known as a cross point screwdriver or cruciform. You should first understand there are sizes to Phillips - 00,0, and like that. Smaller numbers are smaller sizes. Numbers 1 and 2 are most common. There are other American cross points though. The first one that comes to my mind is the Reed and Prince. There may be other names for it. I ran into it in the seventies on Hewlett Packard equipment. If you wish to know more about fastener head types and the tools to turn them try here:
   / Tool Stuff, That I Was NEVER Taught, EVEN After 70 YEARS!! #5  
I had a 1968 Suzuki (X6 Scrambler) and a 1971 Kawasaki 500 that used "Phillips" screws on the side casings. Soft metal too. Hated Phillips screws ever since. Finally started using a hammer driven impact driver on them. Maybe I just had the wrong screwdriver? (the rinky-dink screwdriver in their toolkit wasn't good for much)
   / Tool Stuff, That I Was NEVER Taught, EVEN After 70 YEARS!! #7  


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   / Tool Stuff, That I Was NEVER Taught, EVEN After 70 YEARS!! #8  
The motorcycle cases in that era had widespread issues with the phillips screws. I had a '71 Yamaha 175 and the local dealer had a wall with blister packs of socket head screws to replace each one; you just got the package with your model. Can't remember if it was dealer or aftermarket, but it took care of the coned head issue.
   / Tool Stuff, That I Was NEVER Taught, EVEN After 70 YEARS!! #9  
A good set of screwdriver bits will have multiple cross head bits in approximately the same size. Some are pointed, some are not, several have different angle to the blades. Mostly it doesn't make much difference, but if it's a hard drive it's worth it to match the bit to the screw.
   / Tool Stuff, That I Was NEVER Taught, EVEN After 70 YEARS!! #10  
JIS cross head are indeed subtly different than SAE Phillips. It's something you learn from working on motorcycles.

See JIS Cross Head Screws and Drivers | Peter Verdone Designs

The heads on JIS screws on '60a and '70s Japanese motorcycles were pretty soft and easily stripped, especially with Phillips screwdrivers that don't quite fit.