Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong

   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #16,461  
You're a lot more forgiving than I am. Guys like him are why we have so many unnecessary laws, as well as too many ambulance chasing lawyers. :(
Lawyers have always been slippery. It's the judges that let them get away with it.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #16,463  
That dog! It's like he's saying, "Can you believe this?"
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #16,464  
Not to hijack thread, but can't keep it to myself. :) I genuinely believe, that with raising demand, "third parties" soon will start to offer "range extenders" or "battery packs".
I don't need everyday to carry that extra weight with me for my everyday occasions. But would be great option, to rent for my vacation week an extra battery, which I could drop in trunk / frunk and connect into the car's system.
Would be nice if it was that easy. Don't EV (and hybrid) batteries interconnect with various control modules in the vehicle? Seems likely a booster pack would need to be recognized. Don't see why it can't be done, but manufacturers would need to come up with a standardized interface & logic.
I do imagine a booster pack that would give any meaningful extra range would be quite heavy though. Not likely something you could just pick up, throw in the trunk and connect a couple wires.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #16,465  
Lawyers have always been slippery. It's the judges that let them get away with it.
Not all lawyers are bad. I guess that I could write my own will, but prefer not to.
It's easy to tell the good lawyers from the bad. The good ones aren't out chasing ambulances.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #16,466  
Not all lawyers are bad. I guess that I could write my own will, but prefer not to.
It's easy to tell the good lawyers from the bad. The good ones aren't out chasing ambulances.
Or running ads on TV so people that have had their feelings hurt can sue someone.
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #16,468  
It says "now lets hope this dude lives on the end of the block"


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   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #16,469  
It says "now lets hope this dude lives on the end of the block"
I wonder how you would measure the turning radius of that setup :cool:
   / Share Pics of People Hauling or Towing Something Wrong #16,470  
I don't think you're going to be turning that rig - at all, without breaking something.