Rake grapple able to pull brush out of the ground?

   / Rake grapple able to pull brush out of the ground? #11  
Another Ratchet Rake recommendation.

   / Rake grapple able to pull brush out of the ground? #12  
The buck-thorn that we have is very tough and deep rooted.I had about ten acres cleared with a SS and FECON head(this after ten years numerous tractors and bush-hogs).That worked well,we now maintain with the tractors.
After clearing;we plowed up and put into food plots.
   / Rake grapple able to pull brush out of the ground? #13  
I don't know if anyone has mentioned already but, what about cutting the roots with a stump bucket? Most have a blade between the digging teeth. Once they are cut, the rake grapple should move them just fine.
   / Rake grapple able to pull brush out of the ground? #14  
Might be that a multi-tine ripper would pull the roots and vines. I have only Buck brush. 1/4" in diameter - two feet tall. Stands up straight as a telephone pole.

I use my root grapple on this stuff. Wide open grapple - grab as much as I can - pull straight up and rip out of the ground. Shake it to get rid of dirt - then onto the burn pile.