Sayonara summer...........

   / Sayonara summer........... #11  
About 6 months ago a Portland TV station up here has been broadcasting Quest, several times at night they been showing the 7 year old reruns of Swamp Loggers, that's the only NC I've been learning from, kind of a neat show, anyhow even they say how hot it is, sweat from head to toe on them, some of the guys has to get back in there cab where the AC is.

Rule #1 - Don't judge an area by a TV show:D

I was born up in Limestone Maine. As an adult in the north east, I've lived up around Watertown NY, about 30 miles south of Jamestown NY in PA, also in West Virginia, and for the last 18 years or so kind of the north western part of NC (about 30 minutes due south from Va around I-77).

For weather 12 months a year, I'll take right where I'm at. Yes, it gets hot in the the summer, but other than a dumping in winter that might last a week (and it does get cold where I'm at during winter), well worth the medium climate during the wide spring and fall period.

Now, once you get to Charlotte and south, forget it, too hot for me (although western SC and Tenn seems to be mighty fine IMO as well).
   / Sayonara summer........... #12  
About 6 months ago a Portland TV station up here has been broadcasting Quest, several times at night they been showing the 7 year old reruns of Swamp Loggers, that's the only NC I've been learning from, kind of a neat show, anyhow even they say how hot it is, sweat from head to toe on them, some of the guys has to get back in there cab where the AC is. Then I see on one show where there looks like a few inches of snow on the ground, probably around 30*, everyone's in full winter gear, helmet liners...... Now I'm not the toughest Mainer up here but I work with people that are still in T shirts until the temp is in the teens, they put a coat on when it get down in single numbers, I get cold just looking at them.

Best part I like about cold weather is no bugs, although this past summer around my house the bugs haven't been that bad for some reason. Then on that Swamp Logger show I see where Bobby goes looking at a wood track (up here we say wood lot, I like to know why southerners call it a track) any how Bobby and his partners goes walking through the woods and they see a 4' cotton mouth, that and alligators would scare the beelzebub out of me, no thank you I want to live where I can go walking through woods without seeing those creeping creatures, I do like that show wish they'd make more of them, this year they started putting out a few short videos on Youtube.
I think what they are saying is "tract, i.e., a tract of land. We do have it pretty good up here. Besides what you already mentioned, we don't have the hurricanes which the folks south of us are enduring right now. I personally like winter and snow, although last year we got more than our fair share of the white stuff. I even used to enjoy snowshoeing, as you can cover ground on top of the snow that you wouldn't want to walk in the summer. I've had to much of a "good thing" though, and my knees can't take the webs the way thay they used to.
   / Sayonara summer........... #13  
Being here in NE WA state I'm not going to complain about anything. We had two nights that were hotter than I liked - otherwise................

Its been almost a month now since any smoke, ash or crud - - life is back to normal.

Same here in SE Washington. I would like to see some rain though. Current front seems to have passed us just to the east. I'm manually splitting wood and tossing the bark onto the PU. I'll have to haul it to my working site 17 miles to dump. Can't put any more on the burn pile here - it's getting too big.

For bugs? Not bad this year. Almost no flies up until 2 weeks ago and suddenly I'm swamped with them. Only had one go-around with wasps - a nest of them about 15' up a tree I was going to fall. Got stung 3 days in a row just clearing brush around it. Took 2 cans of that wasp spray you can stand 10' away to finally be able to work aorund there.
   / Sayonara summer........... #14  
Sunset on the south pier at St. Joseph, MI, on Thursday, September 20, 2018, by MossRoad.



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   / Sayonara summer........... #15  
Sunset on the south pier at St. Joseph, MI, on Thursday, September 20, 2018, by MossRoad.

Nicely composed photo, Moss! Fitting for the thread topic too. :thumbsup:
   / Sayonara summer........... #16  
I can do without two or three snow storms a week myself, I’ve moved enough snow to last me, doing it when it’s 0F isn’t all that much fun really. I haven’t found this summer bad at all, I have ac in the house and the car so if I’m working outside and need a break I go inside for few minutes.

I do certain things different times of the year, my circulation isn’t the best so staying outside in the cold for me means trouble, so I’m kinda house bound when it drops to 20f and below and that’s why I’m moving south. I have had frostbite more than once..
   / Sayonara summer........... #17  
Nicely composed photo, Moss! Fitting for the thread topic too. :thumbsup:

Thanks. Thursday night my wife asked if I wanted to work on the rotten brake lines on my 93 Suburban, or hit the beach for a walk on the last warm night of summer...... well, duh? :laughing:
   / Sayonara summer...........
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Now this is what I like, in the 40s this morning, I'ts almost cool enough to ware my wool shirt, the smell of hunting season is in the air yee hah..........In a few weeks I'll be bringing my chainsaw back from vacation station, only used it once all summer.

If I ever do another big project again in my garage in the summer, I'll put in a AC, I never sweated so much as I did the past 3 months, not fun flame cutting and welding in a T shirt, have to keep the door shut til theres just to much smoke, open the door then the heat just comes roaring right in, work 6 hours and I'm done, Saturday after Saturday, and since I turned into an afternoon worker on weekends it's that much worst, then I take a shower and I need a shovel to shovel the dirt out of the tub.
   / Sayonara summer...........
  • Thread Starter
Sunset on the south pier at St. Joseph, MI, on Thursday, September 20, 2018, by MossRoad.


Nice is that part of the Great Lakes?
   / Sayonara summer...........
  • Thread Starter
I think what they are saying is "tract, i.e., a tract of land. We do have it pretty good up here. Besides what you already mentioned, we don't have the hurricanes which the folks south of us are enduring right now. I personally like winter and snow, although last year we got more than our fair share of the white stuff. I even used to enjoy snowshoeing, as you can cover ground on top of the snow that you wouldn't want to walk in the summer. I've had to much of a "good thing" though, and my knees can't take the webs the way thay they used to.

Track vs Tract, another english word that sounds the same to me but has different meninges, one other thing about that Swamp Logger show, they like to get 20 loads/day I estimate 15 cord/load, that's a lot of wood in a years time, wonder if all that land is replanted............
The closest thing to a hurricane at my house was the rain/wind storm last October, think the wind gust were around 70 mi/hr, that was the worst I've seen and I been here log time. I cant imagine living through a real hurricane, cat 1 would blow my house off the map.