
   / Starlink #2,021  
i just wonder, does the extended ping times make for a delay while using computers? during searches or opening new sites. my wireless system has ping time of about 10-15 ms, and sometimes that slows things down. my download speed is about 13 now, and upload about 4. with upgraded dish i no longer get clocking.
   / Starlink #2,022  
14ms ping is amazing, and is not the cause of slow page loading
   / Starlink #2,023  


Latency -- the amount of time it takes for data to travel from the server to your browser -- can slow down a website's load time even over a high speed connection. HTTP, the protocol used for websites, sends short bursts of data, which is why the round trip time affects the page load time. Latency is influenced by location; no high-bandwidth connection can make data travel faster from a server in Hong Kong to a computer in London. If you're still shopping for a Web host, consider finding one with servers local to where most of your customers search, to cut down on distance between the visitor and the data.
   / Starlink #2,025  
Yes, to answer your question, latency (ping times) can affect how fast searches/web pages load at your end; so does a slow with a slow disk, a bloated browser, and a full cache versus a fast computer with a flushed cache and a fast disk. There is always going to be a bottleneck somewhere.

We have a slow DSL, which can have ping times to a nearby point on the net from 9-200ms. 9ms is great, and I rarely notice the low bandwidth. 100ms and up, I only use it if I am in dire need of something. 100ms is just too painful.

I am not sure what you mean by "clocking".

Upgrading your computer disk drive to a M.2 type drive will change your computer experience, if your computer can take one. (It has a huge impact on Windows machines, due to Windows accessing little files all the time.)

All the best,

   / Starlink #2,026  
you can't control latency, don't even try.
   / Starlink #2,027  
you can't control latency, don't even try.
Well, not to disagree, but I think may be yes, may be not.

The network outside of your house is likely most of the latency that you experience, but not necessarily all of it. Definitely, a YMMV. E.g. If you are on a ViaSat system, anything you do locally would be a flea on the flea on the flea on the ViaSat dog.

On the other hand, just for an example, moving the WiFi off of our integrated WiFi DSL modem /router and on to a higher speed router and WiFi cut our ping times from 40(+/-)ms to 20(+/-)ms. Our network access still goes through the old modem/router, just not through its rather slow WiFi system. Worth it for us, but perhaps not for others. (We did it because the WiFi portion modem would overheat and crash the whole system. No crashes since ditching the old WiFi.)

All the best,

   / Starlink #2,028  
Slow page loads can come down to a number of factors.

Browser being one reason, I use older browsers but have a couple of portable browsers for sites that are written with the assumption people upgrade every five minutes and will have the latest that is fully html5 compliant.

In past years I found it more often it is the side scripts that many sites use, some of those scripts often hosted on other separate sites are useful, but not required to use the site. Some scripts are just poorly coded I gather. There's plenty that just pretty the site up and are just tracking and offer small functions the lazy web designer has opted to use other api services on offer, for example, from google. Some sites are written such that browsers also won't load whatever comes first but will hold out until the script has done its thing, so pretty much, a sneaky snoopy script can hijack the page load until it's run or got the information "it" wants ... I generally don't mind adding the hosting site to such apis to my host file and problem fixed for some sites taking an age to load.