The Resting Place.

   / The Resting Place. #1,071  
Happy Days is also where the term “jumping the shark” came from. It’s where a show is down in the ratings and they are desperate to bring them up. In this case a couple of Happy Days episodes where Fonzie water skies and jumps over a shark.
I had never heard of that until just watching the clip on YouTube. That was back in the days of "Jaws" hysteria.
   / The Resting Place. #1,072  
Another hero lost

I bet this guy had some stories, if he would be willing to talk... may he and his comrades RIP

I don't give a crap about the other dead guy recently mentioned, the murderer! He's finally paying for his crimes.
   / The Resting Place. #1,074  
It was one weird trial and I don't think the jury understood DNA.
   / The Resting Place. #1,075  
IIRC, there was some key blood evidence in his car that was not allowed for some reason in the criminal trial, but it was allowed in the civil trial. One of the key prosecution witnesses was flat out busted for lying on the stand (about a stupid thing, but still lying). The glove didn't fit.

I personally believe he got away with murder, but I wouldn't criticize the jurors for their verdict.

I watched part of an interview with his lawyer long after the trial. He offered a rather cryptic statement that the prosecution quickly went with the assumption of a single killer.
   / The Resting Place. #1,076  
IIRC, there was some key blood evidence in his car that was not allowed for some reason in the criminal trial, but it was allowed in the civil trial. One of the key prosecution witnesses was flat out busted for lying on the stand (about a stupid thing, but still lying). The glove didn't fit.
I have always wondered about those "blood soaked gloves" as they were described in court.

When I put a wet pair of leather gloves on the shelf, they dry out and the next time I put them on they don't fit good because they have shrunk.
   / The Resting Place. #1,077  
It was one weird trial and I don't think the jury understood DNA.
So much information was kept from the jury, that the rest of us were able to see. More than one juror reported later, that they'd have found him guilty, if they had access to all the same information as the public.
   / The Resting Place. #1,078  
So much information was kept from the jury, that the rest of us were able to see. More than one juror reported later, that they'd have found him guilty, if they had access to all the same information as the public.
Yes. I'm sure that will be a historic case for law students! The Dream Team attorneys.
If I were an attorney I could not represent a client I knew was guilty...seeing they were exonerated.
   / The Resting Place. #1,079  
If I were an attorney I could not represent a client I knew was guilty...seeing they were exonerated
I agree with you completely. Yet a good attorney understands that everybody has the right to representation.