Old Victor Torch

   / Old Victor Torch #1  


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2013
Sacramento, California
Kubota B21
I've got my Dad's old Victor o/a torch and regulator setup (cutting and welding). It is on an oxygen and an acetylene bottle that are also very old but still have gas. I just dragged it out of a back room, it has not been used in decades. I want to see if it still works. I don't have a clue if it is safe though. Can it catch on fire if the seals are bad?
   / Old Victor Torch #2  
I have 30 or 40 year old Victor o/a torch setup. It has worked for many years. I have had the regulators rebuilt at my local LWS. They do it inhouse. When my regulators went bad they just started leaking all my gas out. Just don't use any oil or grease around the torch or regulators. I am no pro but I have used Victor for a long time.

The 3 or 4 times a regulator went out they always went out before I lit the torch. They seem to go out when I open the valve and you can hear the regulator leaking plus the gas gauge is going down.
   / Old Victor Torch #3  
Pat, when you open the valves, make sure both regulators are backed off (stem of the regulator loose) then crack the valve(s) SLOWLY, til you see the first pressure gauge show pressure (if it will) - if you hear any hissing at this point, you have problems. Close the tank valves and check things out further.

ABSOLUTELY DO NOT, WITH NEW OR OLD O/A GEAR, HAVE ANY BODY PARTS IN LINE WITH THE REGULATOR ADJUSTERS WHEN OPENING TANK VALVES - if the diaphragm in a regulator is stress cracked, the sudden surge of pressure can rupture and the regulators stem (tee handle or knob) can blow out of the case like a gun shot.

This is first-hand knowledge; my life so far has lasted 55 years LONGER than it would've if I'd been standing a couple inches to the right of where I was. Our resident "weldor" was shade tree trained, didn't know SQUAT about the dangers involved; new Oxy tank, he had NEVER backed off regulators - when he cracked open the tank valve, the regulator stem missed my head by 2-3 inches, went through 3 plywood walls and bounced off a parked car outside.

After I "cleaned out my shorts", I drove to the LWS and asked if they had any safety pamphlets on O/A - they did, gave me one, and after I read it I knew a LOT more about the subject than our resident moron. From that day on I left the shop when he walked toward the O/A tanks. (He had already poo-poohed my info, already "knew it all" )

If you have ANY doubts about this, read this
Fuel your safety knowledge

If you're STILL not sure, I would find someone who actually KNOWS about O/A - I would STILL read the above link FIRST; it may help you know if your "expert" actually IS one... Steve
   / Old Victor Torch #4  
You do need to be safe with a o/a setup. Don't be scared of using your o/a setup. In both of my welding classes we had to use o/a for cutting steel. The instructor does explain how to use o/a. If you are real worried sign up for a basic welding class. They will get you over the hump.

If your tanks are out of date they will need to be tested or exchanged. If you are real worried you can haul all of it to your local LWS and get them to test it. I had to do this with my first MIG I bought used. I could not get the wire to run right. My LWS checked it out told me someone had mixed parts on the MIG gun that was causing problems. They replaced some MIG parts and my MIG has been great for 10 years.
   / Old Victor Torch #5  
If you must ask (and you did) ,don't use the rig until someone teach's you the proper way. Providing one know's proper use of o/a torch,you are not at any more risk while lighting it after being out of use than subsequent light ups. As someone stated above,seals,hose,regulators and valves should be checked EVERYTIME rig is used.
   / Old Victor Torch
  • Thread Starter
Thanks for the advice. I used a torch for welding and flame cutting for several years in my Dad's shop before I went into the service. If this torch had been in continuous use I would have no problem, but setting for decades introduces some unknowns. Probably best to have the setup checked out by the LWS folks. Will call around tomorrow to see what the possibilities are.

I see that new setups are not really too costly, but I would prefer to use his old equipment if I can.
   / Old Victor Torch #7  
What brand is it? The American made torches are easy to find parts for. Do you have a picture?

My dad could weld pretty good with a torch. I can't run a puddle like he could. I mainly cut and braze with it.
   / Old Victor Torch #8  
From the post I'm guessing Victor ....
   / Old Victor Torch #9  
Isn't some of the newer Victor being made outside the US?
   / Old Victor Torch #10  
What isn't they are just like every other company some stuff made here some over there...