
   / Starlink #4,041  
An TBNers StarLink RV customers out west around MT, ID, WY areas? Interested in coverage and speeds.....please tell all. Thanks!
My brother lives in the Nebraska panhandle. Coverage and speeds are good, but his is just a home setup. In low-traffic areas, you'll do pretty well.
   / Starlink #4,042  
Is SL now throttling speeds based on short term usage? I read a while ago about not exceeding 1TB per month, but I had a recent experience that seemed different?

I usually download a 1.5G file each morning, but got behind and had to make up. So I downloaded 3 files, each about 1.5G. The first two went at "typical" speed.

After a while, my wife said: "wow the internet sure is slow today." (All she does is email and web browsing, so little data impact.) So I went to check the status of my 3rd download and it had slowed to a crawl. Eventually it finished but it took a l-o-n-g time. btw the transmission was from one residential SL system (CA) to another residential SL system (NV.)

A while later, or maybe the next day, everything was back up to normal speed.

This article talked about the monthly limit, but this seemed like a short term limit?

   / Starlink #4,043  
Is SL now throttling speeds based on short term usage? I read a while ago about not exceeding 1TB per month, but I had a recent experience that seemed different?

I usually download a 1.5G file each morning, but got behind and had to make up. So I downloaded 3 files, each about 1.5G. The first two went at "typical" speed.

After a while, my wife said: "wow the internet sure is slow today." (All she does is email and web browsing, so little data impact.) So I went to check the status of my 3rd download and it had slowed to a crawl. Eventually it finished but it took a l-o-n-g time. btw the transmission was from one residential SL system (CA) to another residential SL system (NV.)

A while later, or maybe the next day, everything was back up to normal speed.

This article talked about the monthly limit, but this seemed like a short term limit?

The monthly limit was talked about, but not officially put in place last time that I looked.

Throttling will also happen through other factors; notably, the isp from whence you are pulling the data may have limits on their end. However, I suspect that for you that isn't the case.

There are also rules within network devices (switches, and switchgear generally, e.g. servers) generally that favor small transactions over larger ones. They have to. This is done to expedite the majority of the transactions as fast as possible. The underlying logic is that large downloads are not as time sensitive as smaller ones that may contain things like name resolution, time, etc., and favoring the small ones helps the network function better. If the switch gear favors large transactions, the network appears to die for most users, and can be effectively dead for the duration. BTDT.

On a practical level, a series of large files put through servers is a big impact on the system and network loads, and if a process begins to take too many resources, it will get deprioritized. Again, this is a natural result of trying to make robust networks.

So, I suspect that your 4.5Gb of downloads just got pushed slowly down the priority list by multiple devices between you and the origin, rather than anything nefarious.

All the best,

   / Starlink #4,044  
I'm looking into switching to Starlink. My AT&T cube is barely making the cut. How long does it typically take to get your equipment after signing up?
   / Starlink #4,045  
I have the Gen 2 Starlink dish and I just ordered the Gen 3 Roof Ridge Mount that works with the Gen 3 dish. I just assumed that the Gen 2 dish would work with the Gen 3 Ridge Mount or is that not correct?
   / Starlink #4,046  
I have the Gen 2 Starlink dish and I just ordered the Gen 3 Roof Ridge Mount that works with the Gen 3 dish. I just assumed that the Gen 2 dish would work with the Gen 3 Ridge Mount or is that not correct?
they are different mountings.
   / Starlink #4,047  
I'm looking into switching to Starlink. My AT&T cube is barely making the cut. How long does it typically take to get your equipment after signing up?
Last year when I ordered mine it was only about 1 week
   / Starlink #4,048  
they are different mountings.
Crap..... so, Starlink is selling a roof ride mount that is not backward compatible? That seems odd. And, the description of compatibility on their website is not intuitive, which indicates it is compatible with the self-self-acuated disk, but is that gen 1, Gen 2, or only Gen 3? I sent a trouble ticket to support to ask about this.

Maybe this is just confusion about the SL website. I had trouble getting to the orders page but after I finally did I may have missed the "Is this Your Dish" box and I made an assumption I was ordering the gen 3 mount because that is all that was listed for the ride mount. But, when I look at the "orders" page now it seems I am presented with only those products compatible with my dish. At least that is what I am thinking has happened. The problem with getting to the orders page put some confusion into the process. I'll know tomorrow when the mount arrives.
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   / Starlink #4,049  
Have had starling for about a year now. Overall, more than happy with it. We ditched Dish network to book. Every once in a blue moon with the occasional thunder storm and heavy rain, some issues, but that is to be expected, and perhaps no more times than the fingers on right hand.

Ironically enough, 1 year after buying starlink, what do you know, they are actually running fiber connection to our house this week. It's pretty much free and will only help increase the value of the home down the road in our opinion.
   / Starlink #4,050  
Y'all have to read this article. You think worldwide internet travels by satellite? This is a story, a long, detailed and well written story about the companies that fix underwater cables across the world. Satellite internet is NOT the heavy hauler of data that keeps everything going. I should Capitalize EVERYTHING. Maybe one day things will change over to satellite but not anytime soon. Undersea cables are still the mainstay.

As many think Mr Elon is a jerk, he is/was definitely forward looking. Again. Read the article: