Tax Tax Tax

   / Tax Tax Tax #1  


Elite Member
Apr 12, 2011
I think I started a thread on this a few years ago but can't find it. .. I'm in Mass and we have what is called "excise tax"on all our vehicles. Basically we have to pay another tax on our cars every year to the town where it is registered. It is not a insignificant number for me personally. All told, we have 2 - 2107 F series trucks that are aprox 900.00 each, 1 2016 van that is about 600.00, my wife's car which is another 1000.00 and a motorcycle and older F150 that between the 2 is about 400.00. ...roughy $3800.00 a year ....this is on top of the sales tax already paid and although the total goes down every year to a certain degree.. it's still excessive IMO. Are there states where there is no additional tax for owning a vehicle .. after the sales tax ?
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NH for one. The legislators in this state never saw a tax they didn't like!
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In Mississippi there is a "personal property tax" portion of your annual license tag fee, based on the value of the vehicle. New vehicles can be $600-800 (maybe more), but it drops off after a few years to $100-200.
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Wasn't there a recent MA tax that is in my mind a personal property tax on property that could be potentially used for income?

I remember having to "guesstimate" the "value" of underground conduit, some home tools, tractor, and all tractor attachments for our Town Assessors. Attachments are worth < than a penny's worth to the dollar.
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We don't have the annual excise tax, just high registration fees, annual inspection fees, high title fees, 8% sales tax every time a vehicle is sold whether new or used based on the sale price. High property and school taxes. I currently have 3 vehicles, 1 motorcycle, 1 tractor, and 4 trailers. One way or the other the state gets our money. Now our Guv wants to add a payroll tax to be paid to the state.
When this state started selling lottery tickets the proceeds they made were supposed to fund schools and eliminate school taxes. That never happened and the proceeds go into the general fund (millions of dollars every day just on scratch offs).
When they built the thruway once it was paid for the tolls were supposed to be eliminated then maintained by tax payer money. That didn't happen either. Pistol permits were issued years ago and were good for your lifetime. Now they found a way to charge us a fee to renew it every 5 years.
No matter what you can think of this state will or has found a way to tax it and put more money in their pockets.
There are states with no sales tax, no excise tax, low property tax, even some that don't require trailer registrations, they are just not here in the northeast.

Gee Tom, didn't Boston have a tea party about this?
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   / Tax Tax Tax #7  
No complaints about Arkansas when I see the total taxes in other states. Sales, property, personal, excise, income, local income, dog, etc.
   / Tax Tax Tax #8  
I think I started a thread on this a few years ago but can't find it. .. I'm in Mass and we have what is called "excise tax"on all our vehicles. Basically we have to pay another tax on our cars every year to the town where it is registered. It is not a insignificant number for me personally. All told, we have 2 - 2107 F series trucks that are aprox 900.00 each, 1 2016 van that is about 600.00, my wife's car which is another 1000.00 and a motorcycle and older F150 that between the 2 is about 400.00. ...roughy $3800.00 a year ....this is on top of the sales tax already paid and although the total goes down every year to a certain degree.. it's still excessive IMO. Are there states where there is no additional tax for owning a vehicle .. after the sales tax ?
Thats robbery. And people put up with that?
   / Tax Tax Tax #9  
I'm in Mass and we have what is called "excise tax"on all our vehicles
You pay that every year!!!! Holy crap and I thought our $250 vehicle permit every two years for my Frontier was bad, ****. Mind you we pay tax every time the vehicle is sold. If it's sold 10-15 times in it's lifetime we pay 15% on the value every time...........Mike
   / Tax Tax Tax #10  
Yep, unhappy subject.
Earn some money and before you get it, forcibly taken from it is federal income tax, SS/medicare, state tax and all the others. Then once you get what is left of YOUR money you pay tax on most everything you buy. And once you own it, you pay more tax to own it; phones taxes, tv/internet taxes, property taxes, automobile taxes, gas taxes....the list is endless.

Depending on how much you make, you could easily have half of YOUR money payed to someone else (looters). Which is a whole other YOUR money is being spent.

Didn't this country get formed over rebellion on paying taxes (sugar/stamp/etc)? Worth fighting a war over there are too many getting the money and not enough willing to fight for it.