New Holland Workmaster Rear Window Latch

   / New Holland Workmaster Rear Window Latch #1  
Jun 30, 2023
A plain New Holland Workmaster 120
On my new Workmaster, noticed the rear window does not latch closed. Is there a known issue?

It'll latch to the cracked open position, but not closed. The tooth on the latch isn't long enough to properly seat in the latch mechanism below the window. Wondering if a space wasn't installed, etc...
   / New Holland Workmaster Rear Window Latch #2  
On my new Workmaster, noticed the rear window does not latch closed. Is there a known issue?

It'll latch to the cracked open position, but not closed. The tooth on the latch isn't long enough to properly seat in the latch mechanism below the window. Wondering if a space wasn't installed, etc...
Did you ever get this resolved what was the problem I have a new workmaster 75 with the same problem
   / New Holland Workmaster Rear Window Latch #3  
Yes this is a know issue. Easiest fix is to shim the catch bracket up with a couple of washers

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