TBN Change?

   / TBN Change? #1  


Super Member
May 12, 2013
Has TBN format changed or is it just my computer? The icons are not showing up, quoting is different or just posting is not the same.......
   / TBN Change? #2  
Same here... and I noticed it a number of hours ago. But Muhammad & Ibrahim have been doing some sort of 're-vamp' as of late.

I'll remain patient. At least I can still post, from time to time.
   / TBN Change? #3  
I've noticed the same thing, but wasn't sure if it was the site or my connection, which is dicey at times.
   / TBN Change? #4  
It is a problem with the web site. Do not adjust your devices. :)
   / TBN Change? #5  
Also the reply box is turning dark and any edits will take out lines between paragraphs.
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I've been proud of TBN for not giving in to the major changes so many other forums implemented recently.

If it ain't broke don't fix it.
   / TBN Change? #8  
NOOOO! I've been proud of TBN for not giving in to the major changes so many other forums implemented recently. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Although, I wouldn't mind seeing them make the image features in the advanced reply available in the quick reply. I know that can be done because some other forums operate with them enabled. Now I see ALL the text and image features have disappeared from the quick reply box.
   / TBN Change? #9  
Good to know I'm not the only one that can't get TBN to load up properly. It started with the banners a few weeks ago, and now this has been going on for a couple of days.
   / TBN Change? #10  
Same here, no Emoji/picture box and I see the Forums landing site has weird boxes next to where it has the attachment count. Something done broke.