Just arrived and hour meter is broken

   / Just arrived and hour meter is broken #252  
I'd imagine they would want to get the tractor back, but that'd not be very wise on my part. They have the money and the tractor, and I'm out both.

I'll see how they do it, but it's parked and ready to go.
I think I would at least have a paper for them to sign when they pick it up. I'm not an attorney but just simple: date, model & serial number, $ amount you paid, then something like: ______date, Kubota m#______, s#_______
returned to _______dealer from ________your name, address in same condition as I received ________date.
Signed _______driver.
$________amount is to be paid in full by _______date (a week).

I'd take pictures, maybe short video you starting & driving it a little. I'd want whoever picks it up to operate it also. I understand the dealer wants it back checking it over to be sure all is well. Maybe they could pay something when getting it, then balance in a few days. I'd call your loan company first thing and see what they say.
   / Just arrived and hour meter is broken
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Without disclosing you location, roughly how far are you from the dealer?
I'm about 8 hours drive with a trailer.
   / Just arrived and hour meter is broken #254  
I'll sell you either of my Kubota M9's Pre T4, no emissions, accurate hours and well maintained. Both dyno in the mid 90's pto. Both are completely optioned out and the cab unit is 540-1000 pto and of course FWA.

Cab tractor = 54 grand
Open Station = 35 grand

Implements don't go with them and I have the shop manuals as well. Both have front end loaders and buckets and the cab tractor has front mount remotes and of course both are SSQA.

Cash of course, I don't take checks.

50% deposit up front and you pay the transportation.
You are the limit.

Comedy gold, right there.

I doubt the OP would buy a glass of ice water from you in wintertime if it came with free shipping.

When was the last time you were tested for dementia?
   / Just arrived and hour meter is broken #255  
This could have ended much worse and it's not over till it's over. The OP isn't likely to drive 8 hours but I have to say I would consider it and probably go. Maybe send someone in my place, maybe grab a friend or two and call it a road trip. Then I could pick up the check in person and seal the deal. I would even ask an attorney for their opinion.

Just my two cents.
   / Just arrived and hour meter is broken
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This could have ended much worse and it's not over till it's over. The OP isn't likely to drive 8 hours but I have to say I would consider it and probably go. Maybe send someone in my place, maybe grab a friend or two and call it a road trip. Then I could pick up the check in person and seal the deal. I would even ask an attorney for their opinion.

Just my two cents.
I have no friends :0

But I also don't have that many hours to spare on a road trip. They're going to wire the cash back to my account.
   / Just arrived and hour meter is broken
  • Thread Starter
I'll sell you either of my Kubota M9's Pre T4, no emissions, accurate hours and well maintained. Both dyno in the mid 90's pto. Both are completely optioned out and the cab unit is 540-1000 pto and of course FWA.

Cab tractor = 54 grand
Open Station = 35 grand

Implements don't go with them and I have the shop manuals as well. Both have front end loaders and buckets and the cab tractor has front mount remotes and of course both are SSQA.

Cash of course, I don't take checks.

50% deposit up front and you pay the transportation.

Hard pass.

01001100 01001101 01000110 01000001 01001111
   / Just arrived and hour meter is broken #259  
I would have liked to have seen a picture of the tractor, as it must have looked really good in pictures for the OP to have purchased it over the internet, if the dealer does what he says he is going to do ( and I have no reason to doubt him) he is one in a thousand and would be a dealer worth doing business with.
   / Just arrived and hour meter is broken #260  
While I agree it's great to have a happy outcome.....and that this dealer seems like they are re going above and beyond.....

I honestly think this is only because it was their employee(mechanic) that screwed the pooch here.

Had this been any other machine on trade, on an as is basis.....I don't see the dealer doing this.

Just like trading a car into a used dealer. "I" am not a mechanic. It's up to the dealer to check my trade in and make a fair offer right?

Problem here is.....it was the mechanics personal tractor, and admitted he knew it had this issue. Makes them look bad and opens them up to liability. I think that is the only reason for this outcome.

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