Sayonara summer...........

   / Sayonara summer...........
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I can do without two or three snow storms a week myself, I致e moved enough snow to last me, doing it when it痴 0F isn稚 all that much fun really. I haven稚 found this summer bad at all, I have ac in the house and the car so if I知 working outside and need a break I go inside for few minutes.

I do certain things different times of the year, my circulation isn稚 the best so staying outside in the cold for me means trouble, so I知 kinda house bound when it drops to 20f and below and that痴 why I知 moving south. I have had frostbite more than once..
Plowing snow can be fun if you have the right equipment but living in a poor state very few have the right equipment, could say the same thing about a hot humid day, can be nice if dont have to work a real job. I hit the shipyard 7 AM and start grabbing welding gear, sweat runs right off me and dirt sticks on, I cant stand it, in a few years that'l all be over retirement is getting closer.

My younger son loves the hot humid weather, takes the doors and top off his Jeep and rides around Portland then goes to his temp summer job, rides around in a warehouse that has AC driving a forklift, well yeah who would mine that. My older son might have the worst if he gets a big order of cedar shingles, he dont care for summer either, starts that big diesel engine up in the morning, that gives off heat, then the sawdust starts blowing around and your best friend is a back scratcher, he also has a snowmobile so the more snow the merrier for him............
   / Sayonara summer........... #23  
Plowing snow can be fun if you have the right equipment but living in a poor state very few have the right equipment, could say the same thing about a hot humid day, can be nice if dont have to work a real job. I hit the shipyard 7 AM and start grabbing welding gear, sweat runs right off me and dirt sticks on, I cant stand it, in a few years that'l all be over retirement is getting closer.

My younger son loves the hot humid weather, takes the doors and top off his Jeep and rides around Portland then goes to his temp summer job, rides around in a warehouse that has AC driving a forklift, well yeah who would mine that. My older son might have the worst if he gets a big order of cedar shingles, he dont care for summer either, starts that big diesel engine up in the morning, that gives off heat, then the sawdust starts blowing around and your best friend is a back scratcher, he also has a snowmobile so the more snow the merrier for him............
I drive past the guys out working on paving crews with the sun and hot asphalt on those hot summer days and wonder how they can do it; I would be passed out in the ditch long before noontime. Right now I'm trying to get caught up on all of the things that I had planned to do this summer including moving my woodshed so that I can start filling it; I've had to go through my list and cull out the least important things.
   / Sayonara summer........... #24  
Plowing snow can be fun if you have the right equipment but living in a poor state very few have the right equipment, could say the same thing about a hot humid day, can be nice if dont have to work a real job. I hit the shipyard 7 AM and start grabbing welding gear, sweat runs right off me and dirt sticks on, I cant stand it, in a few years that'l all be over retirement is getting closer.

My younger son loves the hot humid weather, takes the doors and top off his Jeep and rides around Portland then goes to his temp summer job, rides around in a warehouse that has AC driving a forklift, well yeah who would mine that. My older son might have the worst if he gets a big order of cedar shingles, he dont care for summer either, starts that big diesel engine up in the morning, that gives off heat, then the sawdust starts blowing around and your best friend is a back scratcher, he also has a snowmobile so the more snow the merrier for him............

No real job for me, I put my time in already..
   / Sayonara summer........... #25  
One thing about Michigan you can count on year around, if you don’t like the weather, wait until tomorrow.
This summer however was brutal for weeks on end with 90 to 95 degree days, very sporadic rain and little releaf from the heat at night.
Finally this week, some mid forty’s morning tempetures and highs in the seventy’s so off my butt to get caught up on three months worth of outdoor work in thirty days. Like has been stated by a prior poster, the to do list is getting pruned.
Oh well, what ever will be, will be. Patted the snow gear on be butt today and commented, time to wake up kids, snow’s com-men. YEA.

B. John
   / Sayonara summer........... #26  
Yep sick of summer since May. Soaking wet at 9am till you get home and shower.
You guys please send us some snow this year. The twins are praying for it every night at bedtime.
   / Sayonara summer........... #27  
My younger son loves the hot humid weather, takes the doors and top off his Jeep and rides around Portland .

Your younger son has no idea what heat is LOL

I always thought AC for cars was for wussies.

Forgot what NC could be like when I was younger and moved back when I was older. No AC and moved back down to NC in June.

When it's over 90 and humidity is over 70, "open air" riding isn't fun at all. with two windows open, it was like driving with a blast furnace going off in your face, no cool air to evaporate your perspiration. Called my parents the next day after I moved down and told them I was coming back up to our local car dealer to find a car with AC because mine didn't have any LOL
   / Sayonara summer........... #28  
Nice is that part of the Great Lakes?

Yep. The sunset coast of Lake Michigan. On a clear day, if you'd look right about over that boat, you'd see the Chicago skyline.... about 60 (sixty) miles across the lake. ;)
   / Sayonara summer........... #29  
Here's one from September 26, 2015 a little further south of St. Joseph, at Weko Beach in Bridgman, MI.

One of my better iPhone5 photos.... ;)

That little flat line at the horizon is the sun. Click on the picture to see it full size. I was very happy with the details in the birds.

Enjoy! :D


   / Sayonara summer........... #30  
Been miserable all summer here. Lotsa rain and heat. Usually we have a dry summer with Sept being the driest month of the year. Humidity in our holler is bad even if it cools down at night.
I could not be happy where there was no season change. I enjoy the changes. Im already curious what this winter will bring.