Pro Press Copper Crimping Cordless Tools

   / Pro Press Copper Crimping Cordless Tools #1  


Veteran Member
Jan 10, 2004
Has anyone used and name brand pro press copper pipe crimping tools for 1/2" and 3/4" copper pipe? Pros, cons of specific brands.
   / Pro Press Copper Crimping Cordless Tools #2  
Got a link, or a pic of the item or process?
   / Pro Press Copper Crimping Cordless Tools
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   / Pro Press Copper Crimping Cordless Tools
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   / Pro Press Copper Crimping Cordless Tools #5  
Yes, I have - I've used both Ridgid and Milwaukee brands and crimped from small to 2" copper lines.

Great for doing repairs. But, as with anything that is sealed via gasket - guys I know are weary of putting these behind walls. I have only used Viega fittings, I believe they have an assumed 50 year lifespan.

As far as between the brands - Milwaukee's will fit nearly anywhere - nice when working between stud bays. Ridgid seemed quicker, more power, but bulkier.
   / Pro Press Copper Crimping Cordless Tools #6  
It seems that most plumbers on "production" jobs have switched to this or other alternatives that don't require a mechanic, a term that's been slowly disappearing from all trades. My guess is that they simply can't find any young ones that can sweat a pipe.
There putting "joy sticks" on motor graders and big wheel loaders for these reasons.
   / Pro Press Copper Crimping Cordless Tools #7  
Agreed - it is the sad reality.
   / Pro Press Copper Crimping Cordless Tools #8  
It seems that most plumbers on "production" jobs have switched to this or other alternatives that don't require a mechanic, a term that's been slowly disappearing from all trades. My guess is that they simply can't find any young ones that can sweat a pipe.
There putting "joy sticks" on motor graders and big wheel loaders for these reasons.

Regulations have probably made more difference than skill. Pro press requires a lot less trouble getting hot work permits and fire watch. And there’s no reason not to use joysticks. All machines should and pretty much do have them. Why would you not want your job easier? You might as well get rid of the grader and use slaves with a mentality like that.
   / Pro Press Copper Crimping Cordless Tools #9  
I'm talking  in place of a steering wheel, not an excavator or SS-CTL. I'd probably adjust, it's just that "they're" accommodating the basement dwelling gamers who never left the house, stepped in a mud puddle or would rush to the emergency room for a splinter. 😆
I understand technical advancements but a lot of stuff in the trades look an awful lot like "dumbing down" or accommodations for a lack of skills.
You have "hot work & fire watch requirements in TN? 😆
That's a lack of attention and common sense, something else that's disappearing. I'm not saying that the machine joined fittings won't work but time will tell regardless of the "theory" proving out or not.
Besides, who's using (or can afford) copper anymore.
   / Pro Press Copper Crimping Cordless Tools
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Thank you Tugbarge, this is very good detailed informative information I needed. Where I work, this is all they are using now, I'm sure due to what 4570Man said. No need for a hot work permit.