Stupid Things I Have Done

   / Stupid Things I Have Done #222  
That was no lady...well maybe you were leaking some methane and she was trying to close the port!
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #224  
You never know in a Sam's Club.

Was leaving one and handed the rather large lady at the door my receipt. It was in the high nineties outside and she was sweating, sweating a lot. As she was looking at the receipt I politely said, "You look hot!"

To which she replied, "Well thank you".

I figure she had been waiting all day for some fool to come along.

   / Stupid Things I Have Done #225  
Was leaving one and handed the rather large lady at the door my receipt. It was in the high nineties outside and she was sweating, sweating a lot. As she was looking at the receipt I politely said, "You look hot!"

To which she replied, "Well thank you".

I figure she had been waiting all day for some fool to come along.

My son, his girlfriend, and I were going to the Diary Queen. Some teens were hanging out in the parking lot and a couple of them gave a wolf whistle to the girlfriend.

Before anyone could react, I hollered "I am using a new hair conditioner. Thank you for noticing!"

I love embarrassing the kids.
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #226  
Don't be so hard on yourself ... I saw a video of a guys doing a review on the biggest Still chainsaw available it was brand new and the bar and chain was installed by the dealer... he started it up try to cut and the dealer installed the chains backward...
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #227  
I recieved a Northern Tool catalog one day and in their chainsaw section they showed someone running a saw holding the brake against the saw handle. For some reason I called them up and complained. When they said "we'll fix it", they did.

They stopped sending me catalogs. :D.
   / Stupid Things I Have Done #228  
one of my stupidest moment was ... A while back I had a slab of cement at home, it was laying around since I bought the place... no clue what it was for but it was 3 to 4 inch thick 1 foot wide and 2.5 to 3 feet long, with two small rebar bend in handle shape on each end. My wife at the time was nagging me to get rid of it, so I loaded it up in my truck box and brought it at the dump. Backed up to the designated area got out, lowered my tailgate then I looked at it for a second to try to find the best way to dump it without damaging my truck. So I decided the safest way (for my truck) would be to pull the slab to the edge of the tailgate and give it a yank and move out of the way while it fell... that's what I did but as I step backwards there was a hump behind me causing me to fall on my bum and the slab fell on my foot... My first reaction was to looked around to make sure nobody saw me, but I quickly notice the doze guy and he saw what happen, his face was white just like if he saw a ghost.... So the pride kick in and i told myself “it doesn't hurt” I got up and walked on it like if nothing happen back to my truck but it hurt like a son of a b*&%^... once I got inside I couldn't even press the gas with my foot ... as I was driving I was like “the pain will go away it ok... its ok, it will go away” ... but it didn't... just insane paine for the whole 10 minute drive back home... I was like it hurt so much I have to go to the hospitals regardless how it looks... but I couldn't help myself other then to have a look at it and it wasn't pretty... my foot split open since I was only wearing leather shoes... and I had a broken a metatarsal bone.

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   / Stupid Things I Have Done #229  

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