Snow Plow Build

   / Snow Plow Build #1  


Super Member
Feb 28, 2005
Central Square, NY
Started my snow plow build today. Had an old 7'6" Diamond snow plow just hanging around taking up space so figured I'd put it to use on the tractor. Received a Quick Attach plate today ordered from Titan Attachments. I got the heavy duty plate 1/2" thick. Started tacking it to the plow A-frame this afternoon. Going to weld some angle from top of A-frame to top of QA plate. Plow shoes and guide flags on order. Have a new D.A. cylinder, hoses, and fittings. Still have to locate a crossover relief to work with a D.A. cylinder. The cylinder from Tractor Supply has an 8" stroke which gives about a 25 degree angle each way.


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   / Snow Plow Build #2  
Does the plow hit the QA plate at full angle? Good looking project, can't wait to see the videos of it in action.
   / Snow Plow Build #3  
So with this set-up you will "float"the FEL? You will have the weight of the plow and FEL.....the plus side is that you will have down pressure.
I set mine up to float just the plow,with a chain lift.Both work.
   / Snow Plow Build #4  
So with this set-up you will "float"the FEL? You will have the weight of the plow and FEL.....the plus side is that you will have down pressure.
I set mine up to float just the plow,with a chain lift.Both work.
My setup is similar to the one in the photos and I do not float the FEL.
Floating the FEL does not work for me. Puts why to much weight on the plow making it difficult to steer.
I simply set my plow on the ground, bump up on the loader joystick so much of the loaders weight is off the snow plow and go.
My plow still follows uneven ground just fine like this without floating the FEL
   / Snow Plow Build
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So with this set-up you will "float"the FEL? You will have the weight of the plow and FEL.....the plus side is that you will have down pressure.
I set mine up to float just the plow,with a chain lift.Both work.

I will have to see what works best (float or no float like Vince does).

Does the plow hit the QA plate at full angle? Good looking project, can't wait to see the videos of it in action.

No, the plow does not hit the QA. The cylinder I bought has an 8" stroke which gives about a 25 degree angle each way. A longer stroke cylinder would give more angle but would have required a lot of modification to the plow frame. With the 8" cyl. I was able to use the existing plow cyl. mount holes.

Finished up the additional top brackets and welding earlier today. Hooked up to tractor for test run and works fine. Took it back apart and just got it primed. Will spray on some paint tomorrow. Pics to follow. Monday I have to check a couple of places for a crossover relief. Surplus Center has them for about $70. but would like to get locally if possible. I checked TSC when I bought some steel, hoses, fittings etc. but they didn't have them. Whole setup weighs about 700 lb.
   / Snow Plow Build #6  
If you only have to plow flat/level areas, you can get by without the floating blade. If you have humps, rolling areas, or hills, then the independently floating blade is mush easier to use.
   / Snow Plow Build
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Finished up the plow. Only things I have to get are the cushion relief valve and plow shoes. Going to check local shops tomorrow for them. If not, will order. Paint was still wet in pics. Put it back in garage with salamander heating it up to dry. Outside temp. only 45 deg F. now, was 36 this AM. Pics are out of order.


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   / Snow Plow Build #8  
Looks good,sure to get a lot of use in Central Square!
   / Snow Plow Build
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Looks good,sure to get a lot of use in Central Square!

Yes it will. As you must know, we average between 140-160" per season. Between the plow, a 7'6" snow push blade, and the bucket I should have it covered.

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