Price Check Price Check Comparison CK2610HST vs L2501HST

   / Price Check Comparison CK2610HST vs L2501HST #41 CK3510 was about $500 less than an RK37 and $3500 less than a Kubota.

And the kioti included a lot of nice standard items that were options on the kubota - SSQA bucket ($500 kubota option), bucket level indicator ($75 kubota option), grab handles on both fenders ($75ish on a kubota for the second handle).

I also got: loaded rear tires (the kioti deal at the time, free), 2 rear remotes ($295. $900 at kubota), arm rest, rubber floor mat, horn, mirror (best thing ever), cruise and link pedal - $400 plus the rear remote.

yeah, dealer would make a big difference to me. I'm fortunate to have a couple of good dealers near me. Two New Hollands and a Kubota. The nearest Branson Kioti dealer is 3 hrs.

What was your price you paid for the CK3510 excluding options?